
MIT Under Fire: Discriminating Practices Brought to Light

[[{“value”:”The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is now in the warm seat once more, folks.
This time with a national legal- rights complaint on its hands.
The Equal Protection Project dropped this complaint on Monday.
What is the topic?
MIT’s Creative Regal Women of Knowledge program, or as they like to call it, CRWN.
I’m guessing because they are all queens, I suppose.
This course is intended to give an advantage to undergraduate non-White women.
And so it evidently crosses national non- discrimination laws that they were hoping no one would call them out on.
‘ Racially and sexually discriminatory’ is a complaint made by MIT about the “women of color” program that does n’t include white students.
— Boston Herald ( @bostonherald ) May 20, 2024
National Review reports:
One of the academic programs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is alleged to violate federal non-discrimination laws, according to a federal civil-rights complaint filed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The Creative Regal Women of Knowledge program ( “CRWN,” as MIT calls it ), which has the same title as its mission, claims to “inspire ] undergraduate women of color to move confidently as visionaries, grounded in excellence, empathy, and support for one another, is the subject of the complaint filed on Monday by the nonprofit Equal Protection Project. The program, according to its website, defines “women of color” as” Black, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islanders, and another minoritized ethnicities”, while the word “women” includes” transgender women, cisgender women, and non- linear women”.
In addition to different forms of educational and professional assistance, the program is intended to “enhance and strengthen community amongst WOC at MIT” and” to enhance and increase opportunities to pursue and participate in educational excellence and professional development opportunities at and beyond MIT.”
As the complaint notes, applicants to the program must identify their race, skin color, and gender identity in order to be accepted. Additionally, students in the program have access to “financial assistance for pursuing educational and expert development goals” and “financial assistance for pursuing educational and professional development opportunities.
Equal Protection Project president William A. Jacobson, even a professor at Cornell Law School, wrote in the complaint that the Creative Regal Women of Knowledge program violates federal law, noting that Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 “prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any’ program or activity’ that receives federal funding” and that Title IX of the same Act “makes it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of sex in education”.
Jacobson claimed in a statement to the National Review that it is clear that MIT’s program violates federal civil rights laws.
The CRWN eligibility requirements are boldly culturally and sexually unfair. Regardless of the purpose of the discrimination, it is inappropriate and unlawful”, Jacobson said.
We recently marked the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, which ended racial segregation in public education. He continued,” It is sad and disheartening to see that institutions like MIT that receive federal funding are re-segregating the student body through exclusive programs.” ” Alas, many colleges and universities have bought into the ‘ anti- racist’ activism claim that the remedy for past discrimination is present discrimination. Such a reverse-racism and reverse-sexism are not the solution, and instead, they are really racism and sexism.
The odd distinction between “people of color” and “women of color”
It’s extremely false and appears to be more gaslighting.
How many things, in your opinion, have we been shunned?
Three things?
Ten things?
One hundred things
Uncountable things.
Everything is the same in clown world.
The Civil Rights Act is being progressively attacked for what it is.
Every one” traditional progressive” will defend the Civil Rights Act, in this entertaining way to demonstrate this.
Then that whites are discriminated against in every public sphere of life, you could never get a second traditional liberal to defend a Whites ‘ Rights Act.
Please prove my errors, @clairlemon! pic. twitter.com/Hm9msBGht Q
— Doctor-Baron 17c. Shyteposter, DDS ( @17c. Shyteposter ) April 3, 2021
How’s Charlie Kirk making some sense of the subject:
Major Trump advocate Charlie Kirk calls for repealing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 pic. https ://twitter.com/gIfh3fXyeE
