The “largest wildlife cross in the world” reached a significant milestone on April, when the first girders were placed over an eight-lane freeway near Los Angeles in order to preserve the mountain lion population. After years of hard work, the National Wildlife […] celebrated a historic moment by erecting the horizontal section of the 210 foot-long crossing.
The post World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing Is Going Up So Animals can Walk Safely over 8 Lanes Of L.A. traffic appeared first on Good News Network.
“}]] The second girders were placed over an 8-lane freeway near Los Angeles in April, marking the “largest wildlife crossing in the world” and protecting the area’s mountain lion population. The National Wildlife Refugees ‘ historic moment came when the National Wildlife Refugee established the first horizontal section of the 210-foot crossing after years of tireless effort.
The post The World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing Is Coming Up to Allow Animals to Cross Eight Lanes of Los Angeles? Good News Network second covered traffic.