What is currently the WNBA’s biggest crime? According to The View’s Sunny Hostin, it’s being very Light and STRAIGHT for the WNBA. False. All the racists, as normal, are Way Left members, and they have just demonstrated it once more. The woman who is saving your league on her own is now hated and wo n’t be accepted because she’s too white and straight. You do know how very racist that sounds, right? Best? Actually, I do n’t think they do know anymore. Watch this stunning clip, in which Caitlin Clark was really attacked for being straight and white on The View. Hostin does n’t have an issue with the WNBA being 70 % black. If the races were reversed and a host on The View said something so vile, they would be fired. pic. twitter.com/F4wuiklXjN— Paul A. Szypula ( @Bubblebathgirl ) May 23, 2024Dave Portnoy called Hostin’s take racist. From The Daily Mail: Dave Portnoy has labeled Sunny Hostin a “racist” after dubiously claiming Caitlin Clark is just common because of” white privilege.” Hostin, who broke several records in her ancient college basketball career with Iowa, addressed the “privileges” that Clark enjoyed as she soared to fame on Wednesday’s ABC talk show. ‘ I do think that there is a thing called really privilege,’ the lawyer and journalist said. ‘ There is a thing called White privilege. There is a thing called towering privilege, and we have to acknowledge that. And so a lot of it is about race as, if you think about the Brittney Griners of the world, why did she have to play in Russia? Because they would n’t pay her,’ she said of the WNBA. Hostin’s portrayal of the Indiana Fever rookie has sparked controversy, with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy objecting to her remarks this week. But, what’s the opposite of being WHITE and STRAIGHT? Whatever the hell this is: Brittney Griner and Wife Expecting Their First ChildSo I have to admit something… I do n’t find women’s basketball all that entertaining. Sorry, I just do n’t. No even while watching the Caitlin Clark mania. I do n’t really care about Brittney Griner too much either, and I do n’t really care about it either. EXCEPT…. when I first listened to her voice for the first time and was overwhelmed! Finally I became curious and began to research her and observe her frequent hangouts while keeping her shirt off. Peculiar. More on all of that down beneath; just be certain to trust me; if you’ve never seen anything like it, you’ll undoubtedly find it fascinating. Griner is even boldly a self- described gay, married to wife Cherelle Griner. I do n’t really approve of it, and I’m not going to write an article praising it, but as long as it’s two adults and you’re not bothering any children, then it’s little sweat off my back. But today let’s advance the story…. The two women are expecting their second child. The miracles of modern medicine! One of life’s mysteries” Brittney” and wife are expecting their first baby! Thoughts? https ://t.co/byZuXTbyGR— Dixie s America &, Trump ( @DixiDarlen ) April 15, 2024Miracles or mysteries, however you tend to look at it. Grok acknowledges the report is accurate, but admits that it is unclear which woman ( if any ) is carrying the child or how it was born:” Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The couple announced that they would have a baby in July on April 13 on Instagram. ” Can’t believe we’re less than three months away from meeting our favorite human being”, the caption read, with the hashtag,# BabyGrinerComingSoon and# July2024. With her wife, Cherelle Griner, Britney Griner is expecting their second child. The couple announced that they would have a baby in July on April 13 on Instagram. ” Can’t believe we’re less than three months away from meeting our favorite human being”, the caption read, with the hashtag,# BabyGrinerComingSoon and# July2024. Okay, this might be a bit of an eye-opening moment for anyone who has not actually SEEN or HEARD Griner earlier. Keep reading: You Won’t Believe Brittney Griner’s Voice I’m not sure I have always covered Brittney Griner on this site before. I just do n’t find “her” all that interesting. At least that was until today…. when I heard a video of “her” talking. You might be shocked just as much as I was if you’re like me and have not heard her speak before. Understand one thing….. The video I’m going to show you is completely original. This is the voice she actually uses. With your eyes closed, only watch and listen, and then watch and listen again. DEVELOPING: Since a number of people on the internet were dissapointed by her voice, Brittney Griner appears to have released yet another video. pic. twitter.com/tvwM7yucen— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives ( @dom_lucre ) February 25, 2024Backup: This is Brittney Griner. The audio is in no way edited. This is “her” voice. Simple question: Is this a man?