April 19, 2024— Biden- Harris HQ ( @BidenHQ )
And MIT is just one of many groups caught in hypocrisy.
EXCLUSIVE: An insider at CVS leaks domestic documents that show potential civil rights act violations.
CVS leadership is instructed to employ and advance on the basis of gender and race.
CVS also has directives to discriminate against white suppliers &amp, vendors by … pic. twitter.com/PiHc7cKJNU
End Wokeness ( @End Wokeness ) on January 17, 2024
Rules for thee…
Maybe MIT ought to have heeded these wise students ‘ advice instead?
Meet The MIT Champions Reclaiming Free Speech!
Meet The MIT Champions Reclaiming Free Speech!
I’m so happy to introduce this story to you because I absolutely love it. and to introduce you to three valiant fighters fighting for free speech on the College Campus, one of the world’s most hostile environments for complimentary speech.
What was once a bastion of free speech and the robust debate of competing ideas has now become a sewer of elitism and intolerance for any ideas not in complete alignment with Far Left Wokeism.
But depressing.
But three tenacious students are fighting again, and I’m so excited to show them what they are up to.
Meet Spencer, Adam and Isabella:
Together they have created MIT Students for Open Inquiry ( MSOI ).
By platforming orthodox thinkers and dissidents, their goal is to spread free speech.
I have often said that a critical step in taking back our country is for good people to speak away!
We’ve been subjected to silence, shamed, and told that friends, family, and coworkers will reject us if we dare to speak up about conventional principles!
However, democracy is lived in silence, and in reality, much more people are good to support liberal principles than they have been shunned, shamed, and intimidated.
We need good people to speak up and speak up!
Great attorneys…
Great medical professionals…
Great teachers….
Fine plumbers…
Fine pastors…
And particularly fine students on University campuses nationwide!
Enter MSOI.
Hirsh Singh, a Republican and Republican supporter of Trump, just gave a talk on his social journey and policy views.
According to an email from Deng, a trans group tried to cancel him, but they successfully defended Hirsh.
The newly established MIT Students for Open Inquiry ( MSOI ) launched its campaign on Tuesday, November 14th, entitled” Hirsh Singh: A Political Odyssey.” Singh, a longtime Republican and a self- described “nerd from New Jersey” with a “background in engineering”, delivered an intelligent talk to a group of students, teachers, and alumni on politics from the inside, lessons learned, and his personal journey, from college inspiration to taking action.
Singh claimed that Ron Paul, an ex-Republican economics center, and the Mises Institute fueled his democratic activism. He emphasized the importance of upholding American founding principles and financial liberty. Singh chose politics because” I love this country with all my heart, and I believe this country can do so much more than what has been going on”, and supported completely expression:” Even if someone says something that I totally disagree with, I believe in the concept of letting them express it so that I can understand what I might not understand. When fresh information emerges that makes my beliefs questionable, I will take it into account and often adapt and change to be correct.
The talk included both theoretical and practical wisdom. Singh balanced hope and action, noting” You ca n’t actually fix the world or move it in the right direction if you’re operating from the standpoint of idealism. Although ideology should serve as the guardrails, you must consider the present situation before making any adjustments. He said,” Yes, you need money to be a part of the game, but money does n’t win anything because you ca n’t persuade people by throwing money at them.”
To the youth, he conveyed a sense of gaining solidity:” If you have interest in actually being political, go and dive deep into each policy issue so you can understand what you believe, because you’re not going to convince anyone elsewhere unless you’re speaking from your own personal conviction”. Singh recalled his own experiences, saying,” When you’re young, you think you know everything, and only through that wringer do you really become more adept at understanding how the world actually works.” A last reassurance came from having self-assurance:” Make sure you know why you stand where you stand; at least you know you’re standing on your personal two feet when they ask you questions.”
