
President Trump: “Are we going to be considered 2 term or 3 term…?”

Do n’t shoot the messenger on this one, folks! I merely report what I see and hear. And what I really heard and heard from President Trump is one of those things that causes you to pause and reflect:” Did I really just hear that?” And it was n’t just me that noticed, my good friend Joe Rambo noticed and posted it to Twitter. Let me demonstrate to you exactly what I mean: Holy Shout! !
Trump has merely stated once more to us!!!! ” Are we going to be considered 2 term or 3 term …”? He convinced enjoys dropping truth bombs in the middle of speeches.” We are sort of having my second term right now.” We are with you sir. … image twitter.com/TAK52bw5RM — Joe Rambo ( @BrainStorm_Joe ) May 18, 2024Backup video here: The PAUSE… 45- 47 pic. What’s going on here, exactly?- Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) May 19, 2024 And why does President Trump keep dropping these huge hints? And why does he wear a hat with the letters 45 and 47 on it? You do know what the dash means, best? Consider a gravestone: It signifies OVER. If he wanted to say# 45 and# 47 he would use the word “and” or a comma, but he did n’t do that. A dash was used by him. I think really consciously. If you believe I’m making too much of this, I can understand that. but I would respectfully ask you to keep reading and watch the more clips I am about to show you. This has changed a lot since the second time he mentioned it. It’s never a slip of the tongue or “misunderstood”. This is a very distinct message he keeps reiterating. Take a look: President Trump When Once Explains” The Pause”— This Time In More DetailWith each new speech, President Trump is becoming more obvious in what he reveals to us. He’s recently made hints about “going away for a while,”” we will be up,” and” The Pause.” But those have often been transitory comments. He went into much more detail about” The Pause” yesterday. Folks …how much more clearly can he say it? This entire process was planned long in advance, and it is developed warfare. Extremely high stakes. Watch the speech Trump delivered past night on READQ PROOFI. Because everyone does that at 4am, best? Practically speaking, this PAUSE statement is a Q PROOF. Just when evil is brought into the light can we stop it.
only when they are unable to function in the [shadows ] image. twitter.com/ZEgNDbSHtp— Joe Rambo ( @BrainStorm_Joe ) November 3, 2023READQ PROOFI’m watching back Trump’s speech from last night.. Because everyone does that at 4am, best? Practically speaking, this PAUSE statement is a Q PROOF. Just when evil is brought into the light can we stop it.
Only when they can no longer operate in the]shadows ] can people see the truth for themselves.
Just when people can see for themselves the truth will people realize the real nature of their deception. Seeing is Believing.
Often it’s difficult to tell the truth to the general public.
The only way that people will recognize the need for change is now.
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4-year election. GOD WINS.THIS IS NOT ANOTHER 4 YEAR ELECTIONTrump is literally telling us this is an operation that was done intentionally.NCSWICYou can’t “TELL” many people….you have to “SHOW” them.Seeing is believing. pic.twitter.com/puwSJ6QZun— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) November 3, 2023The big question now: has this been enough?Are enough people awake?Here’s more from our prior reporting on this topic…..it goes DEEP!President Trump Explains “The Pause” — All Planned In Advance?Heads up folks!President Trump just had one of the most interesting soundbites in recent memory.In less than 35 seconds, he explains “The Pause“.It sounds very intentional.Very planned.Very coordinated as part of the overall operation that is currently running.I can’t explain it any other way than that.You judge for yourself.What is “the pause”?It sounds like the Joe Biden Residency to me.Full text:Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause.During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons.Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery.To correct these issues, we have written a story and produced a show/cover story.The show will allow the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weoponizing the people… all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system, and derooting corruption of every form globally.We are 100% reaching the precipice. It is time.It had to be this way. And it’s glorious. What a time to be alive.Now watch for yourself:Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause. During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons. Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery. To… pic.twitter.com/GhdJ4ytsFq— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) July 22, 2023Backup here on Rumble:Is Trump still in charge?I am telling you, it sure sounds like it to me!Want more?This is just ONE clip.I have about a dozen and they all tie together.How did we miss these when the originally came out?Looking back it’s all so clear.Take a look…..UPDATE: More EVIDENCE Hidden In Plain Sight — Trump Has Been Telling Us All Along!This is now the THIRD TIME I’ve updated this article.More information just keeps coming in…I’ll mark the updated information below so you can see it.Or just read the whole thing in full again, there is SO MUCH to soak in!So in my original article, I argued that perhaps President Trump has been telling us the truth all along and we just haven’t noticed it.The truth about what?Well, the truth about the Military Operation being conducted by the White Hats — or however you want to phrase it.But assuming there is a team of “Good Guys” working to save this Country, would we see any evidence of it?We certainly see evidence of the horror Joe Biden has brought on this Country…but is there evidence that the White Hats are also running their playbook?I think there is.“Central Casting”“He’s Shot!”