
New Bodycam Footage Released — Scottie Scheffler Claims Officer Did Not Identify Himself As Police, Hit Him With Flashlight

[[{“value”:”We just learned a lot of new details in the case of pro-golfer Scottie Scheffler’s arrest a few weeks ago.
Let me see if I can recap what we just learned, at least according to Scheffler’s claims:
Scheffler arrived to the course in the early morning hours to get ready for the tournament that day.
He was driving slowly and following all guidelines.
He acted clam, cool and collected — and even respectfully — at all times by all accounts.
A police officer comes up to his car, doesn’t identify himself as a police officer, yells at him to “get out of the car” and then hits him with his flashlight.
Take a look and watch the video below:

JUST IN: Body cam footage shows tense exchange between top golfer Scottie Scheffler and a police officer during his arrest. Scheffler, who was respectful throughout, claimed he was struck with a flashlight without warning.
“I was scared. He didn’t say ‘Police! Get out of the… pic.twitter.com/D2k0JoNEbo
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) May 29, 2024

JUST IN: Body cam footage shows tense exchange between top golfer Scottie Scheffler and a police officer during his arrest. Scheffler, who was respectful throughout, claimed he was struck with a flashlight without warning.
“I was scared. He didn’t say ‘Police! Get out of the car!’ He just hit me and yelled.”
Scheffler also described the officer as overly aggressive. He’s facing four charges, including second-degree felony assault after the officer alleged he was “dragged” by the car. #BreakingNews #ScottieScheffler #Police #BodyCamFootage

Folks, is this really the America we want?
Is this the police force we want?
Most police are good people but we can’t let the bad apples ruin it for the rest of them.
Police your own, police force.
You are given power over regular citizens for TWO reasons only:  to PROTECT and SERVE.
It appears you did neither in this case.
And when you fail your two founding mandates, and bleed over into abuse of private citizens, that’s when your authority ends and YOU should be the ones facing charges.
I’m so sick of the wrong people being charged with crimes….
Trump did nothing wrong, it’s Michael Cohen and the phony prosecutors in all of these cases who should be on trial!
Similarly, Scottie Scheffler appears to have done nothing wrong, it’s this officer who should be placed on trial for his actions!
We don’t need power-tripping officers playing dress-up in their little uniforms going out and doing crap like this to private citizens.
Sorry folks, but I’m not a blind police apologist….
Officers don’t get a blank check.
I support the good ones and I greatly appreciate the ones who protect and serve and put their lives at risk to do so.
I don’t respect this.
And as they say on Shark Tank, “and for all of these reasons, I’m out.”
Actually, that’s a paraphrase….
But in this case it’s more like: “and for all of these reasons, case dismissed!”
BREAKING: Judge Dismisses Charges Against Scottie Scheffler
When the story first broke about Scottie Scheffler, I honestly did not know who he was.
I’m not a golfer or a fan of golf, and other than Tiger Woods and a few others, I don’t really know much about golfers.
So I’m not a fanboy.
But the more I looked into his arrest from a couple weeks ago, the more fishy it became.
After investigating and reporting on the news for over 10 years, you start to develop a pretty keen read on situations, and this one didn’t smell right.
It felt much more like police over-reach than anything this man did wrong.
I wrote about that here:

WATCH: New Video Footage Released That Shows No. 1 Golfer, Scottie Scheffler, Did Nothing Wrong!

And now our reporting has once again been completely validated as the Judge in the case just dismissed the charges.
I love this post:

Judge: “All charges have been dropped against Scottie Scheffler”
*Scheffler looks at Officer Gillis*pic.twitter.com/gPKdmoqt24
— Shooter McGavin (@ShooterMcGavin_) May 29, 2024

You can watch the exact moment in court right here:

All charges against Scottie Scheffler have been dropped: pic.twitter.com/vilpqilaIe
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) May 29, 2024

