[[{“value”:”This is a true gem!
Our President Trump is not just a hard fighter, a beautiful businessman, a man with a great sense of humor, but he’s also sport and has historically been strong in many sports.
Yes, truly!
No, I’m not saying that he’ll join the NBA or play quarterback for the Patriots, but the man does have some actual athletic prowess and can surely stand out on the court, whether that’s on the tennis court, basketball court, football field, or some other places!
I’ve already shown you some of this video before, but I do n’t believe I’ve ever seen it all pieced together, and for good reason it’s currently going viral online.
But check this out:
Donald Trump is the current leader in America! pic. twitter.com/amTsRSwzSx
— Freedom ( @PU28453638 ) May 19, 2024
Backup video these:
Donald Trump’s iconic video, which dominates various sports, is becoming popular online. pic. twitter.com/g8pth3KImN
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) May 20, 2024
But let this sink in a bit….
No, he’s not going to really defeat Serena Williams in tennis, and yes, I know this is really a fun little video they put together, but the man is out there in total suit and he’s zinging them over the net to Serena!
I’m trying to make any of you do it, but I do n’t think many of you could ( no offense )!
Serena Williams and Donald Trump Play Tennis Together, Barefoot, and in a Suit.
Serena Williams and Donald Trump Play Tennis Together, Barefoot, and in a Suit.
I’m sharing with you this flashback to 2015 because it was something I had n’t seen before.
I guess many of you are familiar with this topic as well.
Sure, this does appear to be true video, not a Heavy Fake or Iot creation.
So all of this got started when Trump posted a picture of himself playing tennis earlier today on TruthSocial.
See it these:
Full pic:
Before Trump announced he was running for president, that led us down the tennis-related rabbit hole that led to the election.
He was preparing to construct a brand-new tennis facility at Sterling’s Trump National Golf Course.
And Serena Williams was present for the opening.
Trump slips out of his dress shoes, keeps his suit and also jacket on, and swings a great return to Serena’s serve!
Yet the haters have to admit Trump’s got game!
Watch around:
FLASHBACK: Donald Trump volleys with Serena Williams, shows he’s got game! # Trump# Tennis pic. twitter.com/drkymuoKls
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) October 8, 2023
Backup around:
Donald Trump 6’3″ 215lbs of maximum performance. Gently dressed and without shoes as Serena Williams. pic. twitter.com/yUXdTfxGLD
— MAGS (@TAftermath2020 ) October 8, 2023
Longer YouTube video these:
Trump is a boss, often has been!”}]] [[{“value”:”
This is a true gem!
Our President Trump has a history of dominance in many sports. He is not only a fighter, a businessman with a great wit, but also an athlete.
Yes, really!
I don’t think he will play in the NBA, or for the Patriots. But he has a lot of athletic ability, and can hold his own on the tennis court or basketball court or football field, or anywhere else!
I’ve shown parts of this video to you before, but I’ve never seen it all stitched together. It’s now going viral on the internet for good reason.
Check out this:
Donald Trump is America’s Champion! pic.twitter.com/amTsRSwzSx
Freedom (@PU28453638), May 19, 2024
Video here:
…. pic.twitter.com/g8pth3KImN
DailyNoah.com @DailyNoahNews May 20, 2024
Let this sink in for a little bit ….
He’s not going to beat Serena Williams at Tennis. I know it’s just a little video, but he is in a suit and he is zinging the balls over the net towards Serena.
I dare you to try it, and I doubt many of you could do it.
Donald Trump Plays Tennis with Serena Williams Barefoot and in a Suit
Donald Trump Plays Tennis with Serena Williams Barefooted and in a Suit
This is a video from 2015 that I hadn’t seen before, so I thought I would share it with you.
This is a new concept to many of you.
This video appears to be a genuine video, not a Deep Fake creation or AI.
This all started when Trump posted an image of himself playing tennis on TruthSocial earlier today.
See it here
Full picture:
This led us to the rabbit hole that Trump was playing tennis, and this took us back to 2015 before Trump announced his presidential run.
He was opening the brand new Tennis Facility in the Tennis Performance Center of Trump National Golf Course, Sterling.
Serena Williams attended the opening.
Trump takes off his dress shoes and keeps his jacket and suit on. He then swings a perfect serve back to Serena!
Even Trump’s haters must admit that Trump has a game!
Watch Here:
FLASHBACK: Donald Trump volleys with Serena Williams, shows he’s got game!#Trump #Tennis pic.twitter.com/drkymuoKls
DailyNoah.com @DailyNoahNews, October 8, 2023
Back here:
Donald Trump is a 6’3″ 215lbs peak performer. Serena Williams was played with a suit, but no shoes. pic.twitter.com/yUXdTfxGLD
— MAGS @TAftermath2020 October 8, 2023
Here is a longer YouTube video:
Trump has always been a boss!