A Q&amp, A session followed, in which some attendees of diverse perspectives asked various questions for Singh. Russia, Ukraine, and Taiwan were the two countries that had the most popular international policy topics. Singh opposed continuing aggression in the Ukrainian space, saying that he did not want to” send American sons and daughters over to Ukraine to die.” But Taiwan, which he called “very different”, saw Singh advocate for” show]ing ] firm resolve that under no circumstances are we going to allow]China ] to take Taiwan. And if they are aware of that, they wo n’t be threatening [ Taiwan’s ] future.
Singh compared the British economy to its rivals, and he claimed that the belt and road initiative in China “is never in danger of harming it.” I truly think that we really need to bring manufacturing more up to the U. S. for core issues, and allow for varied financial utilization of factories”. When asked about labor, Singh veered into his home state and drew a nuanced line between unionization and the cost of many things, which Singh said was “very union state,” and I would say that because it is such an expensive state, you have a administrative overstep because of the unions ‘ better power, which is baked in the cost of a lot of things and has disconnected the original intent. So, I’m more pro union worker than master union.
No MIT Students for Open Inquiry event is complete without—as the name implies—touching some taboos, when asked what the most forbidden topics in academia were, Singh’s two answers were the covid vaccine —”forcing someone to inject themselves with something that has not been fully tested or something you have a particular doubt about is anathema to America” —and questioning the 2020 election. In a critical argument, Singh argued for free speech on third-rail topics, saying,” Whenever you try to limit someone’s speech, the bad ideas do n’t disappear. They “go under,”” they get ugly,” and” they get worse.” The MSOI commends him for defending completely speech.
Disagreements developed when a trans advocacy group suggested a cancellation in an email to MIT undergrads, claiming Singh would bring “harm” and “discomfort.” The MSOI resisted these accusations of open inquiry and stood firm, concluding the discussion with a fitting” Thank you for your free speech”! The exchange is available at the MSOI’s website, below.
Nevertheless, the event was a huge success, with notable civil discourse and audience diversity as well as a political and observational academic stream. As it continues its fight for free speech in the math and technology capital of the world, the MSOI has established a beachhead for unusual opinions on academia’s soil, mainly right-wing ones.
The video of the whole event can be viewed on Odysee and Rumble.
The MSOI’s fall semester is full of speakers from all over the world on a variety of subjects. Their occurrences can be seen here. The MSOI following invites Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT ‘ 87 inventor of email, systems scientist, and Independent political candidate to the stage.
The cancellation of Professor Dorian Abbot appears to have sparked the founding of MSOI.
Cancel culture erupted, but this time it added something entirely new to the situation by canceling a voice it did n’t want to. MSOI.
More on the notorious cancellation can be found on the MIT Free Speech Alliance:
The renowned John Carlson Lecture on the subject of the habitability of planets outside our Solar System was invited to Professor Dorian Abbot of the University of Chicago to deliver the lecture. It was scheduled for October 21, 2021. A Twitter campaign was created throughout September that year to make him unannounced. MIT notified Professor Abbot that his lecture was being canceled on September 30.
Why was Abbot disinvited?
Prof. Abbot made a video on YouTube in 2020 that advocated for hiring people based on their individuality more than group identity. Then, on August 12, 2021, Abbott wrote an article in Newsweek urging faculty hiring and promotion to use Merit, Fairness, and Equality ( MFE ) instead of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ( DEI ). A Twitter campaign was begun to get him disinvited from giving lectures at different universities. A group of MIT graduate students, postdocs, and new graduates demanded his disinvition on Twitter in the middle of September. The lecture was postponed eight days after. The disinvitation was announced by Professor Robert van der Hilst, head of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric &amp, Planetary Sciences ( EAPS). According to the New York Times (quoted in an open-access Reason article ),”…
