According to Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin, internal Department of Homeland Security ( DHS) data reveals that at least 45 U. S. cities received hundreds of thousands of migrants via the Biden administration’s controversial” CHNV” mass parole program. Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee obtained the information from Fox News after receiving a subpoena from DHS. ” The DHS data shows that during an 8 month stretch from January through August 2023, roughly 200, 000 migrants flew into the U. S. via the program, with 80 % of them, ( 161, 562 ) arriving in the state of Florida in four cities: Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, &, Tampa”, Melugin wrote. The best 15 cities during the 8- month window include: 1 ) Miami, FL: 91, 821
2 ) Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 60, 461
3 ) New York City, NY: 14, 827
4 ) Houston, TX: 7, 923
5 ) Orlando, FL: 6, 043
6 ) Los Angeles, CA: 3, 271
7 ) Tampa, FL: 3, 237
8 ) Dallas, TX: 2, 256
9 ) San Francisco, CA: 2, 052
10 ) Atlanta, GA: 1, 796
11 ) Newark, NJ: 1, 498
12 ) Washington, D. C.: 1, 472
13 ) Chicago, IL: 496
14 ) Las Vegas, NV: 483
15 ) Austin, TX: 171″DHS also revealed in the subpoena response that as of October 2023, there was a backlog about 1.6 million applicants waiting for DHS approval to fly to the U. S. via the parole program”, Melugin said. ” Biden’s parole program is immoral, and constitutes an abuse of legal authority. ” Florida is currently suing Biden to stop it,” said Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis ‘ Press Secretary Jeremy Redfern commented. What they’re effectively saying is that the laws that have been passed by Congress have stated that these individuals are illegal, so they created a program to try to get around them. The thing is, they do n’t have the authority to create such a program. By their own admission, they’re breaking the law”, Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Mark Green ( R- TN) told Fox News. Bill Melugin wrote: Reminder: The CHNV parole program, created by the Biden admin in January 2023, allows up to 30, 000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, &, Venezuela to bypass the southwestern border entirely, and fly into the U. S. straight from foreign countries for a two year humanitarian parole grant if they have a sponsor in the U. S., and are vetted/approved for travel. The flights are professional, and are not funded by taxpayers. The parole grant grants the program’s recipient the opportunity to work, and the recipient pays for it themselves. The Biden administration calls the program a “lawful pathway,” and the numbers for the migrants who enter the United States via it are not taken into account when calculating the southwestern border numbers. According to CBP data, at least 404, 000 migrants have flown into the U. S. via the CHNV parole program since it initially began: 154, 000 Haitians
95, 000 Venezuelans
84, 000 Cubans
69, 000 Nicaraguans So much, court cases against this contentious parole program have been unsuccessful. Following a judge’s ruling that the state did n’t have standing to file a lawsuit, a Texas lawsuit was dismissed earlier this year. More lawsuits are pending. The Biden administration claims that the program makes use of senior parole. They think the program is successful, and they think it gives people an incentive to cross the US border legally. As a result of the program, the number of Haitians and Cubans crossing improperly has drastically decreased. According to critics, the program basically aims to bring hundreds of thousands of often illegal immigrants into the US, with a sizable drop in the likelihood of them leaving or being deported if they remain outside the permitted parole program. EXCLUSIVE: Internal DHS data reveals the 45+ U. S. cities that hundreds of thousands of migrants have flown into via the Biden administration’s questionable” CHNV” mass parole program.
The information was provided to @FoxNews after being obtained by @HomelandGOP through a subpoena to DHS.
The… pic.— Bill Melugin ( @BillMelugin_ ) April 30, 2024A closer look at the data: Per Fox News: The policy was first announced for Venezuelans in October 2022, which allowed a limited number to fly or travel directly into the U. S. as long as they had not entered illegally, had a sponsor in the U. S. already, and passed certain biometric and biographical vetting. Migrants are accountable for their unique travel because the program does not itself facilitate flights. The administration made the announcement in January 2023 that the program would now include Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Cubans, and that it would allow up to 30 000 people a month to enter the country. It also includes an expansion of Title 42 expulsions to include those nationalities. By the end of February 2024, more than 400, 000 nationals have arrived under the parole program, according to Customs and Border Protection ( CBP ) data. The program is a” safe and orderly way to reach the United States,” according to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and it has” caused a reduction in numbers of those nationalities.” According to Mayorkas,” It is a crucial component of our efforts to address the unprecedented level of migration that we are experiencing throughout our hemisphere, and other countries around the world view it as a model to address the challenge of increased irregular migration that they too are experiencing,” it is a vital component of our efforts. Homeland data on Biden parole program reveals illegal aliens flown to more than 45 cities https ://— John Solomon ( @jsolomonReports ) May 1, 2024″ These documents expose the egregious lengths Secretary Mayorkas will go to ensure inadmissible aliens reach every corner of the country, from Orlando and Atlanta to Las Vegas and San Francisco”, Green said, according to Fox News. The CHNV parole program, according to Secretary Mayorkas, is a shady ruse intended to deceive the American people into thinking the border crisis is getting worse. According to him, it has been demonstrated that it is impeachable to implement a program that allows often illegal aliens to fly directly into the United States for no significant public gain or immediate humanitarian reasons as the Immigration and Nationality Act mandates. [[{“value”:”