As we reported very early on, this appeared to be a case of police over-reaction.
Police exist to PROTECT and SERVE.
That’s it.
Full stop.
They did neither in this case.
They appeared to be on a power trip.
Most police are good people and we Back The Blue here, but we don’t back the bad apples.
We don’t back the poop in the ice cream that ruins it for everyone else.
Have you heard about the poop in the ice cream?
Allow me to explain….
Imagine you had a huge gallon of ice cream.  Brand new container.  But then imagine a small speck of poop got into that ice cream…..
Are you eating around the poop and pretending like the rest of the ice cream is just fine?
No, of course not.
You’re throwing that entire galloon of ice cream away.
Because just a little poop in the ice cream ruins the whole thing.
Such is the case with bad cops.
New body cam footage was also released today and Scheffler claims he was hit by the officer with a flashlight:

JUST IN: Body cam footage released between number one ranked golfer Scottie Scheffler and a police officer after he was arrested.
Scheffler seemed respectful throughout the conversation and said he was “hit” with a flashlight.
“I was afraid. I did not know who he was. He didn’t… pic.twitter.com/kXLKGapoL5
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 29, 2024

JUST IN: Body cam footage released between number one ranked golfer Scottie Scheffler and a police officer after he was arrested.
Scheffler seemed respectful throughout the conversation and said he was “hit” with a flashlight.
“I was afraid. I did not know who he was. He didn’t say ‘Police! Get out of the car!’ He just hit me with his flashlight and yelled ‘Get out of the car!’”
Scheffler also said the officer was over aggressive.
He was booked on four charges, including a second-degree felony assault of an officer after the officer claimed he was “dragged” by Scheffler’s car.

Folks, do we have an out of control police officer here?
Someone who needs penalized or removed from the force?
Look what Fox News reports about the officer’s actions — the officer is already placed on “corrective action” because he did not have his body camera on — gee, I wonder why:

The charges against 10-time PGA Tour winner Scottie Scheffler were dropped on Wednesday, nearly two weeks after he was arrested just before the second round of the PGA Championship in Kentucky.
Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell addressed the court and stated that the evidence gathered during their investigation backed up Scheffler’s claim that the entire situation was a “misunderstanding.” The four charges, which included felony assault over injuries a Louisville Metro Police Department officer sustained during the encounter on May 17, were dismissed.
Last week, Louisville Police Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel announced during a press conference that Detective ​​Bryan Gillis received “corrective action” after an internal investigation found that he did not follow proper protocols by failing to turn on his body camera.
“We understand the seriousness of the failure to capture this interaction, which is why our officer has received corrective action for this policy violation,” Gwinn-Villaroel said at the time. This corrective action has been notated on a performance observation form, which is in line with our disciplinary protocol and practices. We respect the judicial process, and we will allow the course to proceed accordingly. We will not be able to make any further statements as relates to this matter.”

Watch more here:

#WATCH — PGA Tour superstar Scottie Scheffler talking to an officer after being arrested: “He didn’t say police get out of the car, he just hit me with his flashlight and yelled get out of the car..”
(Via: @AlexMyers3 | Maxwell Mitchell/FB)pic.twitter.com/Z7dbo4pvK2
— NUCLR GOLF (@NUCLRGOLF) May 29, 2024

And from our original reporting:
WATCH: New Video Footage Released That Shows No. 1 Golfer, Scottie Scheffler, Did Nothing Wrong!
Last week we brought you this report of the World’s #1 Golfer, Scottie Scheffler, being arrested before teeing off on Friday of the PGA Championship:

World No. 1 Golfer Arrested Before PGA Championship, Tees Off Later That Day

Police claim he barreled past them, didn’t listen to their warnings, resisted arrest, and more.
In fact, here’s the full list: “assaulting a police officer, criminal mischief, reckless driving, and disregarding traffic signals.”
Wow, that’s quite the list of charges!
I bet the video shows him WILDLY out of control, right?
Errrrrr, ummmmmm……no.
Not even close.
Take a look at the video just released today and you’ll see about the most normal, calm interaction you could imagine:

JUST IN: Footage released of number 1 ranked golfer Scottie Scheffler getting arrested while turning into the parking lot before the second round of the PGA Championship.
Talk about an overreaction.
The footage shows Scheffler turning left into the Valhalla parking lot before… pic.twitter.com/C1n1N7vxW4
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 23, 2024

Collin Rugg reports the following:

JUST IN: Footage released of number 1 ranked golfer Scottie Scheffler getting arrested while turning into the parking lot before the second round of the PGA Championship.
Talk about an overreaction.
The footage shows Scheffler turning left into the Valhalla parking lot before the officer appeared to attach himself to the side of the car.
The grainy footage is the only footage available at the moment because the officer did not activate his bodycam.
Despite this, the charges were not dropped against Scheffler who is facing up to 10 years in prison for second-degree assault.