He emphasized that he had conversations with older M. I. T. officials before making the decision to reschedule the lecture. ” It was not who shouted the loudest”, Dr. van der Hilst said. ” I listened quite thoroughly.”
Dr. van der Hilst speculated that if Black students had learned about Dr. Abbot’s views on equitable action, they might have been turned down. This lecture program was founded to explore innovative findings on climate science and M. I. T. has hoped to attract for students to the school. He acknowledged that these same students might encounter professors, mentors, and others who hold social views in opposition to their own.
Those are great questions, but they are a little flimsy, according to Dr. van der Hilst. ” Freedom of speech goes very much but it makes civility challenging”.
The Repercussions of the Cancellation
The New York Times, Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, and the London Daily Mail among the publications that covered MIT’s disinvitation of Professor Abbot. It was frequently noted that the disinvitation was a novel low in university suppression of free speech: Abbot was disinvited not because of what he was going to say in his lecture, but because of his opinions expressed in related writing.
Steve Kirsch has even been invited to speak, according to Twitter:
I was given the opportunity to speak in my auditorium. Previously, all of my requests were refused because they could n’t find a faculty sponsor. I anticipate that this talk will receive a lot of interest. pic. twitter.com/z7Xo7XgpcJ
— Steve Kirsch ( @stkirsch ) November 3, 2023
Of course, that caused the Far Left to immediately “reeeee- ing,” as some were appalled at his invitation.
One reply from Twitter felt compelled to point out it was no MIT who invited him but a Student Group, to which Kirsch rightly points out that it’s possible MIT still had to approve it.
It needed to be approved by MIT.
Do you object to that in any way?
Would you like to chat in a twitter space?
or do you favor making insults from a distance?
— Steve Kirsch ( @stkirsch ) November 4, 2023
The greatest irony is Steve Kirsch would be speaking in his “own” Auditorium!
Imagine that!
And not even the majority of students on the far-left campus find it acceptable:
Which just underscores the overall importance of MSOI.
The MSOI Charter states as follows:
We support and affirm both the Chicago Principles and the MIT Free Expression Statement. We further believe you have a right to offend, and no right to be free from offense, a right to be bad, and no right or expectation that you will be shielded from views you dislike.
However, a right statement is insufficient. These rights are being implemented by the MSOI.
As MIT students, we are truly positioned to challenge the prevailing censorship- education complex. The future of MIT and America depends on it. Will we allow illiberal tyrants to rule the Institute and the nation or by pro-libertarians who defend our way of life?
It is a forlorn fight. Several organizations have the courage to challenge a government that demands obedience and punishes dissent. However, we’ve come to the decision that fighting imposed intellectual orthodoxy and suffering the consequences is preferable to endure it, living in its shadow, with our careers secured, but our ideals and spirit destroyed.
To this end, we will identify, expose, and neutralize the censorship- business complex and the stultifying groupthink it has imposed on us. We will invite students, professors, and alumni to engage with guest speakers who are anathema to the establishment. To challenge our classmates ‘ authority-holding beliefs and open their minds to orthodox ideas, we will hold student gatherings, rallies, and debates. We will write our own news to showcase our events, spread the word, and encourage universities to embrace opened inquiry.
We are determined to be the first to support completely speech fighters in what has turned out to be angry academic terrain. We will encourage the end of the current system of compelled speech and censorship. And we will WIN.
I would expect nothing less from MIT students, though.
Too bad the professors and administrators are so far gone they do n’t share similar sensibilities.
Understand that three courageous and intelligent students founded this organization to fight back against free speech and free and open exchange of ideas while the professors and administration continue to fall into intolerancy and irrelevance.
Students like this and independent thinkers like this can advance both our universities and our nation to prominence!
Keep up the good fight MSOI, we’re rooting you on from afar!”}]] [[{“value”:”

