Willing to have a bunch of Gaza” Refugees” moving into your neighborhood? You better be — because that’s what the Biden Regime is now planning. The Biden administration not only facilitates quick access to our southern border, but they also have plans to entice Gazan refugees to bring their weapons into the country. As if our borders were n’t wide enough, do we now have plans to expand them in the future? According to domestic national documents obtained by CBS News, senior officials from a number of national U.S. agencies have discussed in recent weeks the details of possible options for accepting Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or continuous U.S. residents. One idea involves using the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program to recruit Palestinians with U.S. connections who have fled Gaza and entered adjacent Egypt. White House press secretary Karine Jean- Pierre stated during Wednesday afternoon’s briefing that” we are continually evaluating policy proposals in terms of the refugee admissions program” in order to further support Palestinians who are family members of British citizens and may want to immigrate to the United States. Many political activists have expressed their concerns through the phrase” X: The open border is n’t enough.” Then, Biden wants to import those who backed Israeli rape and murder. https ://t.co/sVk3OSsCgL pic. twitter.com/NLdTwj94Nx— Senate Republicans ( @NRSC ) April 30, 2024Other countries are learning from our mistakes, from British Conservative leader Nigel Farage: The UK must not follow Biden’s lead. https ://t.co/QqukBJhFbT— Nigel Farage ( @Nigel_Farage ) April 30, 2024Senator Josh Hawley, R- Mo., was short and sweet: No. Watch as President Trump weighed in on the Biden administration’s potential plans: Trump slams the Biden administration for wanting to incite Palestinian refugees from Gaza; however, they know we Americans are armed people. twitter.com/UHKXUxrNkP— David Tapley ( @David Taple90421 ) May 1, 2024Countless of people have taken to X to voice their complaints of Biden’s plans for the Palestinian refugees: Biden just gave the order to ship in 250, 000 refugees from Palestine to the US. That’s yet another block of welfare ( Democrat ) voters, ignoring the crime and disease it will bring, guaranteeing election victories for decades to come. pic. twitter.com/ZbN49j9q8j— Dane ( @UltraDane ) October 14, 2023# DementiaJoe wants to bring# Palestine refugees, aka,# Hamas spprtrs into# US! We now have thsnds of tiny# Hamas terrorists running around campuses, spreading hate, massacre &, we’re paying for their tuition. We do n’t need anymore! # Trump2024 https ://t.co/KAZ9MZeTak— MsBetty- Boop ( @Ms_Betty_Bop ) May 1, 2024So, Biden has made his intention clear. He wants to relocate ALL refugees from Palestine to America at taxpayer’s expense ( according to CBS News )! We are to provide Housing, Food, Medical, Phone, Regular cash and fucking Citizenship! Have you yet to experience it? pic. twitter.com/PpVh9Pddzf— Wargasm U. S. M. C. ( @Ogre45450055 ) May 1, 2024So what does this mean? WWlll?
Biden’s bringing Palestine refugees over these. Democrats are directly destroying this nation. https ://t.co/uwyxPEfXrr— mandala ( @mandala_mandy ) April 30, 202421 Arab countries say they support Palestine yet NONE of them are taking in Palestinian refugees. Joe Biden imports everyone, including terrorists, into the US.
Obama and Joe Biden have a hate image. twitter.com/FCysGHqzLl— Osaka James ( @osakajayms ) October 21, 2023Something needs to change immediately, or citizens of America will suffer more than they already are. [[{“value”:”
Are you ready to have a bunch Gaza “Refugees”, move into your neighborhood? You better be ready, because that is what the Biden Regime plans to do. The Biden administration is not only allowing easy access to our Southern Border, but they are also planning to open up their arms to Palestinian Refugees from Gaza. We already have plans to open our borders, but now we want to expand them even further? Fox News has more information on the Biden administration’s Palestinian refugee plan: According to CBS News, senior officials from several federal U.S. government agencies have been discussing in recent weeks details of possible options to accept Palestinians who are refugees from Gaza and have immediate family members that are American citizens or permanent U.S. Residents. One proposal involves the use of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program is a program that allows Palestinians who have U.S. connections to enter Egypt after fleeing Gaza. Karine Jean Pierre, White House Press Secretary, said that the program for refugee admissions is constantly evaluated to support Palestinians who may be family members of American citizens. Many people in politics have expressed their concerns via X: the open border isn’t sufficient. Biden wants to import people that supported the murder and rape Israelis. https://t.co/sVk3OSsCgL pic.twitter.com/NLdTwj94Nx — Senate Republicans (@NRSC) April 30, 2024 Other countries are learning from our mistakes, from British Conservative leader Nigel Farage: The UK must not follow Biden’s lead. https://t.co/QqukBJhFbT — Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) April 30, 2024 Senator Josh Hawley, R-Mo., was short and sweet: No. https://t.co/WOQb64JRkc — Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) April 30, 2024 Watch here as President Trump weighed in on the Biden administration’s future plans: Trump slams the Biden administration for wanting to bring in Palestine refugees from Gaza if this happens the United States of America will be attacked just like Israel but they know we American citizens are armed pic.twitter.com/UHKXUxrNkP — David Tapley (@DavidTaple90421) May 1, 2024 Countless of people have taken to X to voice their complaints of Biden’s plans for the Palestinian refugees: Biden just gave the order to ship in 250,000 refugees from Palestine to the US. Ignoring the crime, disease and other problems this will bring, it’s a new block of welfare (Democratic) voters that will ensure election wins for decades. pic.twitter.com/ZbN49j9q8j — Dane (@UltraDane) October 14, 2023 #DementiaJoe wants to bring #Palestine refugees, aka, #Hamas spprtrs into #US! We already have thousands of #Hamas terrorists on campuses spreading hate and genocide, & we pay for their tuition. We don’t need anymore!#Trump2024 https://t.co/KAZ9MZeTak — MsBetty-Boop (@Ms_Betty_Bop) May 1, 2024 So, Biden has made his intention clear. He wants to relocate ALL Palestinian refugees (per CBS News) in America at taxpayer expense. We will provide Housing, Food Medical, Phone, Monthly Cash, and Fucking Citizenship. Have you had enough yet? pic.twitter.com/PpVh9Pddzf — Wargasm U.S.M.C. What does this mean (@Ogre45450055)? What is the word? Biden is bringing Palestine refugees here. Democrates are on a straight path to destruction of this nation. https://t.co/uwyxPEfXrr — mandala (@mandala_mandy) April 30, 2024 21 Arab countries say they support Palestine yet NONE of them are taking in Palestinian refugees. In US Joe Biden is importing everyone include terrorists.
Joe Biden and Obama hate America pic.twitter.com/FCysGHqzLl — Osaka James (@osakajayms) October 21, 2023 Something needs to change immediately, or citizens of America will suffer more than they already are.