“I Caught Them All!”I’ll copy my original article below so you can see all of that in case you missed it — there’s a lot in there!But first I want to show you a bunch of new stuff.I’ll just put it out here and let you decide after you read everything.Huge credit to my friend Joe Rambo (@Brainstorm_Joe on X) for putting together this incredible thread.Ok, we start here and please read and watch everything first because it all fits together.  One particular video may not mean a ton on its own, but you put them all together and eventually it tells a pretty compelling story:How is Trump so confident in telling Karri that something good is going to happen. Something much bigger….? Because they caught them all. Including the 2022 midterm thefts. Space force had an aircraft up for 908 days. It’s called X-37B. It took off shortly before the… https://t.co/8JuH8gcoJg pic.twitter.com/0OYI5WCmLY— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023How is Trump so confident in telling Karri that something good is going to happen.Something much bigger….?Because they caught them all. Including the 2022 midterm thefts.Space force had an aircraft up for 908 days.It’s called X-37B.It took off shortly before the 2020 election and landed just after the 2022 election.Coincidence?Or do they have it all?Was the military the only way?Read the rest of this thread.What we are watching is awesome.What an amazing time to be alive.Then we go here:From this point forward. We will not announce when we will attack. But attack we will. This is a wartime president who was attacked personally from every angle. As our country was also attacked. Watch the clips in this thread. I believe it makes he reference to the… https://t.co/Ji1aBir1N9 pic.twitter.com/PdTbs6SRlc— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023From this point forward.We will not announce when we will attack.But attack we will.This is a wartime president who was attacked personally from every angle.As our country was also attacked.Watch the clips in this thread.I believe it makes he reference to the “pause” impossible to deny.Patriots are in control.I believe the MSM was well aware Trump was telling the truth in these moments. The summer of love and the media attacks ramped up like crazy leading into 2020 for exactly that reason. But Trump put safeguards in place. He signed EO’s. He placed certain people like Ezra and… https://t.co/pOVnzG1tTS pic.twitter.com/2WyIccYFht— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023I believe the MSM was well aware Trump was telling the truth in these moments.The summer of love and the media attacks ramped up like crazy leading into 2020 for exactly that reason.But Trump put safeguards in place.He signed EO’s.He placed certain people like Ezra and Miller in positions.He promised to give the government back to the people on day 1.The “pause” is part of keeping that promise.The military was the only way.It had to be this way to minimize loss of life.To ensure public safety. NCSWIC.Here he is again. Hinting at what is really happening. You have to love that style. He drops truth BOMBS right in the middle of speeches. Then moves right along as if he didn’t just tell you exactly what is going on. It’s right in our faces. He caught em all. I know it’s… https://t.co/VGr9nK6U8t pic.twitter.com/7vHg5BZM4G— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023Here he is again.Hinting at what is really happening.You have to love that style.He drops truth BOMBS right in the middle of speeches.Then moves right along as if he didn’t just tell you exactly what is going on.It’s right in our faces.He caught em all.I know it’s hard to see the forest through the trees.But it’s true.Patriots are in control.11/08/19 Trump was already telling you they spent millions of dollars investigating and trying to find corruption. Wanna know why Joe Biden is a different guy? Why he doesn’t know he is alive? Why he is shot? The answer is right here. Joe Biden is a crook. If you think… https://t.co/mmfoL2Ge9z pic.twitter.com/cNa4hiiAFE— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 202311/08/19 Trump was already telling you they spent millions of dollars investigating and trying to find corruption. Wanna know why Joe Biden is a different guy? Why he doesn’t know he is alive? Why he is shot? The answer is right here. Joe Biden is a crook. If you think no one did anything about it.. I suggest reading the rest of this thread.Full clip:Then he explains “the pause”…This is one of the most compelling clips to me.Have you seen this?He’s telling you point blank.Let it simmer for a while and let people see what Radical Left Democrats will do to our country!It was all planned and had to go this way?Sure sounds like it:More proof that Patriots are in control. Remember that this is an information war. Nothing is as it seems. Connect the dots. Trump re-truthed this post of himself telling us that he could go right in and fix it fast. But rather they chose to let it simmer for a while. “Let… https://t.co/c1P5pbDkjW pic.twitter.com/PJn84N4jMy— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023More proof that Patriots are in control.Remember that this is an information war.Nothing is as it seems.Connect the dots.Trump re-truthed this post of himself telling us that he could go right in and fix it fast.But rather they chose to let it simmer for a while.“Let them see what radical left Democrats will do to our country”And to boot, the post is overplayed with a literal Q drop. 4461 to be specific.Often it’s difficult to tell the truth to the general public.YOU MUST SHOW THEM. The only way that people will recognize the need for change is now.It had to be this way.This is not another 4-year election.GOD WINS.Q Can you see it yet?He called it the “pause”They have it all.Still think he did nothing about it?Let’s see what happens.This next one builds on the exact same topic.He confirms it again:  it was a planned “pause”.It had to be this way:Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause. During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons. Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery. To… pic.twitter.com/GhdJ4ytsFq— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) July 22, 2023Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause.During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons.Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery.To correct these issues, we have written a story and produced a show/cover story.The show will allow the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weoponizing the people… all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system, and derooting corruption of every form globally.We are 100% reaching the precipice.It is time. It had to be this way.And it’s glorious. What a time to be alive.NOW HERE IS THE NEWEST UPDATE:He told us so many times. We just couldn’t comprehend how yuge the operation was and therefore what the timeline would be. I can’t wait to make the documentary. I want to name it “Hind sight is 2020” Vindicating and celebrating all of the anons that picked up on the truth… https://t.co/c1P5pbDkjW pic.twitter.com/elHoTTuIVm— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 10, 2023He told us so many times.We just couldn’t comprehend how yuge the operation was and therefore what the timeline would be.I can’t wait to make the documentary. I want to name it “Hind sight is 2020”Vindicating and celebrating all of the anons that picked up on the truth even prior to the fake 2020 election. “The Pause”In the face of adversity anons and patriots heald the line.You can feel the excitement in the air.As Trump is calling g it. “2024 is our final battle”NCSWIC. Nothing.And:Who remembers when the National Guard took an oath to act as US Marshals for 1 year right before “Joe Biden’s” inauguration? What are the duties of a US Marshal? The duties of the U.S. Marshals Service include protecting the federal judiciary, apprehending federal fugitives,… https://t.co/c1P5pbDkjW pic.twitter.com/nPYdAJZw30— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 10, 2023Who remembers when the National Guard took an oath to act as US Marshals for 1 year right before “Joe Biden’s” inauguration?What are the duties of a US Marshal?The duties of the U.S. Marshals Service include protecting the federal judiciary, apprehending federal fugitives, managing and selling seized assets acquired by criminals through illegal activities, housing and transporting federal prisoners and operating the Witness Security Program.The inauguration was provably false. The wreath ceremony and the 21 gun salute were provably false.Trump told us “I don’t think it’s him”“I caught em. I caught em all. Now let’s see what happens.”“The pause is a beautiful thing. If there is such a thing. And it’s a beautiful thing.”Are y’all starting to put it together yet?Drip. Drip. Drip. Flood.Sometimes you can’t tell. You must show.“It will be much easier to do what must be done. Bc everyone will agree with us.”Y’all ready for the good part? Because here it comes…So there you go.Wow!Hidden in plain sight?He’s been telling us very clearly!Want more?Trump Has Been Telling Us All Along?I’m just throwing this out there and you can make of it what you will…You could chalk it all up to just common phrases used over and over with no bigger meaning or purpose behind them.But I’m starting to wonder if perhaps they do have meaning.I’m starting to wonder if we truly are going to see and end to this “movie” play out soon, and I’m wondering if when we look back in hindsight if it will be a “Sixth Sense” moment.You remember that movie?(30 year old) SPOILER ALERT: In one of the most legendary twists to end a movie of all time, you find out at the end that Bruce Willis has been dead the whole time.You immediately ask yourself, “But….how can that be?”We saw him talking to people throughout the movie, did they know he was dead?But then the flashbacks start and you quickly realize you didn’t really see what you thought you saw.It was all hidden in plain view, but you missed it.The entire audience missed it for the whole movie.But when you look back, it’s obvious.And I wonder if that’s how this “movie” is going to end.Will we look back and see that Trump was telling us BIG clues all along?Will we look back and see it was all hidden in plain sight?I’ll let you judge for yourself, let’s start here:When all is said and done and we look back on everything in hindsight, I believe it’s going to be like The Sixth Sense. Remember that movie? It was all there the whole time and you never saw it until you look back in hindsight. TRUMP HAS BEEN TELLING US! Also?… pic.twitter.com/lDZvjJlYtV— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) August 20, 2023He’s shot!Just a phrase?He sure does seem to repeat it a LOT.What do you think?But that’s not the only example…Now let’s go to “Central Casting”.As President Trump has stated over & over – CENTRAL CASTING – ENJOY THE REST OF THE MOVIE pic.twitter.com/tBPix35XxQ— JQΛППΛПӨП (@JoannaLody) August 19, 2023For those who don’t know, Central Casting is a real company that specializes in providing actors and background actors for movies.Gee, isn’t that interesting?Again, it could just be a phrase, but he sure does seem to say it a LOT!Take a look:Trump Central Casting CompilationYou are watching a movie?#CentralCasting pic.twitter.com/URigmxRBTK— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) August 21, 2023Backup here on Rumble:Literally “Central Casting”?Central casting you say… pic.twitter.com/zDd6bciTTJ— CtrlAltDelete (@TakingoutTrash7) August 10, 2023Then I have one more…I’m not sure why this doesn’t get more attention.Here he is point blank telling us “I caught them all”.I’m not sure how else to interpret that other than at face value.President Trump caught the swamp! He caught them ALL! Trust in the Lord! “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him.” Psalm 28:7 pic.twitter.com/9oirr4Ewca— Laura 1776 (@TeacherResearc1) August 12, 2023Which leads to the question I know you’re probably asking at this point….Ok, if this IS a movie being allowed to play out and if President Trump DID catch them all, then what is he waiting for?Why is this taking so long?Well, I have a theory about that and I’ll explain it to you right here:President Trump Just Confirmed It: “He Already Has All The Evidence!”This is HUGE folks…I am literally bouncing a bit in my seat as I type this one.For years, I have told you my theory is that President Trump already has