And another view here, from the Dashcam view:

This is the dash cam view of Scottie Scheffler crawling past the coach at about 5 mph with an officer chasing him. As soon as the officer gets close to the vehicle Scottie immediately brakes. 2 minutes later he’s been arrested and you can see the reporter following the officers… pic.twitter.com/TKQ90andUv
— Flushing It (@flushingitgolf) May 23, 2024

This is the dash cam view of Scottie Scheffler crawling past the coach at about 5 mph with an officer chasing him. As soon as the officer gets close to the vehicle Scottie immediately brakes. 2 minutes later he’s been arrested and you can see the reporter following the officers and being stopped.
This is a terrible look for the LMPD.

Look, I don’t know exactly what happened here, but I don’t know what else Scheffler could have done.
This looks like a GROSS OVERREACTION by the police.
But they’re not backing down.
They are continuing to press charges and double down.
Full report here:

Full details on Scottie Scheffler’s arrest, excellent reporting by @JeffDarlington.
— Kevin Negandhi (@KevinNegandhi) May 17, 2024

People are calling the charges “absolutely insane”:

Scottie’s charges: assaulting a police officer, criminal mischief, reckless driving, and disregarding traffic signals.
Absolutely insane. pic.twitter.com/9CKrGBJNsa
— Fore Play (@ForePlayPod) May 17, 2024

Others are outright calling the police story “fabricated” (and the video seems to back them up):

Scottie Scheffler is a great guy, and I doubt almost anyone believes the cop’s likely-fabricated story that justified Scottie’s arrest.
I suspect the charges will be dropped or greatly reduced to avoid embarrassment for the highly-dubious Louisville PD. pic.twitter.com/EaI6gNG6QQ
— Paul Mitchell (@PaulMitchell_AB) May 23, 2024

Scheffler’s attorney says they are ready to litigate:

Scheffler’s attorney Steve Romines: “All the evidence that continues to come out continues to support what Scottie said all along, that this was a chaotic situation and he didn’t do anything wrong.”
Should charges be dropped against Scottie?
— NUCLR GOLF (@NUCLRGOLF) May 23, 2024

So what is going on here?
I’d like to go on record as saying I 100% support the police, but that is a two-way street.
Far too often, we see power trips and abuses of power.
Why blow this up into an international incident?
The man seems to have done everything right.  What else was he supposed to do?
I’d also like to say I’m not writing this as a fanboy.
I don’t watch golf.
Don’t have any golf heroes.
Until this happened, I honestly couldn’t have told you almost anything about Scottie Scheffler, but now I kind of like him!
Team Scheffler!
We’ll continue to monitor this story and bring you future updates.
If you missed our original reporting, I’ll copy it below:
World No. 1 Golfer Arrested Before PGA Championship, Tees Off Later That Day
Now here’s something you don’t see everyday.
A great tale that will go down in the history books.
Around 6 a.m. ET, Friday, Scottie Scheffler was handcuffed and detained for allegedly not following a police officer’s instructions while entering the Valhalla Golf Club.
Two hours later, the world No. 1 golfer found himself in a holding cell.
He was supposed to compete in the PGA Tournament that day.
“Why is this happening to me? Why is everything going wrong? Of course this would happen during the tournament,” is what many might be prone to say. Many might also slump in the corner and resolve themselves to defeat. “What else can I do? I’m stuck!”
BUT that’s not what he did.
He remained calmed.
In fact, he did what all of us should do in uncertain moments.
And that is, ‘act as if’.
How did he ‘act as if’?
He started to warm up.
Why on earth would he warm up for a tournament? He can’t play, he’s locked away. ‘It’s hopeless, it’s pointless!’ many would say.
‘Acting as if’ is basically activating your faith.
Whether Scottie knew it or not, his act of stretching his muscles was basically stretching his faith, saying, “I’m getting ready for what I know I’m supposed to do today, despite what the circumstances say.”
And that’s when the unexpected tends to happen.

