The Dr. Phil interview with President Trump now completely fascinated me. In many ways, I think it was a sea change moment…For quite a while, the Deep State’s war on President Trump polluted him. People in the middle of the road did not want to be associated with him because of it. If you spoke with him or spoke also of him, the media would ban you and deport you. So he frequently spent alone on an island. Oh sure, he had me and the 81 million people who voted for him on that island, but he was persona non-grata to the Legacy Media and “celebrities.” However, that all changed just with the release of The Guilty Verdict. I think many people woke up to the realization that this is too much. I think that since President Trump, people with some form of financial power, fame, and influence, but not as much of those things, have suddenly woken up and realized that if they could do this to him, what would prevent them from doing it to me next? Even celebrities like Dr. Phil are now sitting down to interview him, which is a significant turning point. We need it. In the following four months, we need a lot more of it. But there was a final phrase I wanted to pass along to you at the end of the interview. The interview has ended, but the cameras are still rolling, and Dr. Phil and President Trump are conversing freely, and Dr. Phil asks,” Do you think he will run?” speaking of Joe Biden. And Trump, the president, says no. It was a beautiful moment…. Take a look: I’ve watched the entire Trump interview by Dr. Phil. Now, we’ll break down some of Eye of the Storm’s parts.
When the interview is over and the credits are rolling, one of the most exciting moments is.
Dr. Phil asks” Do you think Biden will run”
DJT says” I’ve been … pic.— True Stormy Joe ( @truestormyjoe ) June 7, 2024Understand what a wild statement that is…. We are 4- 5 months ahead from the election. According to my knowledge, this has NEVER occurred before in our nation’s history. The closest example is a VP swap occurring again in 1972 when the Democratic Party’s unique vice- presidential nominee, Senator Thomas Eagleton, was replaced on the ticket. Although it was agreed that Eggleton would be George McGovern’s running partner, he was forced to withdraw after it was revealed that he had been receiving electroshock therapy for depression. Only before the November election, this occurred in the late summer. Sargent Shriver, a former ambassador to France and a popular member of the Kennedy family, took his place in Eggleton. Will it occur in 2024 this year? I’ve been saying this all along, but I’ve not heard of President Trump saying the same thing. Wow! In fact, we’ve written about it around before warning you all what we expected will happen: RUMORS: Biden To Withdraw, Nominate Michelle Obama — Here’s WhenAre the Democrats really betting on Biden beating Trump this November? Or do they now have a plan in place to replace him with someone who they believe has a better chance of succeeding? There have been rumors for a while that Michelle Obama might take the place of Biden in the forthcoming election. Is Michelle Obama Angling To Retake Biden In 2024, as we’ve already reported in the past? Report: Michelle Obama’s Key Plan to Replace Joe Biden EXPOSED There are rumors among Democrats that Joe Biden intends to “grand gesture” and step down from the convention to support Michelle Obama, according to a report from Der Spiegel. The Democrat party has already been mentioning Michelle Obama in some polls of possible election candidates, according to the outlet. There are rumors among US Democrats that Biden will “make a magnificent gesture” and withdraw his presidential candidacy at the convention in August 2024. He will rather make a proposal to nominate former first lady Michelle Obama, according to Der Spiegel. This … pic.— Leandro Romão ( @leandroptbr ) May 6, 2024 Will Biden withdraw from the election and offer Michelle Obama instead? These are the rumors that are now circulating among US Democrats, according to Der Spiegel. Reportedly, Biden can announce this now in August. Democrats have now actually mentioned Michelle in their own image.— Jürgen Nauditt ( @jurgen_nauditt ) May 6, 2024The New Voice of Ukraine on Yahoo has more details on the rumors: This summer, President Joe Biden may consider stepping out of the presidential race in favor of endorsing Michelle Obama, former First Lady and wife of ex- President Barack Obama, according to a report by Der Spiegel on May 5. Biden might make his announcement at a party convention in Chicago in August 2024, according to the U.S. Democratic Party. According to Der Spiegel, Michelle Obama has been added to the list of possible candidates as a result of public opinion surveys being conducted.” The idea of a female president inspires several Americans,” Der Spiegel writes. It’s important to note that this is all only speculation, from a German source. Therefore, take from that what you will. However, it is interesting that the Obamas are already on the list of people who will appear at the DNC in August. Erstwhile president Barack Obama will reportedly join his former running mate, President Joe Biden, as an Illinois delegate at the Democratic National Convention this summer. On Monday night, Illinois Democrats released their entire list of delegates. In addition to the 96 district delegates, Obama is only one of 51 party leaders and elected officials who serve as automated or at-large delegates. The Illinois delegation has a total of 147 members. Since taking office in 2017, Obama has weighed in on some social issues, but he generally has n’t attempted to appoint any of his successors, like most other presidents. He specifically did not support Biden until it was evident that his past vice president would win the Democratic primary in 2020. However, common former first lady Michelle Obama has long been rumored in GOP circles as replacing Biden as the 2024 nominee, which Democratic strategists dismiss as a” ginned- up” conspiracy. Democratic insiders have also told the Washington Examiner that they anticipate Obama to start working on the 2024 campaign trail with a focus on Biden starting this summer, and the campaign is appreciative of his efforts to advance Biden’s reelection campaign. After he begins to make his on-the-ground appearances, campaign officials continued that Obama had indicated he would do “whatever the campaign asks.” However, Michelle Obama’s” office “has formally stated she does not” intend” to run for president: Michelle Obama’s” Office” Suddenly Addresses Her Run In 2024But, I’m not so certain… What do you think? Do you believe these rumors? Will Big Mike actually take over Collins two months before the election? Let us know your thoughts… NATIONAL POLL: Would You Vote For Michelle Obama For President in 2024? [[{“value”:”
I was absolutely fascinated today by the Dr. Phil Interview of President Trump. In many ways, it was a moment of change. For a long time, the Deep State war on President Trump had tarnished him. It made people in the middle of the road not want to be affiliated with him. You would be banned from social media if he interviewed you… The rest would ostracize if he spoke to you or spoke well about him …. He was often alone on an island. He had 81 million voters, including you and I, on the island with him. But he was persona non-grata for the Legacy Media. The Guilty verdict changed all that. I think many people have finally woken up and realized this is a bridge that’s too far. I believe that people who have some money, power, fame and influence but not as much as President Trump did finally woke up to the fact that they could do it to them next. Even people like Dr. Phil sit down to interview him with pride, and I believe that this is a watershed moment. We need it. We will need more of it over the next four months. There was one moment that I wanted to show at the end. The interview is over, but the cameras continue to roll. President Trump and Doctor Phil are talking more casually and Dr. Phil asks him “Do you believe he will run?” in reference to Joe Biden. And President Trump says “no”. It was an amazing moment …. Look at this: I watched the entire Trump interview with Dr. Phil. Tonight, we’ll break down some parts of Eye of the Storm. The interview ends and the credits are rolled.