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is in the spotlight again.
This time, the federal civil rights complaint is on their hands.
The Equal Protection Project dropped this complaint on a monday.

What’s the story?
MIT’s Creative Regal Women of Knowledge Program, or CRWN as it is affectionately known, is a program that aims to empower women through the use of knowledge.
I’m assuming they’re all queens because?
This program is designed to give an advantage to non-White women in undergraduate studies.
They were hoping that no one would point out their violation of the federal anti-discrimination law.

MIT faces civil rights complaint for ‘women of color’ program that excludes white students: ‘Racially and sexually discriminatory’ https://t.co/E4YIC4OcaJ
Boston Herald (@bostonherald), May 20, 2024

National Review reports

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is facing a federal civil rights complaint alleging that a program of its undergraduate program violates federal anti-discrimination law.
The Equal Protection Project filed a complaint on Monday against the Creative Regal Women of Knowledge (CRWN) program. The program’s website defines “women of colour” as “Blacks, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latinxs, Asians, Pacific Islanders and other minoritized races.” “Women” also includes “transgender, cisgender and non-binary” women.
The program is designed to “enhance and strengthen community amongst WOCs at MIT” as well as “to increase and enhance opportunities to pursue academic excellence and professional growth opportunities at and outside of MIT”, among other forms academic and professional assistance.
Students in the program can access networking and mentoring opportunities as well as financial assistance to pursue academic and professional goals. According to the complaint, applicants must identify their race and skin color as well as gender identity to be accepted.
Equal Protection Project President William A. Jacobson is also a Professor at Cornell Law School. He wrote in the complaint, that the Creative Regal Women of Knowledge Program violates federal laws. He noted that Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1965 “prohibits any discrimination based on race, color or national origin for any ‘program’ or ‘activity’ that receives Federal funding” and Title IX of that Act “makes discrimination based on sex unlawful in education.”
Jacobson told National Review it was obvious to him that MIT’s program is in direct violation of federal civil rights law.
“The CRWN’s eligibility requirements are openly racist and sexually discriminatory.” Jacobson said that discrimination is illegal and wrong, regardless of its purpose.
“We just celebrated Brown v. Board of Education’s 70th anniversary, which ended segregation of public education based on race. “It is saddening and disheartening that institutions like MIT, which receive federal funding, are resegregating their student body by using exclusionary programs,” he added. “Unfortunately, a lot of colleges and universities have bought in to the ‘antiracist’ activism claim that current discrimination is the remedy for past racism. This’reverse racism’ and’reverse sexism is just racism and is not the solution.”

The phrase “people of colour” and “women of colour” are both strange.
It’s misleading and looks like more gaslighting.
How many things have you been led to believe by gaslight?
Three things?
Ten things?
One hundred things?
There are countless things.
Clown world is the complete opposite of reality.

People are increasingly calling the Civil Rights Act out for what it really is.

Here’s an easy way to prove it: every “classical liberal”, will defend the Civil Rights Act.
You could not convince a single liberal to support a Whites’ Rights Act, now that whites are discriminated in every public area.
Prove me wrong @clairlemon. pic.twitter.com/Hm9msBGhtQ
— Doctor-Baron 17cShyteposter, DDS (@17cShyteposter) April 3, 2021

Charlie Kirk explains the issue in his own words:

Top Trump advocate Charlie Kirk calls for repealing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 pic.twitter.com/gIfh3fXyeE
Biden-Harris Headquarters (@BidenHQ), April 19, 2024

MIT is only one of the many groups that are hypocritical.

Exclusive: CVS insider leaks internal documents that expose potential criminal violations of Civil Rights Act
CVS leadership is instructed by the company to hire and promote based on race & gender.
CVS also has directives to discriminate against white suppliers & vendors by… pic.twitter.com/PiHc7cKJNU
— End Wokeness January 17, 2024

Rules for you…
Perhaps MIT should have listened instead to these wise students?

Meet the MIT Champions Reclaiming Free Speech!

Meet the MIT Champions Reclaiming Free Speech!
I love this story, and I’m glad to share it with you ….and introduce you to the brave champions of freedom of speech who fought in one of most hostile free speech climates in the world: the College campus.
What was once a bastion for free speech and vigorous debate between competing ideas, has now become a sewer elitism & intolerance towards any ideas that are not in complete alignment with Far Left Wokeism.
It’s so sad.
I am so proud to spotlight what three brave students are doing ….
Meet Spencer, Adam, and Isabella
Together, they formed MIT Students for Open Inquiry.
They aim to promote free speech by promoting dissidents, heterodox thinkers and other groups.
I have always said it is important for good people to speak out in order to take back our country!
We’ve been shamed into silence. If we dare to speak out about conservative values, we’ll be shunned from friends, family, and coworkers.
But Democracy dies when we remain silent. The truth is that there are probably FAR more people who share conservative values, but they’ve been shamed, frightened and shunned into silence.
We need people who will speak up and speak out.
Good lawyers…
Good doctors…
Good teachers ….
Good plumbers…
Good pastors…
Students at Universities across the country are a special breed of good students!
Enter MSOI.
Hirsh Sing, a Ron Paul Republican and Trump Supporter, spoke on his political journey as well as his policy opinions.
According to an email by Deng, Hirsh was able to defend himself against a trans group that tried to cancel his membership.

