[[{“value”:”In many European countries, the United States, New Zealand, and others, a dramatic aurora borealis spectacle dazzled residents.
The northern lights are not imagined in the majority of the places where the beautiful skies were visible.
A stunning array of green, red, pink, and purple lit up the night skies abroad.
A serious geomagnetic storm is said to have caused the strange aurora borealis.
Social media users posted their unique photographs.
The North Lights blanketing the sky over Pensacola, FL! a situation that may not occur suddenly!
What a stunning moment! pic. twitter.com/JnlCcZQ7Jt
— Dustin Williams ( @DWPhotographed ) May 11, 2024
Last night’s North Lights in Cleveland, Ohio. pic. twitter.com/Qd5MkXRdX9
— Alex Farmer ( @alexfarmerphoto ) May 11, 2024
Southern Ontario and the majority of the world were photographed tomorrow with the Aurora Borealis. twitter.com/61pLsXRm1K
— Jason O’Young ( @jasonoyoung ) May 11, 2024
Aurora Borealis
Biblical-natured skies can be seen throughout Europe and, in particular, the UK.
I’ve never seen such a thing in a while, but it must have been supposedly a result of the Solar Flare.
Unbelievable skies … … pic. twitter.com/D3pp1sAoxX
— Concerned Citizen ( @BGates IsaPyscho ) May 11, 2024
I’m bringing you the Aurora Borealis, which is 30 000 feet high, ladies and gentlemen! Courtesy of a Denver-Paris intercontinental flight pic. twitter.com/P7lYyT4jy2
— Andrew Markowitz ( @amarkowitzWX ) May 11, 2024
2. Germany ( @Schoenberger_K ) pic. twitter.com/MV23epORXV
— Jack Cohen ( @itsjackcohen ) May 11, 2024
4. Tasmania ( @seanorphoto ) pic. twitter.com/WXTmeAIp6e
— Jack Cohen ( @itsjackcohen ) May 11, 2024
7. San Francisco ( @wongmjane ) pic. twitter.com/Z4IIW5DgAA
— Jack Cohen ( @itsjackcohen ) May 11, 2024
9. United Kingdom ( @JosephAlsousou ) pic. twitter.com/IybgvFobxb
— Jack Cohen ( @itsjackcohen ) May 11, 2024
NBC News reports:
Bright-colored skies lit up in hot red, green, and colored throughout Europe, the United States, and as far as New Zealand were captured in photos taken from all over the world.
The agency has issued its second significant geomagnetic storm watch since 2005 with Friday’s storm. Earlier on Saturday, the storm delivered, reaching intensity G5 on a 1- 5 scale, making it the strongest storm to reach earth’s atmosphere since October 2003’s” Halloween Storms”, said Bryan Brasher, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center spokesperson.
According to the center, G4 to G5 activity was possible to return to Earth on Sunday.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center stated in a number of statements that the flares could cause significant magnetic storms and” spectacular displays of aurora” through the weekend and perhaps through Monday and beyond due to extended solar flares and sun eruptions.
The magnetic field is expected to reach” severe storm levels” on Sunday, “active to severe storm levels” on Monday, and “unsettled to slight storm levels” on Tuesday, according to a center forecast released Saturday.
But, others suggested something else could have impacted the night skies.
Ionospheric tests were reported to be conducted from Alaska’s May 8 through May 10 through the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program ( HAARP ).
HAARP tested at the same time as the Northern Lights, so that’s exactly when.
I would n’t be surprised if I saw that picture. twitter.com/j7BWNxAulW
— Vision4theBlind ( @Vision4theBlind ) May 11, 2024
Per EI7GL:
High- frequency Active Auroral Research Program ( HAARP ) is based in Alaska and it’s a high- power, high frequency ( HF ) transmitter for studying the ionosphere. A phased array of 180 HF crossed-dipole antennas capable of delivering 3. 6 megawatts into the top atmosphere and ionosphere is the main device. In the range of 2 7 to 10 MHz, transmitter frequencies can be chosen.
The research team has announced that tests will be conducted between May 8 and May 10 in 2024.
Above is a press release, and I’ve added a map to show location and distance.