“I did spend some time stretching in a jail cell, that was a first for me.”
Scottie Scheffler warmed up in a jail cell and shot -5 in a Major today @ForePlayPod
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) May 17, 2024

MSN reports:

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Sometime around 8 a.m. ET Friday, world No. 1 golfer Scottie Scheffler was sitting in a holding cell at the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections, watching himself being arrested on TV.
About two hours earlier, Scheffler had been handcuffed and detained for allegedly not following a police officer’s instructions while trying to drive into the entrance of Valhalla Golf Club, the site of this week’s PGA Championship.
“I was just so confused at what was happening at the time,” Scheffler said. “I didn’t know what time it was. I didn’t know what was going on. When I was sitting in the holding cell or whatever, there was a TV there and I could see myself on the TV, on ESPN.
“‘Get Up’ was on, so in the corner it showed the time and it said they were delayed, and I was kind of thinking about my tee time. I was like, ‘Well, maybe I could be able to get out.'”
Scheffler, who described the situation with the police officer as a “big misunderstanding” and a “chaotic situation,” wouldn’t comment on the specifics of what exactly happened.
“I came here for a golf tournament,” Scheffler said. “I was driving in this morning, trying to get to my warmup time and get ready for the round of golf. I didn’t really have an understanding of what had transpired this morning.”
The end of his strange and stressful day came around 3:30 p.m. ET, when Scheffler walked off the ninth hole, his 18th of the day, with playing partners Wyndham Clark and Brian Harman. Somehow, Scheffler posted a 5-under 66 for a 36-hole total of 9 under, which was good enough for a tie for second place, 2 shots behind then-clubhouse leader Collin Morikawa.
Only hours earlier, Scheffler wasn’t sure he would be released from jail to make his tee time, let alone stay in contention for his second straight victory in a major championship.
Traffic outside the golf course had been stopped after an employee of a vendor was struck and killed by a shuttle bus while crossing the road around 5 a.m. ET.
What happened next is in dispute. In a statement earlier Friday, Scheffler said “there was a big misunderstanding of what I thought I was being asked to do. I never intended to disregard any of the instructions.”
However, a Louisville Metro Police Department arrest report released Friday said Det. Bryan Gillis was dragged to the ground and suffered “pain, swelling and abrasions” to his left wrist and knee after Scheffler’s SUV accelerated.
Gillis was transported to a hospital by emergency medical personnel for evaluation. The report said his uniform pants were also damaged beyond repair.
Scheffler faces charges of second-degree assault of a police officer, third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic. The assault charge is a felony; the others are misdemeanors.
An arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday at 9 a.m. ET.
“That’ll get resolved, I think fairly quickly,” Scheffler said.
During his post-round news conference, Scheffler offered condolences to the family of John Mills, who was struck and killed by the bus.
“One day he’s heading to the golf course to watch a tournament,” Scheffler said. “A few moments later he’s trying to cross the street, and now he’s no longer with us. I can’t imagine what they’re going through. I feel for them. I’m sorry.”
Scheffler, 27, said he tried to defuse the situation once he was handcuffed and arrested.
“I was just sitting there in the back of the car, just listening to the police officer as he’s trying to figure out who I am, figure out my name,” Scheffler said. “They were trying to find me in the system, but there was something wrong with going across state lines with the Social Security number and stuff like that. All around, it was a very confusing and chaotic situation, but I did my best to just follow instructions and do as I was told as I was sitting there handcuffed.”
Scheffler said he tried his best to remain calm throughout the round and focus on his game. He did admit that getting inside the ropes helped, as did the support from the fans.
“I was grateful to be able to go out there and compete, and yeah, it was definitely a nice round of golf,” Scheffler said. “I’ve kept myself in the tournament now with a pretty chaotic day.”