The newly-established MIT Students for Open Inquiry began its crusade for free speech on Tuesday, November 14, with “Hirsh Sing: A Political Odyssey”. Singh, a Republican who has lived in New Jersey for most of his life and is a self-described nerd with an engineering background, gave a powerful talk to students, teachers and alumni about politics from the inside. He also shared lessons learned and his own journey from college inspiration to taking actions.
Singh said that the Mises Institute and former House Representative Ron Paul, an Austrian economics centre, sparked his political involvement. He stressed the importance of defending America’s founding principles and economic liberty. Singh chose politics “because I love this country and I believe that this country can do much more than it has done”. He also supported free speech: “Even if I disagree with something someone says, I believe that they should be allowed to express themselves so that I may understand what they are saying.” If new information is presented that…calls my beliefs into question, I will always adapt and change in order to be right.
The talk included both theoretical and practical wisdom. Singh balanced hope with action, stating that “you can’t fix the world or move the world in the right direction” if you are operating from an idealistic perspective. Idealism is the guardrail, but it’s important to understand the current situation before you begin to adjust it.
He emphasized the importance of solidifying your beliefs. “You’re not going convince anyone unless you speak from your own conviction,” he said. Singh shared his own experience: “When you are young, you assume you know everything. Only by going through the wringer can you truly understand how the world works.”
The session was followed by a Q&A, where many attendees from different perspectives asked Singh a variety of questions. The most popular topic was foreign policies: Russia-Ukraine, and China-Taiwan. Singh was “very opposed to continued aggression in the Ukraine area” and did “not want to send American sons and daughter over to Ukraine to be killed.” But Taiwan he called “very differently”, Singh advocated for “show[ing] a firm resolve that we will not allow [China] take Taiwan under any circumstances.” If they understand this, they won’t threaten [Taiwan]’s future.
Singh assessed the American economic situation and said that he was not threatened by China’s Belt and Road initiative. I think we should bring more manufacturing back to the U.S. to address core issues and allow for a diversified economic use of factories. I’m more pro union worker than pro union.
As the name implies, no MIT Students for Open Inquiry program is complete without tackling taboo topics. When asked what the most forbidden academic topics were, Singh gave two answers: the covid vaccination–“forcing a person to inject themselves with a product that hasn’t been fully tested or you have a doubt about it is anathema for America”- and questioning the 2020 elections. Singh argued in favor of free speech when it comes to third rail topics. “Whenever you limit someone’s expression, the bad ideas do not disappear.” The MSOI commended him for his defense of free speech.
The MSOI repelled the attacks on open inquiry, and stood its ground. The exchange can be found at the MSOI website.
Overall, it was a great success. The event featured a civil discussion, a diverse audience, and sparked spirited debate. The MSOI is a stronghold for right-wing opinions in academia, and has continued the campaign for freedom of speech.
You can view the video of the entire event on Odysee and Rumble.
The MSOI fall semester is jam-packed with speakers who cover a wide range of topics. You can view their events here. The MSOI invites Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai to the stage, MIT ’87 inventor of email and systems scientist. She is also an Independent presidential candidate.

The cancellation of Professor Dorian Abbot seems to have sparked the founding of MSOI.
Cancel culture has struck again, but this time, it did more than just cancel a voice they didn’t like. It created something new ….MSOI.
The MIT Free Speech Alliance offers more information on the infamous cancellation.

