You can start off by yelling, “Hoax!” and laughing at his jokes. You can start by yelling “Hoax!
You can start by yelling” Hoax”!, laughing at his jokes, and killing your dog. You can start by yelling” Hoax”!, laughing at his jokes, and killing your dog.
You can start off by yelling, “Hoax!” and laughing at his jokes. You can start by yelling “Hoax!
The cult is becoming even more cult-like. As speculation increases regarding who former President Donald Trump will choose as his vice-presidential candidate in the 2024 election, potential nominees are traveling to his criminal trial in Manhattan with the expectation that Trump will view them favorably. Et ce ne sont pas seulement des individus qui se disputent le poste de vice-président. Mike Johnson, who is the speaker of the House and a prominent member of the Republican party, visited Trump’s trial regarding hush money to echo false statements aligned with the MAGA movement. De volgende tekst is niet volledig, dus ik kan hem niet parafraseren. Als u meer informatie geeft, kan ik u helpen met het parafraseren van de tekst.