Scottie ends his day signing autographs for the kids.
What a champ!

After starting the day by being arrested, then firing a 66 in the second round of the PGA Championship, Scottie Scheffler went to the practice green for more work.
Then signed autographs and took selfies all the way up the hill to the clubhouse before he left. pic.twitter.com/vlsgaxdvSn
— Marty Smith (@MartySmithESPN) May 17, 2024

Here’s his post-tournament interview:

Scottie Scheffler’s entire post-round interview from Friday at the PGA Championship. pic.twitter.com/kRdecxIZoz
— Golf Digest (@GolfDigest) May 17, 2024

If you feel like you’re stuck in your current situation, what could you do right now that would be like Scheffler ‘stretching in prison’ preparing for his release?
Act like the situation will turn around.
Make plans for the future despite what the current situation is.
That’s faith right there.
Do what you can do.
Act as if.
And stretch.
(cue: The Legend of Bagger Vance theme)”}]] [[{“value”:”

We learned some new details about the arrest of pro-golfer Scottie Schaffler a few months ago. Let me try to summarize what we learned, based on Scheffler’s claim. Scheffler arrived at the course early in the morning to prepare for the tournament. He drove slowly and followed all guidelines. He was calm, cool, and collected — even respectful — at all times. He was yelled at to “get out of his car” by a policeman who didn’t identify himself. Wow. Watch the video below. Body cam footage shows tension between top golfer Scottie Scheffler, and a policeman during his arrest. Scheffler was respectful and claimed that he was hit with a flashlight at random. “I was terrified. He didn’t say ‘Police! Get out of the… pic.twitter.com/D2k0JoNEbo — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) May 29, 2024 JUST IN: Body cam footage shows tense exchange between top golfer Scottie Scheffler and a police officer during his arrest. Scheffler was respectful and claimed that he was hit with a flashlight at random. “I was terrified. He didn’t say ‘Police! He didn’t say ‘Police! He faces four charges including second-degree assault after the officer claimed he was “dragged by the car”. #BreakingNews#ScottieScheffler#Police#BodyCamFootage People, is this the America we really want? Is this what we want in terms of police? We can’t let a few bad apples ruin the good work of the majority of police. Police your own police force. You have been given the power to control regular citizens only for TWO reasons: to PROTECT them and SERVE them. In this case, it appears that you did neither. When you fail to fulfill your two founding missions and abuse private citizens, your authority ends. YOU should be facing charges. I’m sick and tired of the wrong people getting charged with crimes …. Trump did not do anything wrong. Michael Cohen and the phony prosecutor in all these cases should be put on trial! Scottie Scheffler also appears to have committed no crimes, but it is this officer who needs to be tried for his actions. We don’t want power-tripping police officers in their little uniforms to go out and do crap like this with private citizens. Sorry, but I am not a blind apologist for the police …. The police are not given a blank cheque. I support those who do good and I am grateful to those who protect, serve and risk their lives in the process. I don’t like this. …. In this case, it’s more along the lines of: “and for these reasons, case dismissed!” Breaking: Judge dismisses charges against Scottie Schffler When I first heard about Scottie, I had no idea who he was. I’m neither a golfer nor a golf fan. I know very little about golfers, other than Tiger Woods. I’m not really a golf fan. The more I read about his arrest a few weeks ago, the more suspicious it seemed. After reporting and investigating the news for more than 10 years, one begins to develop a keen sense of situations. This one didn’t smell good. It felt more like police overreach than anything the man did wrong. I wrote about it here: WATCH NEW VIDEO FILM THAT SHOWS NO. Scottie Scheffler did nothing wrong! Our reporting has been validated once again as the Judge dismissed the charges. I love this post: Judge: “All charges have been dropped against Scottie Scheffler” *Scheffler looks at Officer Gillis*pic.twitter.com/gPKdmoqt24 — Shooter McGavin (@ShooterMcGavin_) May 29, 2024 You can watch the exact moment in court right here: All charges against Scottie Scheffler have been dropped: pic.twitter.com/vilpqilaIe — Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) May 29, 2024 As we reported very early on, this appeared to be a case of police over-reaction. Police exist to PROTECT, and SERVE. That’s it. Period. Full stop. In