
BEATDOWN: Dan Bongino Absolutely SAVAGES Bill O’Reilly In Epic Rant

[[{“value”:”There is a reason we have a policy in place that prohibits using hyperbole in headlines.
” So and So DUNKS ON SO AND SO,” for example.
These headlines have always been so ridiculous to me.
They might have said one word ad nauseam about the person, but all of a sudden they” Dunked On” them.
And we’re not playing basketball here anyway, so do n’t act like Shaq just showed up or something.
However, there are times when something is so large, incredible, and special that a big headline is appropriate.
We like to save them, use them when it’s appropriate, and avoid being the” Website Who Cried Wolf.”
Enter Dan Bongino, who we all just discovered today does NOT like Bill O’Reilly.
Certainly in the slightest.
Bongino recently started a 10-minute epic rant that completely trashed Bill O’Reilly.
Although I wo n’t say that he “dunked on him,” Dan Bongino just did it to Bill O’Reilly, which is worse than getting “dunked on.”
This is very wild, take a look — WARNING: some really bad language in here, Bongino was FIRED UP — watch at your own discretion:
Backup video ok if needed:
Dan Bongino completely adores the Bill O’Reilly film. twitter.com/dnjf0God96
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) June 21, 2024
Holy crap, that is one epic takedown.
I gotta say, I’ve often kind of liked Bill O’Reilly.
I have no doubt in secret he is generally an “asshole” as Dan Bongino says, but I usually kinda liked him.
Although it’s not as if we did n’t see it coming….
Bill O’Reilly is perhaps most famous for his” F*ck It, We’ll Do It Live” outburst on Inside Edition.
You can see how anyone working with him might come to the conclusion that he’s a terrible person because I’ve always found this clip violent.
If you ask me, it’s also brilliant.
That’s one of the all- time clips straight there.
Legendary…. if probably not for the best reasons.
Dan Bongino’s Warning: You’ve Angered the Bear of Trump Supporters!
Dan Bongino has experienced it!
And he was n’t afraid to express it. Nor did he hold up.
Our man, Donald Trump, was dealt a difficult day on Thursday when a New York City jury found him innocent.
But hey, Trump being Trump, he said that the’ actual verdict’ will come out this November.
The MAGA base next expressed their disapproval of this fabricated system online.
Some of them coming to the same conclusion, which is …
2024 election was generally won yesterday!
A brief note from Dan# Bongino to the New York hacks who used a crooked DA and a kangaroo court to attack a political opponent. It’s time for all Americans to speak out against these foes! # Trump# GuiltyOn34 #revolution pic. twitter.com/fxahf1pJos
— PatrioticStandard ( @P8triotSTANDARD ) May 31, 2024
HuffPost reports:
Donald Trump faced a difficult day on Thursday after a jury in New York City found him guilty of fabricating business records to cover up an alleged affair with pornstar Stormy Daniels immediately before the 2016 presidential election.
It was no surprise that Trump called the trial “rigged” after leaving the courtroom, and said that the “real verdict” will emerge this November, referencing Election Day.
However, it seems like the jury’s decision caused many prominent members of Trump’s” Make America Great Again” movement to have a giant- meltdown, including the 2024 presidential candidate’s own son Donald Trump Jr., who wrote that Democrats “have succeeded in their years long attempt to turn America into a third- world shithole”.
Right-wing radio host Dan Bongino promised liberals that the former president’s supporters would be “drinking your delightful tears in November,” prompting others in the MAGA crowd to immediately take to social media to express their fealty to the now-convicted brave leader.
The New York verdict is a perfect travesty that mocks our system of justice.
A jury from the most progressive county in America, ironic and ridiculous charges, a politically show trial that was conducted by an boldly pro-Biden judge whose daughter profited from the case, and…
— Marco Rubio ( @marcorubio ) May 30, 2024
Dan Bongino let it fly on his podcast:
” The energy is unique. You know it. You feel it. They know they f**ked up yesterday. The wise ones. The moron commie liberals banging on pots and pans have no idea what happened yesterday. The bright ones … Did you notice a somewhat muted response? Why? Because the smart tactical liberals, the institutional commies … They know damn well that they stuck that stick right in the bear’s eyes and they’re like sh** what do we do now? You think they’re silly? Trump only raised$ 35 million from little donors. Nobody is also aware of the very pac numbers. You do n’t think they see what’s going on Twitter? Celebrate then you democratic commie fu**wads. Celebrate all you want. Enjoy this moment. Because we will be licking up your delightful tears on election day, you have no idea what’s coming.
Dan Bongino on Trump’s criminal verdict: They knew it. They flied up yesterday.
” The energy is unique. You know it. You feel it. They know they f**ked up yesterday. The wise ones. The moron commie f**kwad liberals banging on pots and pans have no idea what they let… pic. twitter.com/4ygJEf6m7z
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) May 31, 2024
We will defeat these cruel forces that are destroying this republic, according to Jesse Watters. Well said!
Trump was found guilty because he defeated Hillary and because he is currently facing Joe Biden. We may be hurt as a nation right now, but we’re never going down. We’re going to resurrect and defeat the wicked forces that are destroying this nation. pic. twitter.com/SulVlxovMN
— Jesse Watters ( @JesseBWatters ) May 30, 2024
This verdict makes me think of a quote.
In this case, replace’ strike me down’ with’ declare me criminal’.
” If you strike me over, I shall become more effective than you can possibly imagine. ” – Obi Wan Kenobi”}]] [[{“value”:”