ALL the evidence.What evidence?Everything.Confirmation of the 2020 Election Steal (we know they watched and logged it all in realtime from that SCIF)…All the goods on the Biden Family treason…All the evidence of the multiple Unconstitutional actions taken against President Trump which also amount to Treason and election interference to name just a couple crimes….He.Has.It.All.At least that’s been my theory.Why?Call it common sense or intuition or a gut feeling or reading between the lines but in light of everything they’ve thrown at him and his family, he looks WAY too calm to me to be managing all of this if he didn’t already know he had won….If he didn’t already know he holds the Trump Card.So that’s been my working theory.Then last week a lady named Jan Halper-Hayes went on GBN and told the world that theory is 100% correct.I mean, she basically reiterated my theory word-for-word and even went farther than anything I’ve ever speculated.We covered it and that was excited, but then a couple other things happened and that’s where we now advance the story.First, Don Jr. posted a link to her full interview, essentially giving it his stamp of approval.Ok, that’s cool, but it’s not 45.…….but then 45 did it.Not only reposted it but gave it his clear endorsement and confirmed it was TRUE.Take a look:Here is a backup screenshot to confirm: OH BABY!I told you this was good!I’m not the only one picking up on it….StormIsUponUs summed it up perfectly:Imagine the massive amounts of extreme panic spreading among the deep state right now after President Trump just reposted this video on Truth Social and said Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is “fantastic.”Did you think he was kidding when he said, “we caught them all”? pic.twitter.com/mnm32PcYH1— TheStormHasArrived (@TheStormRedux) August 7, 2023I told you, this movie is just about over and you are going to LOVE how it ends!To watch the full interview and to read my entire theory, keep reading below…Here’s Why Trump Has Waited SO LONG To Play The Trump Card…Did you think the 2020 Steal was over?Think they got away with it?They have for 3 years but it’s far from over.In fact, thanks to Jack Smith’s new charges against President Trump it seems we now have the perfect forum to actually litigate the 2020 election.And its with that backdrop that I have to show you this brand new interview on England’s GBN (which I assume stands for Great Britain News) featuring Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes.Dr. Halper-Hayes is a political strategist who was on the Trump Transition Team and who is a frequent guest on BBC, CNBC, CNN and Breitbart.But it’s what she said on GBN that got my attention.Here comes the Trump Card!
They “have the goods,” they declare! ” Dr. Jan Halper- Hayes, a Republican Commentator and past VP of Republicans Overseas told a British morning news show this morning that she sits on a DOD Task Force and that Space Force has evidence of the 2020 stolen election. Also seen in Hulper-Hayes… twitter.com/VFDCJiRAZx— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) August 4, 2023Check this out: Listen carefully: Trump is about to play an ace card. I do n’t believe the two interviewing Jan Halper-Hayes comprehend the tactful behavior of the Trump team. He can subpoena and call witnesses. It will all come out soon. Trump has got the goods” He has the evidence of it all. Nice journalists, but this one comes off as a little skeptical. This reminds me of Liz Truss trying to deal with Putin. Fully out of their depth. # TrumpArrest# USAListen carefully: Trump is about to play an ace card. I do n’t believe the two interviewing Jan Halper-Hayes comprehend the tactful behavior of the Trump team. He can subpoena and call witnesses. It will all come out soon. Trump has got the goods” He has the evidence of it … pic. On Trump’s Transition team, Jim Ferguson ( @JimFergusonUK) was on Twitter.com/faFpJn8p9A on August 4, 2023. https: //t. @TheNotoriousLMC photo: co/XhElY7VJS4. twitter.com/v5p1JABvKv— MJTruthUltra ( @MJTruthUltra ) August 4, 2023More here from MJ Truth: Holy Smokes! Take note of this! Jan Halper- Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD &amp, Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election … The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION – SPACE FORCE” They’ve made a HUGE HUGE mistake with this one … Because even though they thought what was gonna happen was that they were going to go after him for treason or sedition, but they did criminally charge him, but they did n’t go to that extreme. He has credited process, which allows him to subpoena people and bring things in. Let me say something about this 2020 election. Although Iron Maiden is a reasonable leader, he also serves as the president of the BANKRUPT US CORPORATION. That wa SA treaty in 1871. Trump established a on September 12, 2018. Executive Order. He went on to describe any kind of international or domestic interference in upcoming elections, particularly in relation to the 2020 election. ( That EO Fam is 13848, the one Joe Biden keeps renewing ). How did he know that some of these events were coming? &gt, What what this has done is open the door for Trump to present his case…. It’s a huge mistake for Jack Smith to have done that. Think around Edward Snowden and all the information he had. Think about the fact that our military, our Department of Defense, SPACE FORCE… if you think that they do n’t have the actual real results from the election, then you’re fooling yourself…. She then goes on to discuss 2000 murders and the 60 court cases that the media fabricated and which were rejected. ” There were 3… he won 2 &amp, lost 1, 57 were not heard because they had no standing. The person bringing the case must first be able to cite some sort of impact or injury. &gt, &gt, I sit on a task force at the Department of Defense &amp, they’ve got the goods. And Trump was aware that if he presented the evidence first on, there would be a Civil War, and he believed that the public would be able to see how bad it could actually be. Take note of this! The Department of Defense’s Jan Halper-Hayes discusses Trump’s Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD &, Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election…” They’ve made a HUGE… pic. twitter.com/T3jAFQGibl— MJTruthUltra ( @MJTruthUltra ) August 4, 2023Backup of the full interview here on Rumble: And from Trump’s attorney John Lauro, he confirms many of the same details: Hey deep state, be careful what you wish for” !We now have the ability in this case to issue our own subpoenas. And we will debate each and every issue in the 2020 Election. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power. “pic. twitter.com/MWorFb9rF7— Liz Harrington ( @realLizUSA ) August 1, 2023Be careful what you wish for Jack Smith, it looks like you just might get it! [[{“value”:”