pic. twitter.com/MUQvboXXvr— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) February 25, 2024I know some of you will say” who cares” so I’ll address that. I care. I care if someone lies to the whole nation indecently. I care if someone acts like a woman to allow her to compete in women’s sports and intimidate bio women. Why did we exchange true, dangerous prisoners for prisoners in other countries for them to get them backwards? I care if they break a law in another country. So it matters. Truth usually matters. After hearing Brittney Griner speak, there is no denying that he is a MAN who joined the WNBA because it is simpler, far like Lia Thomas did with swimming, for those who will claim that video was edited or altered. Because he is the only WNBA player capable of dunking a basketball, we should have known. LISTEN and let me know if this picture is incorrect. twitter.com/5BXwxX4lVz— Alexander Sheppard ( @NotAlexSheppard ) July 28, 2023But that’s not all…. Dude LOOKS like a man and walks around shirtless, in addition to sounding like a man. I do n’t care how “flat chested” a lady may be, I’ve never known an adult women who walks around topless. Have you? Why is Brittney Griner shirtless in this video and wearing nothing but a bikini top?
pic. twitter.com/jqgAf9zlG4— Alexander Sheppard ( @NotAlexSheppard ) July 28, 2023Backup here: I asked Grok if Brittney Griner was a man and Grok said no, but then claimed she was a “lesbian” married twice to women: Hmmmm, what if she’s just a man married to a woman? What does Occam’s Razor tell us? Typically, the proper response is the easiest. So let’s apply it around …. The person has thrice been married to a woman and LOOKS and SEEKS like a man. What is most likely…. Option 1: a woman who is married to women and has no breasts speaks of her in a very peculiar way. Option 2 — dude is a dude. What does everyone think? I’m never making any claims; I’m only asking questions and providing information that I can only see with my eyes and hear with my ears. This dude Chris May seems to be piecing things up: pic. twitter.com/Vp73iIPARc— Chris May ( @Mays_Media1 ) February 25, 2024 [[{“value”:”
What is the biggest crime that’s happening in the WNBA today? Sunny Hostin of The View says that being too WHITE or STRAIGHT is a crime in the WNBA. Unreal. As usual, the far left is the source of all racists. They just proved this again. The woman who has saved your league by herself is now hated, and she will not be accepted as she is too white and straight? You know how racist that sounds. Right? Actually, I’m not sure they know anymore. Watch this amazing clip: Sunny Hostin, on The View, just criticized Caitlin for being white and gay. Hostin has no problem with the WNBA having 70% black players. If the races were reversed, and a host of The View said something so awful, they would be fired. pic.twitter.com/F4wuiklXjN — Paul A. Szypula (@Bubblebathgirl) May 23, 2024 Dave Portnoy called Hostin’s take racist. Dave Portnoy, a columnist for The Daily Mail, has called Sunny Hostin racist after she controversially claimed that Caitlin’s popularity was due to ‘white privilege.’ Hostin, on Wednesday’s ABC talk show divided opinion when she discussed the ‘privileges” that Clark, who broke many records during her historic college basketball with Iowa career, has enjoyed. The lawyer and journalist stated that she believes there is such a thing as pretty privilege. There is something called White privilege. There is something called tall privilege and we must acknowledge it. ‘And part of it is also about race, because if you look at the Brittney Grinders of the world, then why did she need to go play in Russia? She said that the WNBA wouldn’t pay her. Hostin’s take on Indiana Fever rookie has caused controversy, and Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy took issue with her remarks this week. What’s the opposite to being WHITE and STRAY? Brittney Griner’s Wife and Her First Child: Whatever the hell that is, I must admit… I don’t really find women’s Basketball entertaining. Sorry, but I don’t. Not even during Caitlin’s madness. I don’t follow it, and I don’t care too much about Brittney. ….I was blown away when I heard her voice for the very first time. Then, I became interested and began digging in. I noticed that she wore her