According to Bill Melugin of Fox News, DHS data shows that hundreds of thousands of migrants were sent to at least 45 U.S. Cities via the controversial “CHNV”, mass parole program of the Biden administration. Fox News received the data from the House Homeland Security Committee after Republicans issued a subpoena for DHS. “The DHS data show that during an eight-month stretch from January to August 2023, approximately 200,000 migrants flew in via the program. 80% of those migrants (161,562) arrived in the state Florida in four cities, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale Orlando, and Tampa,” Melugin wrote. The top 15 cities in the 8-month period include: 1) Miami FL: 91.821 2) Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 60,461
New York City, NY : 14,827
4) Houston, TX: 7,923
5) Orlando, FL: 6,043
6) Los Angeles, CA: 3,271
7) Tampa, FL: 3,237
8) Dallas, TX: 2,256
9) San Francisco, CA: 2,052
10) Atlanta, GA: 1,796
11) Newark, NJ: 1,498
12) Washington, D.C.: 1,472
13) Chicago, IL: 496
14) Las Vegas (NV): 483
15) Austin, TX : 171 “DHS revealed in its subpoena reply that, as of October 20, 2023, there were 1.6 million applicants who waited for DHS approval before they could fly to the U.S. through the parole program,” Melugin stated. “Biden’s parole program is illegal and constitutes an abuse in constitutional authority.” Florida is currently suing Biden for shutting it down and we believe we will prevail,” Florida Governor. Jeremy Redfern, Ron DeSantis Press Secretary, commented. “What they are saying is that Congress passed laws that said these people were inadmissible and they created a programme to try to get away from those laws. They don’t have any authority to create a program like this. Mark Green, the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee (R-TN), told Fox News that they were breaking the law. Bill Melugin wrote, “Reminder: The CHNV parole program, created by Biden administration in January 2023 allows up to 30,000 migrants to bypass the southern border and fly directly into the U.S. from foreign countries if they have an approved sponsor in the U.S. and are vetted/approved to travel. The flights are commercial and not funded by the taxpayers. The recipient of the program or their sponsor pay for it. The parole grant allows them to apply for work. The Biden administration considers the program to be a “lawful path” and migrants who fly into the U.S. through the program are excluded from the southern border numbers. CBP data shows that since the program began, at least 404,000 migrants entered the U.S. through the CHNV parole: 154,000 Haitians
95,000 Venezuelans
84,000 Cubans
69,000 Nicaraguans Legal challenges to this controversial pardon program have so far failed in court. A Texas lawsuit filed earlier this year was dismissed by a judge who ruled that the state lacked standing to sue. There are still more lawsuits pending. The Biden administration says that the program is an appropriate use of executive parole. They consider the program to be a success and believe that it is an incentive for people not to cross the US border in an illegal manner. The program has led to a steep decline in the number of Haitians and Cubans who cross illegally. Critics claim that the program is a way to import thousands of migrants who would otherwise be inadmissible into the US. They say it’s a “magic wand” that will allow them to enter the country and then never leave or be deported. Exclusive: Internal DHS data reveals 45+ U.S. Cities that hundreds of thousands migrants have flown to via the controversial “CHNV mass parole” program of the Biden administration.
The data was obtained via a subpoena by @HomelandGOP and provided to @FoxNews.
The… — Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) April 30, 2024 A closer look at the data: Per Fox News: The policy was first announced for Venezuelans in October 2022, which allowed a limited number to fly or travel directly into the U.S. as long as they had not entered illegally, had a sponsor in the U.S. already, and passed certain biometric and biographical vetting. The program does nothing to facilitate flights. Migrants are responsible for their travel. In January 2023 the administration announced the expansion of the program to include Haitians and Nicaraguans, and that it would allow up 30,000 people a month to enter the U.S. The program allows migrants to receive a work permit and a two year authorization to live in the U.S. It was announced along with an expansion of Title 42 to include these nationalities. Customs and Border Protection data shows that by the end of February 2020, more than 400,000 nationals will have arrived in the U.S. under the parole program. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has said that the program is “a safe and orderly way to arrive in the United States,” and it “has led to a decrease in the number of those nationalities,” Mayorkas stated. Homeland data on Biden parole program reveals illegal aliens flown to more than 45 cities — John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) May 1, 2024 “These documents expose the egregious lengths Secretary Mayorkas will go to ensure inadmissible aliens reach every corner of the country, from Orlando and Atlanta to Las Vegas and San Francisco,” Green said, according to Fox News. “Secretary Mayorkas’ CHNV parole program is a unlawful sleight-of-hand used to conceal the worsening border crises from the American people,” Green said, according to Fox News. The Immigration and Nationality Act requires that the program be implemented for urgent humanitarian or significant public benefits.