[[{“value”:”Beef is poised to be incredibly beneficial in the years and even months to come in the form of rising food prices, draught-driven shortages, rising demand, and an intense effort by governments and globalist organizations to eliminate real meat from our diets.
Shelf-stable beef will be of special value. Whether it’s canned, dehydrated, or freeze- dried, having beef that is also safe and healthy for years is piquing the interests of people across the country. It is n’t just the “doomsday preppers” who are concerned. Americans have been extremely anxious for the past three years for really natural reasons.
When Prepper All Naturals launched, their primary focus was on chicken. They were aware that beef would be a part of their future, but chicken was immediately in question at the time. That changed very rapidly in the first year of 2023 when” philosophical” discussions of replacing beef with lab-grown “meat” or bugs started to appear in the actual world.
The powers- that- be stopped talking about lab- grown “meat” as” the coming” and started referring to it as a” present initiative”.
However, this is not something that we can readily prevent. Politicians like Mayor of New York City Eric Adams are now threatening to impose restrictions or even full bans on beef. The governments of the states, the regional governments, and the foreign governments are enforcing stringent laws that apply to both beef producers and the processing plants that serve them. The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association’s insider informed us discreetly that costs will start rising across the board.
Yet if most Americans have no idea, the meat war is still occurring. Of course, corporate media wo n’t be allowed to report on it until it’s too late.
The” Whole Cows” product line for Prepper All Naturals is the only freeze- dried beef product in America that does n’t try to push “beef crumbles” or low- quality “beef chunks” onto consumers. They offer est vide, freeze- dried Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, and their” Classic Steak” product that is made up of Sirloin, Chuck, and other semi- premium cuts. Yet their item with the lowest price is significantly superior to everything else on the market.
Click here to view everything that Prepper All Naturals has to offer.
” Anyone who’s always tried to eat freeze- cleaned’ beef crumbles ‘ will not buy a bag of it again”, said Jason Nelson, co- founder of Prepper All Naturals. After slaughter, the lower-quality parts of our cattle are sold to wholesalers. We simply offer the great stuff to our customers”.
Since beef is the single ingredient in a bag of Est Vide Beef Cubes, they are shelf-stable for at least ten years of storage. According to the USDA, prepared beef can be stored in fiberglass bags filled with oxygen for up to 25 years. One of the reasons freeze-dried beef is so much more important than canned or exhausted beef that lasts one to three years is because of this.
Another reason is the nutrient retention. Each bag has 12 adult- sized servings with over 20 grams of protein. The sole food longevity method for beef that allows it to retain its entire nutritional values for more than a decade is freeze-drying.
Last but not least, the push to inject cattle with mRNA vaccines is continued. It seems obvious that beef will be contaminated by near-future mandates, only as they did with pork. Nelson has pledged to not sell beef that has mRNA vaccines after they start being distributed.
According to Nelson,” we had a customer next month who purchased hundreds of bags in a single week.” We spoke with him and learned that he planned to feed his family, but that he even believed that if there were significant social changes, these bags would be a great bartering tool.
If there is such a societal collapse, lengthy- term storage beef will be really useful. However, having high-quality beef on hand right away after the apocalypse is never necessary. Even if things get gradually better, beef is still going to be targeted.
Stock up now at Prepper All Naturals. Use promo code “veterans25” for 25 % off at checkout.
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Due to rising food prices, shortages caused by draughts, increased demand, and a relentless effort from governments and globalists to eliminate meat from our diets in the coming years, beef will be highly valuable.
Shelf-stable beef will be of particular value. People across the country are interested in beef that can be stored safely and nutritionally for many years, whether it is dehydrated or freeze-dried. Not only “doomsday prepper” are concerned. Americans have been feeling a lot of anxiety over the last three years, and with good reason.
Prepper All Naturals’ initial focus was chicken. They knew that beef would be a part of their future, but at the time, it was chicken which was under attack. This changed quickly at the beginning of 2023, when “theoretical discussions” of replacing beef with lab grown “meat” and bugs became a reality.
The powers that be stopped referring to lab-grown meat as “the future” in favor of a “current project.”
Unfortunately, we cannot easily prevent this. Politicians such as NYC Mayor Eric Adams have already threatened to limit or ban beef. State, local and foreign governments impose draconian regulation on beef suppliers as well as processing plants that serve them. An insider from the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association told us in private that costs will start to rise across the board.
Even if the majority of Americans are unaware, the war on meat is underway. Corporate media won’t report on this until it’s already too late.
Prepper All Naturals’ “Whole Cows”, a line of freeze-dried beef products, is the only product in America to not try to sell “beef pieces” or “beef crumbles”, which are low-quality. They offer sous-vide, freeze-dried Ribeyes, NY Strips, Tenderloins, and their “Original Steak”, which is made of Sirloins, Chucks, and other semipremium cuts. Even their lowest-priced item is superior to anything else on the market.
Click here to learn more about Prepper All Naturals.
Jason Nelson, cofounder of Prepper All Naturals, said: “Anyone who has tried to eat freeze dried ‘beef crumbs’ will never purchase a bag again.” After slaughter, the low-quality parts are sold to wholesalers. We only sell the best to our customers.
As beef is the sole ingredient in a bag containing Sous Vide Beef Cubes they are shelf stable for long-term storage. USDA states that cooked beef in mylar with oxygen absorbers will last for 25 years or more. This is why freeze-dried meat is more valuable than dehydrated or canned beef, which only lasts 1-3 years.
The nutritional retention is another reason. Each bag contains 12 servings of adult-sized food with more than 20 grams protein. Freeze-drying beef is the only process that can preserve its nutritional value for more than a decade.
The push to inject cattle mRNA vaccines continues. It seems inevitable that, just as with pork, beef will be tainted in the near future by mandates. Nelson has pledged to never sell beef that’s been injected with mRNA vaccines when they start rolling out.
Nelson said that a customer bought hundreds of bags within a week last month. “We contacted him and learned that his plan was to feed his family, but he also believed these bags would be great for bartering should there be a significant change in society.”
If there is a collapse of society, beef stored for long periods will be very valuable. It is not necessary to wait until the end of time to have high-quality beef in stock if prices begin to skyrocket this year or next. Even if the economy improves slightly, beef will still be targeted.
Prepper All Naturals is now offering 25% off. Use the promo code “veterans25”, for 25% off.
(Note: WLTReport receives a portion of any purchases made through the provided links. Thank you for your support!) Thank you for your continued support!