When asked on NBC News’s “Meet the Press” if he disagrees with Trump’s remark that he… When asked by NBC News’s “Meet the Press,” if he disagreed with Trump’s remark…
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL ) claimed that the issue would never find enough support in Congress, even if former president Trump were to win reelection and sign it. When asked on NBC News’s” Meet the Press” if he disagrees with Trump’s remark that he… Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla. ) predicted on Sunday that former president Trump would not be able to sign a national abortion ban if he were to win re-election and would like to, arguing that the issue would never find enough support in Congress. When asked on NBC News’s” Meet the Press” if he disagrees with Trump’s remark that he…
When asked on NBC News’s “Meet the Press” if he disagrees with Trump’s remark that he… When asked by NBC News’s “Meet the Press,” if he disagreed with Trump’s remark…