The Trans-Alaska Pipeline, one of the largest in the United States, was completed 47 years ago. The 800-mile (1,287-km) long pipeline transports oil from Prudhoe Bay on Alaska’s North Slope to Valdez, on the shores Prince William Sound, in southcentral Alaska. It took 4 years to build and generated so much revenue for […]
The Good News in History for May 31st appeared first on Good News Network.
“}]] 47 years ago today, the Trans- Alaska Pipeline ( TAPS) one of the nation’s largest, was completed. The 800- mile ( 1, 287 km ) long pipeline conveys oil from Prudhoe Bay, on Alaska’s North Slope, south to Valdez on the shores of Prince William Sound in southcentral Alaska. It needed 4 years to build, and generated so little money for
The post Good News in History, May 31 appeared initially on Good News Network.