this case, they did neither. They seemed to be on a power-trip. We support the majority of police officers, but not the bad apples. We don’t support the poop that is in the ice-cream and ruins it for others. Have you heard of the poop that is in the ice-cream? Let me explain …. Imagine that you had a gallon of ice-cream. Brand new container. Imagine a tiny speck of poop in that ice-cream ….. Would you eat around the poop, and pretend the rest of the product is fine? No, you’re not. You’re wasting the entire gallon of ice-cream. Why? Just a little poop on the icecream can ruin the whole thing. This is also true of bad cops. Scheffler claimed that he had been hit with a flashlight by the officer in a new body cam video released today. Scheffler was respectful and said that he had been “hit” by a flashlight. “I was scared. I didn’t know who he is. He didn’t… pic.twitter.com/kXLKGapoL5 — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 29, 2024 JUST IN: Body cam footage released between number one ranked golfer Scottie Scheffler and a police officer after he was arrested. Scheffler was respectful and said that he had been “hit” by a flashlight. “I was scared. I didn’t know who he was. He didn’t say ‘Police! He didn’t say ‘Police!’ He was charged with four counts, including a second degree felony assault on an officer. The officer claimed that Scheffler’s vehicle “dragged” him. Do we have a police officer out of control here? Someone who should be penalized or removed? Fox News reported on the officer’s actions. The officer was already put on “corrective measures” because he didn’t have his bodycam on. Gee, I wonder why. The charges against Scottie Scheffler, a 10-time PGA Tour champion, were dropped on Tuesday, nearly two weeks since he had been arrested just before the second-round of the PGA Championship. Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell told the court that the evidence collected during their investigation supported Scheffler’s claim of a “misunderstanding.” The four charges were dismissed, including felony assault for injuries sustained by a Louisville Metro Police Department Officer during the encounter of May 17. The Louisville Police Chief Jacquelyn Gillaroel announced last week that Detective Bryan Gillis had received “corrective actions” following an internal investigation that found he failed to follow proper protocol by failing turn on his body cam. Gwinn Villaroel stated that “we understand the seriousness of not capturing this interaction. This is why our officer received corrective actions for this policy violation.” This corrective action was noted on a performance evaluation form, in accordance with our disciplinary protocols and practices. We respect the judicial system and will allow it to proceed as planned. We will not be able make any further statements in relation to this matter.” Watch more here: #WATCH — PGA Tour superstar Scottie Scheffler talking to an officer after being arrested: “He didn’t say police get out of the car, he just hit me with his flashlight and yelled get out of the car..” (Via: @AlexMyers3 | Maxwell Mitchell/FB)pic.twitter.com/Z7dbo4pvK2 — NUCLR GOLF (@NUCLRGOLF) May 29, 2024 And from our original reporting: WATCH: New Video Footage Released That Shows No. Scottie Scheffler did nothing wrong! Last week, we brought you the following report about the World’s No. 1 Golfer, Scottie Schaffler, being arrested just before he teed off on the Friday of the PGA Championship. World No. 1 Golfer Arrested before PGA Championship Tees Off Later that Day Police claim he blew past them, did not listen to their warnings and resisted arrest. Here’s the complete list: “assaulting an officer, criminal mischief and reckless driving.” Wow, what a list of charges. I bet that video shows him OUT OF CONTROL, right? Errrrrr, ummmmmm……no. Not even close. You can see the calmest, most normal interaction in the video released today: JUST IN: Footage of number one ranked golfer Scottie Scheffler being arrested as he turned into the parking lot prior to the second round of PGA Championship. Talk about an overreaction. The footage shows Scheffler turning left into the Valhalla parking lot before… pic.twitter.com/C1n1N7vxW4 — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 23, 2024 Collin Rugg reports the following: JUST IN: Footage released of number 1 ranked golfer Scottie Scheffler getting arrested while turning into the parking lot before the second round of the PGA Championship. Talk about an overreaction. The footage shows Scheffler turning right into the Valhalla Parking Lot before the officer appears to attach himself to Scheffler’s side. The officer didn’t activate his bodycam, so the grainy footage is all that is available for now. Scheffler still faces up to 10 years of prison for second-degree attack. Here’s another view, this time from the Dashcam: This is Scottie Scheffler crawling by the coach at around 5 mph while an officer chases him. Scottie brakes immediately as soon as the officer approaches the vehicle. 