[[{“value”:”Joe Biden has been avoiding a debate with Donald Trump for a while.
Really, I need to change the fact that the people BEHIND Joe Biden have long avoided a debate with Trump.
Joe is shot, Joe does n’t know where he is at the moment.
But so far, his entourage has been doing everything to keep from provoking a debate with Trump.
Now that everything has suddenly changed, they presently want TWO debates, and the first one should be earlier than any other National Debate in new memory. Not just that, they want a debate.
According to Vivek, they generally want to throw him under the bus, but they also want to do it soon enough to swamp someone elsewhere before the DNC National Convention.
I’ve been revealing to you that this was the original plan.
Vivek has merely confirmed it.
Watch these:
How’s why the Democrats suddenly let Biden debate Trump: it’s a set- up. It’s their ultimate Hail Mary for Biden. If that is unsuccessful, they also have time to nominate someone else for Biden. That’s why it’s in June, the *earliest- ever* political TV debate in history. It’s … pic. twitter.com/zCsyXkags9
— Vivek Ramaswamy ( @VivekGRamaswamy ) May 17, 2024
In this video, my friend State of Daniel further explained the plan:
We’ve written about it earlier.
Remember this?
Michelle Obama wants to take Biden’s place in 2024, but is she interested?
And this?
RUMORS: Biden To Withdraw, Nominate Michelle Obama — How’s When
As always, we tell you in advance around at WLT Report!
Michelle Obama’s” Office” Suddenly Addresses Her Run In 2024
Will she?
Won’t she?
Run for office, that is.
As Joe Biden’s mental capacity has declined rapidly over the past year ( and let’s face it, it did n’t start out that high ), there is a lot of rumors about whether the DNC will look to replace him before the 2024 General Election.
Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom are the best two contenders that everyone expects.
Personally, I have often felt like we would get Barack Obama’s 4th Term with a Michelle run. And I also do, even in light of today’s news which we’re getting to.
So far, nothing has happened, but it is n’t stopping the speculation.
But now Michelle Obama’s Office responded to the rumors.
Ok, first of all I have to ask: what in the world is” Michelle Obama’s Office”?
The fact that she has an” Office” ( which, I assume, means a sizable team of people running things for her ) makes me think she is still a strong contender.
But her” Office” has responded and claims she will not be running:
Michelle Obama formally announces that she will not be running for president, other words she will definitely be the 2024 Democrat candidate https ://t.co/V6J4fJWBNS
— Roger Stone ( @RogerJStoneJr ) March 5, 2024
NBC News had more details:
Former President Barack Obama has said he’s” all in” for President Joe Biden’s re- election effort. However, some Democrats keep asking what role his well-liked spouse might play.
Democrats are anxiously awaiting November, and they want Michelle Obama to play a bigger part in the campaign. Some also sneer about the possibility that she might run for president of the 2024 ticket this summer, making her a fav choice for both parties, albeit for various reasons.
Supporters of Republican nominee Donald Trump have a vehement objection to Obama’s potential replacement for Biden in an effort to weaken and bolster the GOP base.
The former first lady’s office made it clear that her 2024 plans do n’t include running for office in a statement to NBC News that included reining in imaginations on the right and left.
” She will never be running for president as former First Lady Michelle Obama has stated numerous times over the years,” said Crystal Carson, director of communications for her office. ” Mrs. Obama supports the re-election campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden,” the statement read.
She will support the Biden campaign this fall, as she did four years back, according to sources with knowledge of the discussions. However, according to the sources, her engagement is likely to be somewhat constrained compared to that of her husband, reflecting both her other commitments and her long-standing reluctance to re-enter the political fray full time.
Given the former first lady’s star power, several close friends anticipate that the Biden campaign will try to maximize her minimal role as a result of the election’s increased swing voter interest. A senior Biden adviser noted that an early conversation with Obama’s team regarding campaign engagements and that her democratic voter registration group, When We All Vote, is an obvious candidate for “alignment” with her. It aims to increase voter turnout and close the registration gap between young voters and people of color.
We are glad to have their voice and their support in the fight for the fate of our democracy in November, according to Biden campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz in a statement.” President and Michelle Obama were incredibly valuable in the fight to defeat Donald Trump and elect President Biden and Vice President Harris the first time.”
An Obama aide pointed to her discussion with Oprah Winfrey last year, which also resonates with her thinking today and why she is most likely never to appear on a ballot herself.