Dr. Phil asks: “Do you believe Biden will run?”
DJT says “I’ve been… — True Stormy Joe (@truestormyjoe) June 7, 2024 Understand what a wild statement that is…. We are about 4-5 months from the election. I am as far as I know, this has never happened in the history of the United States. In 1972, the original Democratic Party vice-presidential candidate, Senator Thomas Eagleton was replaced on a ticket. Eagleton was selected as George McGovern’s running mate but was forced to withdraw after it was revealed he had received electroshock treatment for depression. This occurred in late July, a few months prior to the November election. Eagleton was succeeded by Sargent Shriver. He is a prominent member of the Kennedy family and former ambassador to France. Will it happen in 2024 or this year? I’ve said for years that I don’t believe Joe makes it until November, but I never heard President Trump say this before. Wow! We’ve even written about it before, warning you of what we expected to happen: RUMORS – Biden to Withdraw and Nominate Michelle Obama – Here’s When Do the Democrats really bet on Biden defeating Trump in November? Do they have a plan in place to replace Biden with someone who they believe has a better chance of winning? There have been rumors for a long time that Michelle Obama could replace Biden during the upcoming elections. As we have reported in the past, is Michelle Obama looking to replace Biden for 2024? Report: Michelle Obama’s Secret Plot To Replace Joe Biden EXPOSED Now, a German media outlet has a date for when this might happen: August at the Democratic National Convention. According to a Der Spiegel report, there are rumors that Joe Biden plans to make a “grand gesture” by stepping down from the convention and endorsing Michelle Obama. The outlet points out that Michelle Obama has already been included in some polls regarding potential election candidates by the Democrat Party. Look at this breaking report: Among US Democrats, there are rumors that Biden will “make an impressive gesture” at the August 2024 convention and withdraw his presidential candidacy. According to Der Spiegel he will propose Michelle Obama as his replacement. This… — Leandro Romao (@leandroptbr) May 6, 2024 Will Biden withdraw from the election and offer Michelle Obama instead? Der Spiegel reports that these are the rumors currently circulating among US Democrats. Biden could reportedly announce this as early as August. Democrats have now even included Michelle in their… — Jurgen Nauditt (@jurgen_nauditt) May 6, 2024 The New Voice of Ukraine on Yahoo has more details on the rumors: This summer, President Joe Biden may consider stepping out of the presidential race in favor of endorsing Michelle Obama, former First Lady and wife of ex-President Barack Obama, according to a report by Der Spiegel on May 5. The U.S. Democratic Party has considered the possibility that Biden could announce his decision at a party conference in Chicago in August 2024. Der Spiegel reports that Michelle Obama is now on the list of potential candidates. Public opinion polls are being conducted to determine her viability. Der Spiegel states that “the idea of a woman president inspires many Americans.” This is just a German source’s speculation. Take what you want from that. It is interesting to note that the Obamas have already been added to the list of attendees for the DNC in August. The Washington Examiner reported that former President Barack Obama would serve as an Illinois delegates at the Democratic National Convention in August, possibly overshadowing his former running mate President Joe Biden. Illinois Democrats released their complete list of delegates on Monday evening. Obama is one of 51 elected officials and party leaders who serve as automatic or at-large delegate, on top of 96 district delegates. Illinois has 147 delegates. Obama has commented on a few political issues since leaving the White House in 2017, but he has mostly avoided trying to steer his party towards a successor. He did not endorse Biden in the 2020 Democratic primary until he knew that his former vice president was the nominee for that election. In the meantime, former first lady Michelle Obama is rumored to be replacing Biden in 2024, but Democratic strategists dismiss this as a “made-up” conspiracy. Washington Examiner reported that Democratic insiders expect Obama to start the 2024 campaign for Biden this summer. The campaign welcomes his efforts to boost Biden’s reelection campaign. Officials from the campaign said that Obama has expressed a willingness to “do whatever the campaign asks”, once he increases his on-the ground appearances. Michelle Obama’s office has publicly stated that she does not “intend” to run for President: Michelle Obama’s “Office” Finally Addresses her Run in 2024 But, what do you think about it? Do you believe the rumors? Will Biden really be replaced by Big Mike two months before the elections? Let us know what you think… NATIONAL POLLS: Would You Vote for Michelle Obama as President in 2024?