Michael Cohen celebrated the guilty verdict on Thursday in the former President Trump’s trial over hush funds. “Thirty four counts, one after another, one after another of guilty,” he said. Accountability is exactly what America needs now. We need accountability from all…
Michael Cohen celebrated the guilty verdict in the hush money trial of former president Trump on Thursday, claiming that accountability is “exactly what America needs straight now.” ” Thirty- four counts one after the other, one after the other of criminal. It’s accountability, it’s precisely what America needs right then. We need everyone to have accountability. Michael Cohen celebrated the guilty verdict in the hush money trial of former president Trump on Thursday, claiming that accountability is “exactly what America needs straight today.” ” Thirty- four counts one after the other, one after the other of criminal. It’s accountability, it’s precisely what America needs right now. We require everyone to have accountability.
Michael Cohen celebrated the guilty verdict on Thursday in the former President Trump’s trial over hush funds. “Thirty four counts, one after another, one after another of guilty,” he said. Accountability is exactly what America needs now. We need accountability from all…