Don’t shoot at the messenger! I report what I hear and see. What I just heard and saw from President Trump was one of those things that makes you pause, and wonder: “Did you really just hear it?” Yes, you did. Joe Rambo, my good buddy, also noticed and tweeted it. Let me show you what I mean. Holy sht… there it was!!! ! Trump just told !!!! The PAUSE… 45 – 47 He sure likes to drop TRUTH bombs right in the middle of his speeches. We are with you sir…. pic.twitter.com/TAK52bw5RM — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) May 18, 2024 Backup video here: The PAUSE… 45-47 pic.twitter.com/uxhE81FdKo — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) May 19, 2024 So what is going on here? Why does President Trump keep dropping massive hints? Why does he wear a cap that says 45-47? You know what dash means, don’t you? Imagine a gravestone. It means THROUGH. If he had wanted to say #45 & #47, he would have used the word “and” – or a comma. But he didn’t. He used a dash. I think it was very deliberate. I can respect your opinion …., but I respectfully ask that you continue reading and watch the other clips I am about show you. This is not the first time he has mentioned it. It’s not just a “misunderstood” or “slip of the tongue”. He is repeating a very clear and consistent message. Look: President Trump Explains “The Pause”, This Time In Detail. With each new speech President Trump becomes more explicit about what he tells us. He has hinted at “going away for awhile” and “we’ll be back” as well as “The Pause”. These were only brief comments. Yesterday, he spoke in much greater detail about “The Pause”. How much more clearly could he have said it? This was planned in advance, and it is advanced warfare. High stakes. Watch here: READQ Proood I’m watching Trump’s last night speech. It’s what everyone else does at 4am, right? This PAUSE statement literally is a Q PROOF. Only by bringing evil to light can it be defeated.

Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows]… pic.twitter.com/ZEgNDbSHtp — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) November 3, 2023 READQ PROOF I’m watching back Trump’s speech from last night.. It’s what everyone else does at 4am, right? This PAUSE statement literally is a Q PROOF. Only by bringing evil to light can it be defeated.

Only when they are no longer able to operate in the shadows can people see for themselves the truth.

Only when people [for themselves] see the truth will they understand the true nature their deception. Seeing is believing.

Sometimes it’s impossible to tell the truth.

You must show them.

Only then will people find the will to change.

It was inevitable.

This is not a 4-year election. GOD WINNS. Trump tells us that this was a deliberate operation. NCSWIC You cannot “TELL” people ….you must “SHOW” them. Seeing is believing. pic.twitter.com/puwSJ6QZun — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) November 3, 2023 The big question now: has this been enough? Are there enough people awake? You can read more about this topic in our previous reporting …..it goes deep! President Trump Explains the “Pause” — Was it all planned in advance? Attention! President Trump just delivered one of the most fascinating soundbites we’ve heard in recent years. In less than 35 second, he explains the “Pause”. It sounds like it was planned. Very well planned. As part of the current operation, it is very well coordinated. I can’t think of a better way to explain it. You decide. What is “the Pause”? It sounds like Joe Biden’s presidency to me. Full text: Translation of the full text: I Donald Trump made moves and signed orders to put the government on hold. We will be running a multi-layered psyop during this time for many reasons. Our country was compromised. Our citizens were divided, and led into slavery. We have written and produced a cover story/show to correct these issues. The show will let the American people know what we are up against, and, in turn weoponizing them… all while saving children, revamping financial systems, and derooting global corruption. We are at the edge of the cliff. It’s time. It was inevitable. It’s glorious. What a wonderful time to be alive. Watch yourself: Translation: Donald Trump has made moves and signed order so that we can pause the government. We will be running a multi-layered psyop during this time for many reasons. Our country was compromised. Our citizens were divided into slavery. To… pic.twitter.com/GhdJ4ytsFq — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) July 22, 2023 Backup here on Rumble: Is Trump still in charge? It sure sounds like it! Want more? This is only ONE clip. I have a dozen clips that all tie together. How did we miss them when they first came out? It’s so obvious when you look back. Look at ….. UPDATED: More EVIDENCE hidden in plain sight — Trump has been telling us all along! This is the THIRD time I have updated this article. The information keeps on coming… I’ll mark it below so you can see. You can also read it all again. There is so much to absorb! In my original article, i argued that maybe President Trump has been telling the truth to us all along, and we have just not noticed it. What is the truth? The truth about the Military Operation conducted by the White Hats, or however you wish to phrase it. Would we see any proof if there was a team of “Good Guys”, working to save the country? We see the horror Joe Biden brought to this Country…but are there