” Politics is hard”, she said in the Netflix special. You’ve got to want it, and the people who get into it, too. It’s got to be in your soul, because it is so critical. It is not in my soul”.
In a 2022 BBC interview, she even said she “detests” questions about running for president.
However, in at least one instance, the former second lady appeared to be completely opposed to holding public office.
In an interview with Jill Biden, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota made the suggestion that” Maybe former first lady Michelle Obama” in the midst of rumors about Biden’s potential running mate in the summer of 2020.
Emily Biden laughed. ” You know, I’d love it if Michelle would agree to it. But I — you know, I think she’s had it with politics. I do n’t know. She’s so great at everything she does. That would — that would be wonderful”, she said.
According to two people with knowledge of the situation, people near to Obama were unhappy that Jill Biden foreclosed the option and wanted her to provide a unique response if she is asked a similar question in the future. Anita Dunn, a senior Biden campaign adviser, was contacted by a former first lady ally and the former first lady, who said it was n’t the best course of action.
According to those with knowledge of the matter, the fresh talking points Obama’s office suggested would make it clear that she would be great at whatever she chose to do, that she was a fantastic first lady, and that the Biden team is appreciative of the work she is doing at When We All Vote. According to them, the response was designed to avoid making it seem as though Obama would not hold public office, as the former first lady’s supporters believed Jill Biden did in her CNN interview.
” It does n’t close the door”, a person familiar with the drafting of the new statement said,” and that’s what prompted Michelle’s office to call”.
Many people have pointed out that the statement relies on properly edited words.
I certainly agree that SHE does n’t intend to run!
” Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s office shut down reports on Tuesday morning that she intends to run for president” .https: //t. co/TP5mJyn1pX
— Lenny Dykstra ( @LennyDykstra ) March 5, 2024
In other words, she “does n’t intend to run” now but that could certainly change.
Will it change?
Despite various rumors, Michelle Obama has not stated her intention to run for president of the United States in 2024.
NBC reports that the ex- president’s wife intends to help Biden’s political campaign this fall, as she did four years earlier. pic. twitter.com/dmYx0UtP7u
— S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y ( @Sprinterfactory ) March 5, 2024
My take?
I’m also not ruling it out.
The Obamas are far too powerful, and I do n’t see them giving in to the Newsom family.
Decisions like this need to be taken seriously, and many things can change. It is just way too quick in the year.
I still put the odds at 50/50…. 50 % Michelle, 50 % Newsom.
But let me hear from you….
Would You Vote For Michelle Obama to Be President in 2024?”}]] [[{“value”:”
Joe Biden has avoided a debate with Trump since a long time…
As always, I have to rephrase this: the people BESIDE Joe Biden have avoided a debate with Trump since a long time.
Joe is wounded, but he doesn’t know exactly where he is.
His handlers did everything they could to avoid a Trump debate — until now.
Now, suddenly, the situation has flipped. They want not just a debate but TWO, and they want the first debate to be earlier than the other presidential debates in recent history.
Vivek explains it below, but I’ll paraphrase: they want to throw him in the dirt, but do it soon enough so that they can replace him and bring someone else into the DNC National Convention.
I’ve told you all along that this was the plan!
Vivek has just confirmed this.
Watch Here:
Here’s the reason why the Democrats let Biden debate Trump suddenly: it’s an elaborate set-up. It’s the Democrats’ last Hail Mary for Biden. If it fails, they have time to replace Biden with a new nominee. It’s the *earliest* presidential TV debate ever. It’s… pic.twitter.com/zCsyXkags9
— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) May 17, 2024
In this video, my friend State of Daniel elaborated on the plan even further:
We’ve written before about it.
Remember this?
Is Michelle Obama looking to replace Biden in 2024?
What about this?
RUMOR: Biden to withdraw and nominate Michelle Obama — Here is When
WLT Report always lets you know in advance what to expect!
Michelle Obama’s “Office”, Finally Addresses her Run in 2024
Will she?
Won’t she?
Run for office?
As Joe Biden’s mental acuity declined rapidly over the last year (and let’s face it, it wasn’t exactly high to begin with), speculations have been rampant as to whether the DNC would look to replace him prior to the 2024 General Election.
Everyone expects Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom to be the top two candidates.
I’ve always thought that Michelle would win the 4th term for Barack Obama. Even after today’s news, I still believe that.
Nothing has happened yet, but that doesn’t stop the speculation.
Michelle Obama’s Office has responded to the rumors.
