Adam Smith, ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee (D-Washington), said that President Biden and his Administration have not been clear about their policy regarding sending weapons to Israel as a result of an invasion of Rafah. “My main criticism is that the administration… president has not been clear about what their…
Adam Smith, a ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, claimed that President Biden and his administration have n’t stated their intention to send weapons to Israel in response to the city’s invasion of Rafah. ” My main criticism of the administration … president right now is they just have n’t been clear on what their… Adam Smith, a ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, claimed that President Biden and his administration have n’t stated their intention to send weapons to Israel in response to the city’s invasion of Rafah. ” My main criticism of the administration … president right now is they just have n’t been clear on what their…
Adam Smith, ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee (D-Washington), said that President Biden and his Administration have not been clear about their policy regarding sending weapons to Israel as a result of an invasion of Rafah. “My main criticism is that the administration… president has not been clear about what their…