2 minutes later he’s been arrested and you can see the reporter following the officers… pic.twitter.com/TKQ90andUv — Flushing It (@flushingitgolf) May 23, 2024 This is the dash cam view of Scottie Scheffler crawling past the coach at about 5 mph with an officer chasing him. Scottie brakes immediately as soon as the officer approaches the vehicle. Two minutes later, he was arrested. You can see the reporter being stopped and following the officers. This is a bad look for the LMPD. I don’t really know what happened, but I’m not sure what else Scheffler might have done. This looks like a GROSS OVERREACTION on the part of the police. But they are not backing down. They continue to press charges, and they are doubling down. Here’s the full report: Details on Scottie Schaffler’s arrest. Excellent reporting by @JeffDarlington. pic.twitter.com/GnRFR9gEgS — Kevin Negandhi (@KevinNegandhi) May 17, 2024 People are calling the charges “absolutely insane”: Scottie’s charges: assaulting a police officer, criminal mischief, reckless driving, and disregarding traffic signals. Absolutely insane. pic.twitter.com/9CKrGBJNsa — Fore Play (@ForePlayPod) May 17, 2024 Others are outright calling the police story “fabricated” (and the video seems to back them up): Scottie Scheffler is a great guy, and I doubt almost anyone believes the cop’s likely-fabricated story that justified Scottie’s arrest. I think the charges will either be dropped or greatly reduced in order to avoid embarrassment on the part of the highly-dubious Louisville PD. pic.twitter.com/EaI6gNG6QQ — Paul Mitchell (@PaulMitchell_AB) May 23, 2024 Scheffler’s attorney says they are ready to litigate: Scheffler’s attorney Steve Romines: “All the evidence that continues to come out continues to support what Scottie said all along, that this was a chaotic situation and he didn’t do anything wrong.” Should charges be dropped against Scottie? pic.twitter.com/cmBWyrKhae — NUCLR GOLF (@NUCLRGOLF) May 23, 2024 So what is going on here? I would like to say that I support the police 100%, but it is a two way street. We see far too many power trips and abuses. Why make this a global incident? The man appears to have done everything correctly. What else was he expected to do? I would also like to clarify that I am not writing this as an avid fan. I don’t follow golf. I don’t have any golfing heroes. Scottie Scheffler was a name I had never heard of before this. But now, I like him. Team Scheffler We’ll continue to follow this story and provide you with future updates. If you missed the original reporting, here’s a copy: World No. This is something you don’t hear every day. This is a great story that will be remembered for a long time. Around 6 a.m. Scottie Scheffler, a golfer from the United States, was detained and handcuffed Friday morning, ET, for allegedly failing to follow a police officer’s instructions when entering Valhalla Golf Club. Two hours later the world’s No. The world No. He was supposed compete in the PGA Tournament on that day. Why is this happening to me?” Why is everything going wrong? Many might say, “Of course this would happen at the tournament.” Many may also slump in a corner and accept defeat. “What else can you do?” I’m stuck!” But that’s not exactly what he did. He remained calm. He did exactly what we should all do in times of uncertainty. Act as if. How did he act as if? He began to warm up. Why would he warm-up for a tournament in the first place? He’s not allowed to play, he is locked up. ‘It’s hopeless, it’s pointless!’ Many would say. Acting as if is a way to activate your faith. Scottie may not have realized it, but his act of stretching out his muscles was essentially stretching his faith. He was saying, “I am getting ready for what i know I should do today, regardless of what the circumstances are.” The unexpected is bound to happen. “I spent some time stretching in jail, that was a new experience for me.” Scottie Scheffler warmed up in a jail cell and shot -5 in a Major today @ForePlayPod pic.twitter.com/DaSRTMRyfF — Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) May 17, 2024 MSN reports: LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Sometime around 8 a.m. ET Friday, world No. Scottie Scheffler, the world’s No. 1 golfer, was in a holding room at the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections watching himself be