First of all, I must ask: What in the world is Michelle Obama’s Office?
The fact that she has an “Office” (which, I assume, means a large team of people who run things for her), tells me that she is still a serious contender.
But her “Office”, which has responded, has claimed that she will not run:
Michelle Obama formally announces that she will not be running for president, other words she will definitely be the 2024 Democrat candidate https://t.co/V6J4fJWBNS
— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) March 5, 2024
NBC News had more details:
Former President Barack Obama said he is “all in” to President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Many Democrats are wondering what role his popular wife might play.
Democrats anxiously awaiting the November election say they would like to see Michelle Obama play a larger role in the campaign. Some whisper that she could replace a politically weakened incumbent on the 2024 ticket in the summer. This would make her a dream candidate for both parties.
Supporters of Republican frontrunner Donald Trump have been fixated on the idea that Obama swooped in to replace Biden to try to diminish the president’s political viability and stoke up the GOP base.
In a statement sent to NBC News by the former first lady, her office tried to tamp down the imaginations of both the left and right, making it clear that she has no plans to run for office in 2024.
Crystal Carson, Director of Communications for her office, said that Michelle Obama, the former First lady, has stated this many times over the years. She will not run for president. “Mrs. “Mrs.
Sources familiar with the talks say that she will continue to support the Biden campaign in the fall as she did in 2014. As in 2020, however, her involvement is likely to remain relatively limited compared to her husband’s, a reflection of both her other obligations and her long-standing refusal to return to politics full-time, the sources said.
Many close to Biden expect that, due to the former first lady’s star power, her role will be maximized later in the campaign when more swing voters are paying attention to the race. A senior Biden advisor said that there had been early discussions with Obama’s campaign about engagements. He noted that her nonpartisan voter registration organization, When We All Vote is an obvious “alignment”.
“President and Michelle Obama have been enormously helpful in our fight to defeat Donald Trump and elect Vice President Harris and President Biden for the first time. We are grateful to their voice and support in the battle for the fate of democracy this November,” Biden’s campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz stated in a press release.
A spokesperson for Obama said that her conversation with Oprah last year still reflects her current thinking — and the reason she will most likely never run on a ballot.
In the Netflix special, she said: “Politics can be hard.” “And those who get into politics… you have to want it. It’s important, so it must be in your heart. It is not in your soul.”
In a BBC interview from 2022, she said that she “hates” being asked about running for president.
In at least one case, the former First Lady did not seem to want her holding a public office completely ruled out.
In an interview with Jill Biden, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota said: “Maybe the former first lady Michelle Obama?”
Jill Biden laughed. “You know, it would be great if Michelle agreed to it. But I — I think she has had enough of politics. I don’t understand. She’s good at everything. She said, “That would be fantastic,” she said.
Two people familiar with the situation said that Obama’s close friends were not happy that Jill Biden had closed the option. They wanted her to respond differently if she was asked a similar query in the future. Anita Dunn was contacted by an ally of former first lady Jill Biden who agreed that the answer she gave wasn’t appropriate.
People familiar with the matter said that new talking points proposed by Obama’s office would affirm that she is a great first lady, and that her team at When We All Vote is grateful for the job she does at When We All Vote. The response was designed to avoid making it seem as though Obama will never hold public office. This is what the former first lady’s aides believed Jill Biden said in her CNN interview.
A person familiar with the draft of the new statement stated, “It does not close the door.” This is what prompted Michelle’s office to make the call.
The statement relies on carefully parsed ….
I agree that she doesn’t plan to run for office!
“Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s office shut down reports on Tuesday morning that she intends to run for president.”https://t.co/TP5mJyn1pX
— Lenny Dykstra (@LennyDykstra) March 5, 2024
She “doesn’t intend to run”, but this could change.
Will it change?
Michelle Obama’s office confirmed that, despite many rumors, she does not plan to run for US president in 2024.
NBC reports the ex-president’s wife will help Biden’s presidential campaign in the fall, just as she did four year ago. pic.twitter.com/dmYx0UtP7u
— S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y (@Sprinterfactory) March 5, 2024
What’s your take?
I haven’t ruled it out.
The Obamas have too much power and I can’t imagine them stepping down or ceding control to the Newsoms.
It’s still way too early to make serious decisions about this. Many things can change.
I still think the odds are 50/50 …. 50% Michelle, 50% Newsom.
Let me hear what you have to say ….
Would you vote for Michelle Obama as president in 2024?