NEW YORK – “We, the jury have reached a decision.” After countless motions, seven weeks of trial, and 22 witnesses testifying, Trump couldn’t escape his fate. A New York jury of 12 returned a shocking verdict on Thursday. They found Trump guilty in…
NEW YORK—” We, the jury, have reached a verdict”. Trump could no more outstay his fate after seven weeks of trial that saw 22 witnesses take the stand. A jury of 12 New Yorkers returned on Thursday with a verdict that shocked the democratic world: they found Trump criminal on… NEW YORK—” We, the jury, have reached a verdict”. Trump could never more outstay his fate after seven weeks of trial that saw 22 witnesses testify before him. A jury of 12 New Yorkers returned on Thursday with a verdict that shocked the political world: they found Trump criminal on…
NEW YORK – “We, the jury have reached a decision.” After countless motions, seven weeks of trial, and 22 witnesses testifying, Trump couldn’t escape his fate. A New York jury of 12 returned a shocking verdict on Thursday. They found Trump guilty in…