arrested on television. Scheffler was handcuffed two hours before and detained after allegedly failing to follow a police officer’s instructions when he tried to drive into Valhalla Golf Club’s entrance, the site of the PGA Championship this week. Scheffler admitted that he was “just so confused” at the time. “I didn’t even know what time it is. I didn’t understand what was happening. When I was in the holding cells or whatever, I could see myself on ESPN. “‘Get up’ was on. In the corner, it showed the time, and it said that they were delayed. I was thinking about my tee-time.” I thought, “Well, maybe I can get out.” Scheffler described the situation as a “chaotic” and “big misunderstanding”. He refused to comment on what happened. Scheffler stated, “I came here to play golf.” “I was driving into the city this morning to get to my warmup and get ready for a round of golf. I didn’t understand what had happened this morning. Around 3:30 pm, his bizarre and stressful day ended. Scheffler and his playing partners Wyndham Harman and Brian Harman walked off the 9th hole, which was his 18th hole of the day. Scheffler managed to post a 5-under-66 for a total of 9-under for 36 holes, which was good for a tie for the second place, two shots behind the then-clubhouse leader Collin Morikawa. Scheffler was not sure if he would make it to his tee-time, let alone be in contention for his 2nd consecutive major championship victory. Traffic outside the course was stopped after a vendor’s employee was killed by a shuttle while crossing the road at around 5 a.m. ET. What happened next remains a matter of dispute. Scheffler stated in a Friday statement that “there was a huge misunderstanding as to what I thought was being asked.” I never intended to ignore any of the instructions. A Louisville Metro Police Department report on Friday stated that Det. Bryan Gillis was dragged down to the ground, and suffered “pain and swelling” in his left wrist and leg after Scheffler’s SUV accelerated. Emergency medical personnel transported Gillis to a hospital for evaluation. The report stated that his uniform pants had also been damaged beyond repair. Scheffler is charged with second-degree assault on a police officer and third-degree criminal damage. He also faces charges for reckless driving, disregarding traffic signals, and reckless driving. The assault charge is a misdemeanor; the other charges are felonies. The arraignment will take place on Tuesday at 9 am. ET. Scheffler said, “That will get resolved fairly quickly.” Scheffler expressed his condolences during the post-round press conference to the family of John Mills who was killed by a bus. Scheffler said, “One day, he was heading to the course to watch a golf tournament.” “A few minutes later, he was trying to cross the road and now he is no longer with us.” I can’t even imagine what they are going through. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Scheffler, 27 said he tried defusing the situation after he was arrested and handcuffed. Scheffler, 27, said he sat in the back seat of the car and listened to the officer trying to determine who I was, my name. “They were trying find me in the database, but there was a problem with crossing state lines using the Social Security number.” It was a chaotic and confusing situation all around, but I tried to follow the instructions and do what I was told while I was handcuffed. Scheffler said that he did his best to stay calm and focused on his game throughout the round. He admitted that the fans’ support and getting inside the ropes were helpful. Scheffler said, “I was grateful that I was able to compete and it was a nice round.” “I’ve managed to stay in the tournament with a pretty chaotic morning.” Scottie finishes his day by signing autographs for children. What a champion! Scottie Scheffler, who had started the day by getting arrested, and then shot a 66 during the second round of PGA Championship, went back to the practice green. Then he signed autographs and took a selfie all the way to the clubhouse. pic.twitter.com/vlsgaxdvSn — Marty Smith (@MartySmithESPN) May 17, 2024 Here’s his post-tournament interview: Scottie Scheffler’s entire post-round interview from Friday at the PGA Championship. pic.twitter.com/kRdecxIZoz — Golf Digest (@GolfDigest) May 17, 2024 If you feel like you’re stuck in your current situation, what could you do right now that would be like Scheffler ‘stretching in prison’ preparing for his release? Act as if the situation will improve. Make plans for your future, despite the current situation. This is faith. Do what you can. Act as if. Stretch. (cue the Legend of Bagger Vance)


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