Date: May 2, 2024
To: Amateur Radio &, Radio Astronomy Communities
From: HAARP Program Office
Content: Notice of Transmission
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program ( HAARP ) will be conducting a research project in May, 8 through 10 UTC, with operating hours set forth in the table below. Although operating frequencies will vary, all HAARP transmissions will be between 2. 8 MHz and 10 MHz. Depending on current ionospheric and/or magnetic conditions, real transmit days and times are extremely variable. CHANGES ARE PERMITTED FOR ALL IMPORTANCE.
HAARP experiments may have led to the creation of synthetic aurora borealis, according to earlier reports.
I believed there was a conspiracy theory behind HAARP. ( Articles from November but still ) pic. twitter.com/8NJVp9E1yY
— An0maly ( @LegendaryEnergy ) May 11, 2024
Did you know that HAARP can produce Aurora Borealis?
True story – here’s one of the several receipts. pic. twitter.com/F4HEhx79vd
— Concerned Citizen ( @BGates IsaPyscho ) May 11, 2024
HAARP Testing on 8th – 10th May
HAARP can create unnatural auroras
You do the math. pic. twitter.com/47CsXuwhZJ
— Concerned Citizen ( @BGates IsaPyscho ) May 11, 2024
From Anchorage Daily News:
Over the weekend, residents of Alaska’s road system might experience a vibrant splotch of light up high in the air. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program ( HARP ) in Gakona conducts a rare, four-day long set of experiments, despite what it might look like the aurora, to produce red or green “airglow” in the ionosphere.
According to a statement from the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks,” the airglow could be accessible up to 300 miles away from the HAARP facility” on a day.
Researchers hope to learn more about the normal aurora by using ground-based technology to create an artificial aurora.
From Saturday through Tuesday, the research campaign was scheduled to begin.
The ionosphere, which is the distance between the planet’s sustainable surface and space, is measured by instruments designed to study it, which is approximately 50 to 400 miles above Earth.
The ionosphere will become heated by high-frequency radio pulses, deliberately imitating the same phenomenon that causes the northern lights as a result of the sun’s solar energy.
UAF and a number of out-of-state research programs are conducting the experiments.
This clip reveals more about HAARP:
As HAARP is trending
Short, two-minute HAARP tutorial
The age of the clip is a function of HAARP, which has been around for a long time. pic. twitter.com/GlCC8l6I4A
— Concerned Citizen ( @BGates IsaPyscho ) May 11, 2024
Is it feasible this weekend’s when- in- a- lifetime event was anthropogenic?
Share your thoughts in the comments.”}]] [[{“value”:”
The aurora borealis was a spectacular spectacle that enchanted residents in many European countries, as well as the United States, New Zealand and others.
Many places that have seen the colorful skies never imagined seeing the northern lights.
The night sky was awash with a spectacular display of green, pink, red and purple.
A severe geomagnetic disturbance is believed to have caused the unusual aurora borealis.
Users of social media have posted rare photos.
Northern Lights covering the sky above Pensacola, FL A rare occurrence that could never happen again!
What a fantastic moment! pic.twitter.com/JnlCcZQ7Jt
Dustin Williams (@DWPhotographed), May 11, 2024
Last night’s Northern Lights, Cleveland, Ohio. pic.twitter.com/Qd5MkXRdX9
Alex Farmer (@alexfarmerphoto), May 11, 2024
The Aurora Borealis made and appearance in Southern Ontario and pretty much most of the world tonight pic.twitter.com/61pLsXRm1K
— Jason O’Young (@jasonoyoung) May 11, 2024
Aurora Borealis
The skies of Europe and the UK are filled with biblical clouds
This clip was never seen before.
