[[{“value”:”Great, folks, how’s the latest from the media trenches.
Anderson Cooper, a CNN anchor, admitted on Thursday that he would “absolutely” have doubts about Michael Cohen’s testimony if he were to be on the jury.
He acknowledges that it seems as though Cohen is making it up as he goes on.
Then what will the normies think?
Their very personal CNN is making an obvious point.
Will they discover a way to impose this on Trump?
Whatever they think, Cooper did a fantastic job of bringing this major incident in the trial, when Cohen was being lied to by Trump’s attorney.
Weekend forecast: liberals trying to cope with this.
Anderson Cooper Stunned by Michael Cohen’s Implosion Under Cross Examination https ://t.co/b20KKzzs9e
— James Bigelow ( @JamesBi08016114 ) May 17, 2024
Fox News reports:
Anderson Cooper, a CNN anchor, acknowledged on Thursday that if he were a jury member, he would “absolutely” have doubts about Michael Cohen’s testimony.
Cooper made the remarks while speaking with CNN legal analyst Elie Honig about a significant incident in Cohen’s cross-examination that the anchor claimed was Trump’s lawyer catching Cohen lying.
” Absolutely. When asked if he thought Cohen’s testimony about his intended phone call to Trump was not trusted, Cooper responded,” I think it’s devastating for Michael Cohen’s credibility on this one specific topic.
Cooper’s admission came when Todd Blanche, a Trump attorney, and Todd Blanche were talking about Cohen’s questioning of Cohen, who claimed he paid adult film star Stormy Daniels to cover up an affair Trump and Daniels had with him.
Cohen claimed in his Tuesday testimony that he had called Keith Schiller, Trump’s ex-girlfriend, on October 24, 2016 to get in touch with him about the Daniels payment.
But, Blanche pulled out records of text messages Cohen sent to Schiller shortly before the phone call as Trump’s legal team questioned Cohen on Thursday. The texts revealed Cohen had requested to speak with Schiller about a 14-year-old prankster who was harassing him.
” Part of it was the 14- year- ancient … but I know Keith was with Mr. Trump”, Cohen testified.
” If I was a juror in this case watching that I would think, this guy’s making this up as he’s going down, or he’s making this particular story up”, the CNN host added.
As Noah stated, it’s remarkable to see Anderson Cooper explaining that Bragg’s ‘ Star Witness ‘ who was going to “get Trump” LIED:
Anderson Cooper must explain to a frightened and utterly negligible normie leftist audience at 3:28 that the” Star Witness” who was supposed to bring the Orange Man down once and for all, LIED.
That’s the little version.
The slightly longer and more entertaining version occurs … pic. twitter.com/WzNCRfvmJZ
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) May 17, 2024″}]] [[{“value”:”
Here’s the latest news from the media trenches.
Anderson Cooper, CNN anchor, confessed to having doubts about Michael Cohen’s testimony if Cooper were a jury member.
He admits that it sounds as though Cohen is making up the story as he goes along.
What will the normals think?
CNN, their very own network, is pointing this out to them.
Will they find a reason to blame Trump for this?
Cooper did an excellent job of highlighting the moment in the trial when Trump’s attorney caught Cohen lying.
Weekend forecast: Liberals struggling to cope with it
Anderson Cooper Stunned by Michael Cohen’s Implosion Under Cross Examination https://t.co/b20KKzzs9e
James Bigelow, May 17, 2024 (@JamesBi08016114).
Fox News:
Anderson Cooper, CNN anchor, admitted on Thursday he would have “absolutely doubts” about the testimony of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen if he was a jury member.
Cooper made these comments when he spoke to CNN legal analyst Elie Hohn about a moment that stood out during Cohen’s interrogation, which the anchor described as Trump’s lawyer catching Cohen lying.
“Absolutely. “I think it’s devastating to Michael Cohen’s reputation on this particular topic,” Cooper said when Honig asked him if Cohen’s testimony regarding his attempt to call Trump was unreliable.
Cooper’s admission happened as both pundits discussed Todd Blanche’s questions of Cohen. Cohen claims that he paid adult movie star Stormy Daniels under direct orders from the then-2016 presidential nominee to conceal an affair Trump had with Daniels.
Cohen testified to prosecutors on Tuesday that he called Trump’s ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller in October 2016 to contact Trump about the payment made to Daniels.
Blanche, a member of Trump’s legal team, questioned Cohen about Schiller on Thursday. She pulled out the text messages Cohen sent Schiller just before the phone call. The text messages revealed that Cohen wanted to speak to Schiller about an 14-year old prankster who was harassing him.
Cohen testified that “part of it was the 14 year old… but I knew Keith was with Mr. Trump.”
CNN host: “If I were a jury in this case, I would think that this guy is making up this story as he goes along, or he is making up this particular story.”
As Noah said, it is incredible to see Anderson Cooper explain that Bragg’s “Star Witness” who was going to “get Trump”, lied:
Anderson Cooper explains to a shocked, almost non-existent leftist normie audience at 3:28 that the “Star Witness”, who was supposed bring down the Orange Man once and for all… LIE.
This is the short version.
The slightly longer and more entertaining version occurs… pic.twitter.com/WzNCRfvmJZ
DailyNoah.com May 17, 2024