A zip lock bag containing a small amount of a white powdery substance that contained cocaine was discovered inside its headquarters, prompting the United States Capitol Police ( USCP ) to launch an investigation. Capitol Police are now looking into a ziplock bag that is approximately one inch by one inch and contains a small amount of a white powdery substance that has a positive cocaine test. The bag was discovered on the next floor of a hallway at the USCP headquarters, which had been designated as a staging area for items of clothing and supplies, according to Rawsalerts. The baggie was discovered in the middle of the floor, according to the post,” USCP Investigations Division has opened an investigation which will include additional testing including DNA testing of the baggie.” #WASHINGTON | #DC A ziplock bag containing a picture was discovered on the floor of a bag filled with cocaine and residue, prompting Capitol Police to investigate. twitter.com/6Bbf9UgH5J— R A W S A L E R T S ( @rawsalerts ) May 15, 2024From the United States Capitol Police: The small bag was found on the floor of a hallway inside USCP headquarters. The next floor contains a staging area for furniture and supplies, and the hallway is located there. Numerous contractors and employees use the area a lot of their time. It is also nearby offices such as Prisoner Processing, Crime Scene, Intel and Reports Processing. The baggie was found in the middle of the floor just before 1: 00 p. m. by an officer, who instantly reported it to a supervisor. The cocaine-resistance was tested field-wide and returned. The USCP Investigations Division has opened an investigation, which will include more testing, including DNA testing of the baggie. When more details become accessible, we’ll provide them. The US Capitol Police are looking into a one-inch plastic bag filled with cocaine residue inside the US Capitol Police Headquarters.
It was discovered in a second floor hallway “in a place that has been a staging area for furniture and supplies.” pic. twitter.com/7tNxQlyLPN— Spencer Allan Brooks ( @SpencerSays ) May 15, 2024Please see our latest news release. USCP Drug Investigation: https ://t.co/w5deMqiWS9 pic. twitter.com/rtD9YBSpMA— The U. S. Capitol Police (@CapitolPolice ) May 15, 2024From the New York Post: Capitol Police’s Investigations Division is investigating the matter, including searching for DNA evidence that could sniff out a culprit. On the same block as two Senate office buildings and a block from Union Station, the USCP’s headquarters are located on D Street Northeast. More than ten months after cocaine was unmistakably discovered at the White House, the most recent drug discovery was made. A West Wing storage locker was located a few feet from the Situation Room and one floor below the Oval Office on July 2, according to Secret Service agents. The Secret Service concluded an 11-day investigation that was prompted by that discovery without naming a suspect. After tests revealed no fingerprints and insufficient DNA, the protective agency cited” a lack of physical evidence” as the closing defense in the case. No cameras are focused there because so much delicate material passes through it, and The Post at the time could n’t find any video of the culprit depositing the white, powdery substance in one of the 182 lockers in a vestibule, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation. [[{“value”:”
The United States Capitol Police has launched an inquiry after a ziplock bag containing a small quantity of a white powdery material, which tested positive as cocaine, was discovered inside its headquarters. Capitol Police is investigating a ziplock bag measuring approximately one inch by one inch containing a small quantity of a powdery white substance that has tested positive for Cocaine. Rawsalerts reported that the bag was found on the floor in a hallway at the USCP headquarters. It was on the second-floor area, which is designated as a staging area for furniture and supplies. The post stated that the USCP Investigations Division had opened an investigation, which would include DNA testing on the baggie. “Officials noted that this area was heavily used by contractors and employees. The baggie was discovered in the middle of a hallway. #BREAKING: Capitol Police are investigating after a bag with cocaine with residue was found on the floor inside United States Capitol Police headquarters #Washington | #DC Currently Capitol Police are investigating a roughly one-inch by one-inch ziplock bag containing a… pic.twitter.com/6Bbf9UgH5J — R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) May 15, 2024 From the United States Capitol Police: The small bag was found on the floor of a hallway inside USCP headquarters. The hallway is located on the second level in an area which has been used as a staging area for furniture and supplies. The area is heavily used by contractors and employees. The area is also close to offices such as Prisoner Processing and Crime Scene, Intel, and Reports Processing. A police officer found the baggie in the middle of a floor just before 1 pm. He immediately reported it to his supervisor. The residue was tested on the field and it came back positive for cocaine. The USCP Investigations Division opened an investigation that will include DNA testing and further testing. We will update you as soon as we have more information. US Capitol Police is investigating a plastic bacg measuring one inch in diameter with residue of cocaine that was found inside the US Capitol Police headquarters.It was discovered in a hallway on the 2nd floor “in an area which had been used as a staging area for supplies and furniture.” pic.twitter.com/7tNxQlyLPN — Spencer Allan Brooks (@SpencerSays) May 15, 2024 Please see our latest news release. USCP Drug Investigation: https://t.co/w5deMqiWS9 pic.twitter.com/rtD9YBSpMA — The U.S. Capitol Police (@CapitolPolice) May 15, 2024 From the New York Post: Capitol Police’s Investigations Division is investigating the matter, including searching for DNA evidence that could sniff out a culprit. USCP headquarters are located on D Street Northeast in the same block with two Senate office buildings, and a few blocks from Union Station. The latest drug discovery was made just over 10 months after mysteriously appearing cocaine at the White House. Secret Service agents found a small baggie containing white powder on July 2, just feet from the Situation room and one floor below Oval Office. The Secret Service conducted an 11-day probe that ended without naming any suspects. The Secret Service closed the case citing “a lack physical evidence” when tests revealed no fingerprints or insufficient DNA. A source familiar with The Post’s investigation said that because so much sensitive material passed through the area, there were no cameras focused in the area. They could not capture footage of the culprit dumping the white powdery substance into one of 182 lockers located in the vestibule.