Unbelievable skies…… pic.twitter.com/D3pp1sAoxX
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) May 11, 2024
I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, the Aurora Borealis at 30,000 feet! A transatlantic flight from Denver, Colorado to Paris provided the opportunity. pic.twitter.com/P7lYyT4jy2
Andrew Markowitz May 11, 2024
2. Germany (@Schoenberger_K) pic.twitter.com/MV23epORXV
— Jack Cohen (@itsjackcohen) May 11, 2024
4. Tasmania (@seanorphoto) pic.twitter.com/WXTmeAIp6e
— Jack Cohen (@itsjackcohen) May 11, 2024
7. San Francisco (@wongmjane) pic.twitter.com/Z4IIW5DgAA
— Jack Cohen (@itsjackcohen) May 11, 2024
9. United Kingdom (@JosephAlsousou) pic.twitter.com/IybgvFobxb
— Jack Cohen (@itsjackcohen) May 11, 2024
NBC News reports
Photos taken all over the globe showed skies that were brightly colored in hot pink, purple, and green across Europe, the United States, and New Zealand.
The agency issued its first severe geomagnetic weather watch since 2005. The storm hit early on Saturday morning, reaching intensity G5 (on a scale of 1-5), making it the strongest storm that has reached earth’s atmosphere since the “Halloween Storms” in October 2003.
The center said that activity with G4-G5 intensity is likely to reach Earth again on Sunday.
The Space Weather Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that due to the continued solar flares and eruptions, they could cause severe geomagnetic thunderstorms and “spectacular aurora displays” possibly through Monday and even beyond.
According to a center’s forecast released on Saturday, the geomagnetic field will reach “severe-storm levels” by Sunday, “active up to severe-storm levels” by Monday, and then “unsettled up to minor storm levels “by Tuesday.
Others, however, suggested that something else might have affected the night skies.
Alaska’s High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program conducted ionospheric testing from May 8th to 10th.
HAARP tests were conducted at the same time as Northern Lights
I would not be surprised pic.twitter.com/j7BWNxAulW
Vision4theBlind May 11, 2024
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is based in Alaska. It’s a high power, high frequency (HF), transmitter that studies the ionosphere. The main instrument is a phased-array of 180 HF crossed dipole antennas that can radiate 3.6 megawatts in the upper atmosphere and into the ionosphere. The transmit frequencies can be selected from 2.7 to 10MHz.
The research team has announced that tests will be conducted from May 8 to 10 2024.
Below is the press release and I have added a map that shows location and distance.
Date: May 2, 2020
To: Amateur Radio & Radio Astronomy Communities
From: HAARP Program Office
Subject: Notice of Transmission
The High-frequency Active Auroral Program (HAARP), with its operating times listed below, will conduct a research campaign from 8-10 May UTC. All HAARP transmissions are between 2.8 MHz to 10 MHz. Actual transmit days and hours are highly variable depending on real-time geomagnetic and/or ionospheric conditions. All information is subjected to change.
HAARP experiments have been reported to cause artificial auroras.
I thought HAARP is a conspiracy theory. (Articles from November but still) pic.twitter.com/8NJVp9E1yY
An0maly May 11, 2024
Did you know that Aurora Borealis is possible to create using HAARP technology?
Here’s a real story. pic.twitter.com/F4HEhx79vd
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) May 11, 2024
HAARP Testing 8th -10th May
HAARP can produce artificial auroras
You do the math. pic.twitter.com/47CsXuwhZJ
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) May 11, 2024
Anchorage Daily News
Over the weekend, Alaskans who are driving along the road system might see a colorful splotch in the sky. The “airglow”, which may look like an aurora, is actually a result of a four-day experiment at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Gakona.
The Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks said that the airglow was visible up to 300 miles away from the HAARP site.
Researchers hope to learn more by creating an artificial aurora using equipment on the ground.
The research campaign was to run from Saturday through Tuesday.
HAARP consists of instruments that are designed to study the ionosphere – the area between 50 and 400 miles above the Earth’s surface, which separates the livable surfaces of the planet from outer space.
High-frequency radio waves will excite electrons within the ionosphere. This artificially mimics the phenomenon that occurs naturally when solar energy is released by the sun.
The experiments are being conducted at UAF as well as by several other research programs.
This clip will give you more information about HAARP:
HAARP is on the rise
HAARP: A two-minute tutorial
HAARP is a technology that has been around for many years. pic.twitter.com/GlCC8l6I4A
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) May 11, 2024
Is it possible that this weekend’s once in a lifetime event was created by man?
Share your thoughts with us in the comments.