There’s a reason why we have a rule about headlines that are too hyperbolic ….
“So and so DUNKS on So and So” is a common phrase.
I’ve always thought those headlines were so lame.
They may have said a cross word to the person, and then “Dunked” them.
We’re not playing any basketball, so don’t act as if Shaq just appeared.
Sometimes, however, something so huge and so incredible is so unique that it deserves a big headline.
We like to save them so that we can use them when they are truly appropriate. This way, we won’t be the “Website who Cried Wolf.”
We all learned today from Dan Bongino that Dan doesn’t like Bill O’Reilly.
Not even a little.
Bongino has just gone on a 10 minute rant, destroying Bill O’Reilly from top to bottom.
I’m not going say he “dunked him”, but what is worse than being “dunked” on is what Dan Bongino did to Bill O’Reilly.
This is pretty wild. Take a look. WARNING: Some very bad language here, Bongino FIRED UP. Watch at your own discretion.

Backup video here, if necessary:

Dan Bongino absolutely SAVAGES Bill O’Reilly pic.twitter.com/dnjf0God96
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) June 21, 2024

This is a truly epic takedown.
I’ve got to say, I’ve liked Bill O’Reilly for a long time.
I’m sure he’s an “asshole”, as Dan Bongino calls him, but I liked him.
It’s not like we didn’t foresee it ….
Bill O’Reilly’s “F*ck It! We’ll Do It LIVE” outburst during Inside Edition is perhaps his most famous.
I find this clip hilarious, but anyone who works with him could come to the conclusion that it’s a terrible person:

You’re still laughing if you ask my opinion.
This is one of my favorite clips.
Legendary ….if not for the best of reasons.
Dan Bongino’s Warning: You have enraged the bear of Trump supporters!
Dan Bongino is done!
He didn’t hesitate to say it. He didn’t hold back.
So, on Thursday our President Donald Trump had to endure a difficult day after a jury found him guilty in New York City.
But, Trump being Trump said that the “real verdict” would be revealed in November.
The MAGA base then went on the internet to voice their disapproval of this rigged, system.
Many of them come to the same conclusion which is…
The 2024 elections were won yesterday!

Dan #Bongino sends a message to the New York hacks who used a kangaroo judge and a corrupt DA to target a political rival. It’s time to stand up against these commies, all Americans! #Trump #GuiltyOn34 #revolution pic.twitter.com/fxahf1pJos
PatrioticStandard May 31, 2024

HuffPost reports:

Thursday was a tough day for Donald Trump. A jury in New York City found that he had falsified business documents to hide an alleged affair involving porn star Stormy Danis shortly before the 2016 Presidential election.

Trump’s comments that the trial was “rigged” and that the “real jury” would be announced in November, referring to Election Day, were not surprising.

The jury’s decision has caused many prominent members of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement to have a major meltdown, including Donald Trump Jr. the son of the 2024 presidential candidate, who wrote in a letter that Democrats had “succeeded in their years-long attempt to turn America to a third-world sh*thole.”
Right-wing radio host Dan Bongino promised liberals that former president’s supporters will “drink your delicious tears in November.”

The New York verdict is a complete travesty and makes a mockery out of our justice system
A political show trial, conducted by a judge who is openly pro-Biden, whose daughter earns money from the case, a juror from the most liberal county of America, absurd and silly charges, and…
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) May 30, 2024

Dan Bongino lets it fly on his podcast

“The energy is different.” You feel it. You can feel it. They know that they messed up yesterday. They know they messed up yesterday. The liberal f**kwad moron commies banging pots & pans have no idea what was released yesterday. The smart ones… Didn’t you notice that the response was a little muted? Why? Because the smart tactical liberals and the institutional commies… they know damn well they stuck the stick right in the eyes of the bear, and they’re now like sh** what should we do? You think that they are stupid? Trump raised 35 millions dollars from small donors. No one knows the super pac numbers yet. You don’t believe they know what’s happening on Twitter? Celebrate now, you liberal commie fu**wads. Celebrate as much as you want. Enjoy this moment. You have no idea of what is coming, because we will be licking your delicious tears at election day.”

Dan Bongino’s take on the Trump guilty verdict : They f**ked yesterday and they know that.
“The energy is different.” You feel it. You can feel it. They know that they messed up yesterday. They know they f**ked up yesterday. The moron commie f**kwad liberals banging pots and pans, they have no idea what they let… pic.twitter.com/4ygJEf6m7z
DailyNoah.com May 31, 2024

Jesse Watters’ statement, “We will vanquish the evil forces that are destroying our republic” is a great one.

Trump was found guilty because he defeated Hillary and is about to defeat Joe Biden. We may be a wounded country, but we are not going to go down. We will rise up and defeat the evil forces that are destroying our republic. pic.twitter.com/SulVlxovMN
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) May 30, 2024

This verdict reminds of a famous quote.
In this case, substitute’strike down’ with a ‘declare my guilty’.
“If you strike down, I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine.” – Obi Kenobi


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