shirt off quite a bit. Strange. You can read more about all of this below. I’m sure you’ll find it fascinating, even if you haven’t seen anything before. Griner is a proud lesbian and married to wife Cherelle Griner. I don’t approve of it and I won’t write an article praising this, but as long it’s between two adults, and there are no children involved, it’s not a big deal. Let’s continue the story …. Both women are expecting their first baby. Modern medicine is a miracle! The first child of “Brittney”‘s wife and husband is on the way! Thoughts? https://t.co/byZuXTbyGR — Dixie s America & Trump (@DixiDarlen) April 15, 2024 Miracles or mysteries, however you tend to look at it. Grok confirms that the report is true but does not know who is carrying the child or how it was conceived. Things that make you think ….. The couple announced their pregnancy on Instagram on April 13, saying that the baby would be born in July. “Can’t believe we’re less than three months away from meeting our favorite human being,” the caption read, with the hashtag, #BabyGrinerComingSoon and #July2024. Brittney Griner and her wife Cherelle Griner are expecting their first child. The couple announced their pregnancy on Instagram April 13, saying that the baby would be born in July. “Can’t believe we’re less than three months away from meeting our favorite human being,” the caption read, with the hashtag, #BabyGrinerComingSoon and #July2024. This might be an eye-opening experience for anyone who has never seen or heard Griner before. Continue reading: You won’t believe Brittney’s voice I don’t think I’ve ever covered Brittney on this site. I don’t find her very interesting. It wasn’t until today ….that I heard “her” talk. You might be as shocked as I am if you’re like myself and have never heard her speak. Understand one thing ….. The video I’m about to show you is not altered in any way. This is her actual speaking voice. Watch and listen, then listen and watch again with your closed eyes: Brittney griner has released another video after several people on the Internet were in disbelief over her voice. pic.twitter.com/tvwM7yucen — Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) February 25, 2024 Backup: This is Brittney Griner. The sound has not been edited in any way. This is “her’ voice. This is “her” voice. pic.twitter.com/MUQvboXXvr — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 25, 2024 I know some of you will say “who cares” so I’ll address that. I care. I care if someone lies blatantly to the whole country. I care if a person pretends to be female so they can play women’s sport and beat up bio women. I care if this person breaks a rule in another country, and we have to exchange real and dangerous prisoners to get them back. (Why did we do it again?). It matters. Truth is always important. For those who say the video is edited, I will show you a few more showing that deep, manly, billowy voice: After listening to Brittney Griner, there is no doubt that he is a MAN, who joined WNBA for its ease, just like Lia Thomas with swimming. We should have known, because he is the only WNBA basketball player who can dunk a ball. LISTEN and tell me I’m wrong pic.twitter.com/5BXwxX4lVz — Alexander Sheppard (@NotAlexSheppard) July 28, 2023 But that’s not all…. Not only does he sound like a guy, but he also looks like a guy and walks around shirtless. I don’t think it matters how “flat-chested” a woman is, I’ve never seen an adult woman walk around shirtless. Have you? Look at the video: Why is Brittney griner shirtless and without a bikini top?
pic.twitter.com/jqgAf9zlG4 — Alexander Sheppard (@NotAlexSheppard) July 28, 2023 Backup here: I asked Grok if Brittney Griner was a man and Grok said no, but then claimed she was a “lesbian” married twice to women: Hmmmm, what if she’s just a man married to a woman? What does Occam’s Razor tell you? The simplest solution is often the best. Let’s use it here …. The person looks like a male, sounds like a male, and has been twice married to a female. What is the most likely ….? Option 1 — A woman with a strange voice, who has no breasts and is married to a woman. Option 2 — a dude is just a dude. What do you think? …. This dude Chris May seems to be piecing things together: pic.twitter.com/Vp73iIPARc — Chris May (@Mays_Media1) February 25, 2024