Professor Dorian Abbot of University of Chicago has been invited to deliver the prestigious John Carlson Lecture on the topic of habitability of planets beyond our Solar System at MIT. It was scheduled for 2021 October 21. A Twitter campaign was launched in September of that year to disinvite him. On September 30, MIT informed Professor Abbot it was canceling the lecture.
Why was Abbot not invited?
Prof. Abbot published videos on Youtube in 2020 advocating that people should be treated as individuals, and hired on this basis rather than based on their group identity. On August 12, 2021, Abbott published an op ed in Newsweek arguing for Merit, Fairness, and Equality to replace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in faculty hiring and promotions. A Twitter campaign was started to disinvite him from giving lectures at any other universities. A group of MIT grads, postdocs and recent alumni demanded that he be denied an invitation on Twitter in late September. The lecture was cancelled eight days later. Professor Robert van der Hilst, the head of EAPS’ Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences, announced the disinvitation. As the New York Times (quoted in an open-access article by Reason) put it:
He said that he spoke to senior officials at M.I.T. Before cancelling the lecture, we decided to cancel it. Dr. van der Hilst explained that it was not about who shouted loudest. “I listened carefully.”
Dr. van der Hilst speculated Black students would have been repulsed if they had learned Dr. Abbot’s views on affirmative actions. This lecture program was created to explore the latest findings in climate science at M.I.T. The school has hoped to attract students of this caliber. He acknowledged that in the future, these students may encounter professors or mentors who hold opposing political views.
Dr. van der Hilst replied: “These are good questions, but they’re a bit hypothetical.” “Freedom of expression goes very far, but it makes civility hard.”
Cancellation of the Contract: What are the Implications?
The disinvitation by MIT of Professor Abbot has been widely reported, including in the New York Times and Atlantic, as well as the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Boston Herald, London Daily Mail, and Boston Globe. The disinvitation of Professor Abbot by MIT was widely covered, including in the New York Times, Atlantic Magazine, Wall Street Journal and Boston Globe. It was also reported in the Boston Herald and London Daily Mail.

According to Twitter, Steve Kirsch has also been invited to speak by the group:

MIT invited to give a speech in my auditorium. All of my previous requests were denied because they couldn’t locate a faculty sponsor. I expect this talk to be very well attended. pic.twitter.com/z7Xo7XgpcJ
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) November 3, 2023

The Far Left was appalled by his invitation.
One Twitter reply felt compelled by the fact that MIT did not invite him, but a Student Group. Kirsch correctly points out that MIT likely still had to approve this invitation.

MIT had to approve the project.
Do you have any problem with this?
Would you like to chat on Twitter?
Or do you prefer to insult others from a distance?
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) November 4, 2023

Steve Kirsch speaking in his “own Auditorium” is the ultimate irony!
Imagine that!
The far-left campus is not a place where many people feel welcome.

This only underlines the absolute importance MSOI.
The MSOI Charter is as follows:

We support and affirm both the MIT Free Expression Statement as well as the Chicago Principles. We believe that you have the right to offend and not to be offended; a wrong to be, but no right to expect to be shielded against views you don’t like.
But a simple statement of rights will not suffice. The MSOI is there to put these rights in action.
As MIT students, we are uniquely positioned to challenge the prevailing censorship-educational complex. The youth is MIT’s and America’s future. Will we allow the Institute and country to be run by censorious dictators, or will we let them be run by defenders our heritage of freedom and free thinking?
It is a lonely battle. Few organizations have the courage to stand up against an establishment that punishes dissent and demands obedience. We’ve decided it’s better to fight against the imposed ideological orthodoxy, and suffer its consequences, than to live under its shadow and have our careers secured but our ideals and spirit crushed.
To this end, we will identify, expose, and neutralize the censorship-industrial complex and the stultifying groupthink it has imposed on us. We will invite students, professors and alumni to engage in dialogue with guest speakers who are anti-establishment. We will host student meetings, rallies and debates in order to challenge our peers to question authority and to open their minds to heterodox ideas. We will write our news to promote our events, spread awareness, and encourage universities embrace open inquiry.
We are determined to establish a beachhead in what has become hostile academic territory and to inspire future free speech fighters. We will bring down the current regime of censorship, and forced speech. And we will win.

I would not expect anything less from MIT Students.
It’s a shame that professors and administrators have become so jaded they no longer share the same sensibilities.
If you’ve ever worried about the future of the United States, know that three brave students, who are also wise, created this organization in order to fight for FREE SPEECH, and a FREE AND OPEN CHANGE OF IDEA, while the professors, and the administration, sink further and further into intolerance, and irrelevance.
Students like these and free-thinkers like these can propel not only our universities but also our country to prominence!
Keep up the good work MSOI! We’re cheering you on.


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