any signs that the White Hats also have their playbook in place? I think so. “Central Casting”, “He’s shot!” “I caught them all!” I’ll copy and paste my original article so you can see it in case you missed anything — there’s quite a bit in there! But first, I want to show some new stuff. I’ll put it all out there and let you decide once you read everything. My friend Joe Rambo, (@Brainstorm_Joe in X), deserves a lot of credit for putting this thread together. Please read and watch all of the videos first, as they all fit together. The video alone may not be very meaningful, but when you combine them all it tells an interesting story: Why is Trump so confident to tell Karri that good things are going to happen? Something much bigger ….? They caught them all. Included the midterm thefts of 2022. The Space Force had an aircraft in place for 908 days. It’s called X-37B. It took off shortly before the… https://t.co/8JuH8gcoJg pic.twitter.com/0OYI5WCmLY — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023 How is Trump so confident in telling Karri that something good is going to happen. Something much bigger ….? They caught them all. Included the midterm thefts of 2022. The Space Force had an aircraft in place for 908 days. It’s called X-37B. It took off just before the 2020 elections and landed shortly after the 2022 elections. Coincidence? Or are they a group of people who have it all? Was the military the only option? Continue reading this thread. What we’re watching is amazing. What a wonderful time to be alive. We will now move forward. We will not announce the date of our attack. We will attack. This is a president of war who has been attacked from all angles. Our country was also attacked. Watch the clips on this thread. I believe it makes he reference to the… https://t.co/Ji1aBir1N9 pic.twitter.com/PdTbs6SRlc — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023 From this point forward. We will not announce the date of our attack. We will attack. This is a president of war who has been attacked from all angles. Our country was also attacked. Watch the clips on this thread. I think it makes the reference to “pause” impossible for me to deny. Patriots are in charge. I believe that the MSM knew Trump was telling it like it was in these moments. For this reason, the summer of love and media attacks accelerated like crazy in the lead-up to 2020. But Trump put safeguards into place. He signed EOs. He placed certain people like Ezra and… https://t.co/pOVnzG1tTS pic.twitter.com/2WyIccYFht — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023 I believe the MSM was well aware Trump was telling the truth in these moments. For this reason, the summer of love and media attacks accelerated like crazy in the lead up to 2020. But Trump put safeguards into place. He signed EOs. He appointed certain people, like Ezra Miller and Miller. He promised that he would return the government to the people the first day. Keeping that promise includes the “pause”. The military was the only option. This was the only way to minimize deaths. To ensure public security. NCSWIC. He is back. Hinting at the real story. You’ll love his style. He drops truth bombs right in the middle speeches. Then he moves on as if nothing happened. It’s right there in front of us. He caught them all. I know it’s… https://t.co/VGr9nK6U8t pic.twitter.com/7vHg5BZM4G — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023 Here he is again. Hinting at the real story. You’ll love his style. He drops truth bombs right in the middle speeches. Then he moves on as if nothing happened. It’s right there in front of us. He caught them all. I know that it’s difficult to see the forest for the trees. It’s true. Patriots are in charge. 11/08/19 Trump told you that they had spent millions of dollars on an investigation and to try to find corruption. Want to know why Joe Biden has changed? Why does he not know that he’s alive? Why is he shot? Here’s the answer. Joe Biden is a criminal. If you think… https://t.co/mmfoL2Ge9z pic.twitter.com/cNa4hiiAFE — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023 11/08/19 Trump was already telling you they spent millions of dollars investigating and trying to find corruption. Want to know why Joe Biden has changed? Why does he not know that he’s alive? Why is he shot? Here’s the answer. Joe Biden is a criminal. If you think that no one has done anything about it. I suggest you read the rest of this thread. Full clip: He explains “the pause “… To me, this is one of the most compelling clips. Have you seen it? He’s telling it straight. Let it simmer and let the people see what Radical Left Democrats are going to do to our country. Was it all planned? It sounds like it. More proof that Patriots have control. Remember that this war is an information one. Nothing is what it seems. Connect the dots. Trump re-truthed the post about himself, telling us that he would be able to fix it quickly. They chose to let the situation simmer for a bit. “Let… https://t.co/c1P5pbDkjW pic.twitter.com/PJn84N4jMy — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 5, 2023 More proof that Patriots are in control. This is an informational war. Nothing is what it seems. Connect the dots. Trump re-truthed the post about himself, telling us that he would be able to fix it quickly. They chose to let the situation simmer for a bit. “Let them know what radical left Democrats are going to do to our country.” And to top it off, the post has been overplayed by a literal Q-drop. To be precise, 4461. Sometimes, you can’t tell everyone the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. Only then will people find the will to change. It was inevitable. This is not another four-year election. GOD WINNS. Q Can you see the picture yet? He called it “the pause” They have everything. You still think he didn’t do anything about it? Let’s wait and see what happens. This next one is based on the exact same subject. He confirms that it was a “planned pause”. It had to be done this way: Translation – I Donald Trump made moves and signed order so that we could put the government on “pause”. We will be running a multi-layered psyop during this time for many reasons. Our country was compromised. Our citizens were divided into slavery. To… pic.twitter.com/GhdJ4ytsFq — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) July 22, 2023 Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause. We will be running a multi-layered psyop during this time for various reasons. Our country was compromised. Our citizens were divided, and led into slavery. We have written and produced a cover story/show to correct these issues. The show will let the American people know what we are up against, and, in turn weoponizing them… all while saving children, revamping financial systems, and derooting global corruption. We are at the edge of the cliff. It’s time. It was inevitable. It’s glorious. What a wonderful time to be alive. NOW THIS IS THE LATEST UPDATE: He has told us so many time. We couldn’t believe how big the operation was, and what the timeline would look like. I can’t get enough of making the documentary. I want to name it “Hind sight is 2020” Vindicating and celebrating all of the anons that picked up on the truth… https://t.co/c1P5pbDkjW pic.twitter.com/elHoTTuIVm — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 10, 2023 He told us so many times. We couldn’t have imagined how big the operation would be and what the timeline might be. I can’t get enough to make the film. I want to call it “Hidden sight is 2020”. This would be a way to honor and celebrate all the anons who recognized the truth before the fake 2020 election. “The Pause” Faced with adversity, anons and patriots healed the line. You can feel the excitement. As Trump is calling it. NCSWIC: “2024 will be our final battle.” Nothing. Who remembers the National Guard taking an oath for a year to act as US marshals right before “Joe Biden”‘s inauguration? What are the duties a US Marshal has? The duties of U.S. Marshals Service include protecting the federal judiciary, apprehending federal fugitives,… https://t.co/c1P5pbDkjW pic.twitter.com/nPYdAJZw30 — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 10, 2023 Who remembers when the National Guard took an oath to act as US Marshals for 1 year right before “Joe Biden’s” inauguration? What are the duties a US Marshal has? The U.S. Marshals Service has several duties. The Marshals Service is responsible for protecting the federal judiciary and apprehending federal criminals. It also manages and sells assets seized by criminals from illegal activities. The inauguration is demonstrably false. The wreath ceremony and 21 gun salute are false. Trump said “I don’t believe it’s him”. “I caught them.” I caught them all. Let’s wait and see what happens.” If there is a such thing. Are you starting to put the pieces together yet? Drip. Drip. Drip. Flood. Sometimes you can’t tell. You must show. It will be easier to do the necessary. “Everyone will agree with us.” Are you ready for the best part? Here it is… So, there you have it. Wow! Hidden in plain sight? He has been very clear! Want more? Trump has been telling us all along? I’m just throwing it out there, and you can take it how you want… You could chalk all of it up to just being common phrases that are used over and again with no greater meaning or purpose. But I’m beginning to wonder if they have a deeper meaning. I’m beginning to wonder if this “movie’ will end soon and if it’ll be a “Sixth Sense’ moment when we look back. You remember that film? SPOILER ALERT (30 year old): In one the most legendary twists in a movie ending, you learn at the end that Bruce Willis was dead the entire time. You immediately ask, “But ….how could that be?” We watched him talk to people all through the movie. Did they know he had died? Then the flashbacks begin and you realize that you didn’t see what you thought. You missed it. The entire audience missed the joke throughout the movie. When you look back at it, it is obvious. I wonder if this “movie’s” ending will be the same. Will we look back in the future and realize that Trump has been giving us BIG clues for years? Will we look back to see that it was all in plain view? Let’s start with this: I think it will be like The Sixth Sense when we look back in retrospect. Remember that movie? You never saw it all until you looked back. TRUMP HAS BEEN TELLING US! Also?… pic.twitter.com/lDZvjJlYtV — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) August 20, 2023 He’s shot! Just a phrase, then? He repeats it a lot. What do you think about it? Let’s look at “Central Casting”. As President Trump has stated over & over – CENTRAL CASTING – ENJOY THE REST OF THE MOVIE pic.twitter.com/tBPix35XxQ — JQLPPLPOP (@JoannaLody) August 19, 2023 For those who don’t know, Central Casting is a real company that specializes in providing actors and background actors for movies. Isn’t this interesting? It could be a phrase but he seems to use it a lot! Take a look: Trump Central Casting Compilation You are watching a movie?#CentralCasting pic.twitter.com/URigmxRBTK — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) August 21, 2023 Backup here on Rumble: Literally “Central Casting”? Central casting you say… pic.twitter.com/zDd6bciTTJ — CtrlAltDelete (@TakingoutTrash7) August 10, 2023 Then I have one more… I’m not sure why this doesn’t get more attention. Here he is telling us straight out “I caught all”. I don’t know how else to read that than at face value. President Trump has caught the swamp. He caught them all! Trust in the Lord. “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him.” Psalm 28:7 pic.twitter.com/9oirr4Ewca — Laura 1776 (@TeacherResearc1) August 12, 2023 Which leads to the question I know you’re probably asking at this point…. What is President Trump waiting for if this is a movie that’s being allowed to run and if he DID catch all of them? Why is it taking so long? Well, I have an idea about that. I’ll tell you what it is: President Trump just confirmed it: “He already has all the evidence!” This is HUGE people… I am literally bouncing in my seat while I type this. Since years, I’ve told you that my theory is President Trump has all the evidence. What evidence? Everything. Confirmation of 2020 Election Steal. (We know they watched it and logged everything in realtime on that SCIF )… The goods on the Biden family treason… all the evidence of multiple Unconstitutional acts taken against President Trump, which also amounts to Treason or election interference just to name a few crimes …. He. Has. It. All. That’s my theory, at least. Why? It could be common sense, intuition, gut feeling or reading between lines. But in light of all that has been thrown at him and to his family he seems WAY too calm for me to think he would be handling this if he hadn’t already known he won …. If he did not already know that he has the Trump Card. So, that’s my working theory. Last week, a woman named Jan Halper Hayes appeared on GBN to confirm that my theory was 100% correct. She basically repeated my theory word for word and even went further than anything I have ever speculated. We covered it, and we were excited. But then two other things happened, and this is where the story now advances. Don Jr. first posted a link to the full interview. It was his way of saying that he approved. Okay, that’s cool but it’s still not 45. …….but 45 did it. Not only did he repost it, but he also gave it his clear endorsement. He also confirmed that it was TRUE. Check out this screenshot to confirm it: OH BABY. I told you it was good! I’m not alone in noticing it …. StormIsUponUs summarized it perfectly: Imagine how much panic is spreading in the deep state after President Trump reposted this video and said that Dr. Jan Halper Hayes is “fantastic.” Were you joking when he said “we caught them ALL”? pic.twitter.com/mnm32PcYH1 — TheStormHasArrived (@TheStormRedux) August 7, 2023 I told you, this movie is just about over and you are going to LOVE how it ends! Continue reading to see the full interview, and read my entire theory… Did you think that the 2020 Steal had ended? Did you think they got away with this? It’s been 3 years, but it is far from over. Jack Smith’s latest charges against President Trump seem to have created the perfect forum for litigating the 2020 election. In that context, I’m going to show you a brand new interview with Dr. Jan Halper Hayes on England’s GBN. (I assume that GBN stands for Great Britain News.) Dr. Halper Hayes is a political consultant who was part of the Trump Transition Team. She is a regular guest on BBC CNBC CNN and Breitbart. It was what she said on GBN, however, that caught my attention. Here comes the Trump Card.

Halper-Hayes also… pic.twitter.com/VFDCJiRAZx — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) August 4, 2023 Check this out: Listen carefully: Trump is about to play an ace card. Halper-Hayes also… pic.twitter.com/VFDCJiRAZx — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) August 4, 2023 Check this out: Listen carefully: Trump is about to play an ace card. I don’t believe the two interviewing Jan Halper Hayes understand the clever maneuvering of the Trump team. He can summon witnesses and subpoena them. All the truth is about to come out. “Trump is the real deal” He has all the evidence. Nice journalists, but they come across as a bit dim in this case. Liz Truss’s attempt to deal with Putin reminds me of this. They are completely out of their depth. #TrumpArrest#USA Listen carefully: Trump will soon play a ace card. I don’t believe the two interviewing Jan Halper Hayes understand the clever maneuvering of the Trump team. He can summon witnesses and subpoena them. It’s about to all come out. “Trump has got the goods” He has the evidence of it… pic.twitter.com/faFpJn8p9A — Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK) August 4, 2023 Fun Fact… she was on Trumps Transition team.https://t.co/XhElY7VJS4 @TheNotoriousLMC pic.twitter.com/v5p1JABvKv — MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) August 4, 2023 More here from MJ Truth: Holy Smokes! Listen to this! Jan Halper-Hayes who is on a TaskForce of the Department of Defense talks about Trump’s Subpoena power and EO 13848 – How the DoD & Trump has all the good on the 2020 Election… the US is a BANKRUPT COMPANY – SPACE FIGHTER “They made a HUGE BIG MISTAKE with this one… because even though they thought they were going to pursue him for treason, or sedition but they criminally charged him, He has due process, so he can subpoena and bring in things. Let me say a few words about the 2020 election. Biden is the legitimate President, but he is a legitimate President of what is now BANKRUPT US COMPANY. This was the SA treaty of 1871. On September 12, 2018, Trump created an. Executive Order. In that order, he specifically addressed any foreign or domestic interference in future elections, specifically for the 2020 elections. This EO Fam, 13848 is the one Joe Biden renews. Jack Smith made a huge mistake when he did that. Think about Edward Snowden and all the information that he had. You’re deluding yourself if you believe that our military, Department of Defense and SPACE FORCE don’t know the real results of the election. “There were three… he lost one and won two, 57 cases were never heard due to lack of standing. Standing is when the person bringing a case must claim some sort of impact or injury ….>>. I sit on a Task Force at the Department of Defense and they have the goods. And Trump knew that if he showed the evidence early, we would have a Civil War. He felt the people needed to see just how bad things could get. Listen to this! Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election… The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION – SPACE FORCE “They’ve made a HUGE… pic.twitter.com/T3jAFQGibl — MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) August 4, 2023 Backup of the full interview here on Rumble: And from Trump’s attorney John Lauro, he confirms many of the same details: Hey deep state, be careful what you wish for! “We have the power to issue our subpoenas in this case. We will litigate every issue in the 2020 Election. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power.” pic.twitter.com/MWorFb9rF7 — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) August 1, 2023 Be careful what you wish for Jack Smith, it looks like you just might get it!


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