[[{“value”:”Allison Huynh, a former Obama fundraiser who helped raise millions for his 2008 presidential campaign, said she is fed up with Joe Biden and will support Donald Trump in the upcoming election.
In an interview with “Fox & Friends First,” Huynh said Biden is “asleep at the wheel.”
“He’s allowed Big Tech as well as the looters to take over Silicon Valley. San Francisco has been the science experiment that’s gone awry. I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores to go to, there’s no malls to take my teenage girls shopping to,” she said, according to Fox News.
“The streets are not safe, there are more fentanyl users and dealers than high school students in our once great city,” she added.
Huynh is also selling her collection of Democratic collectibles.
Former Obama fundraiser ditches Democratic Party, backs Trump for 2024. pic.twitter.com/gsHUcvTp9z
— Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) June 19, 2024
From the New York Post:
The co-creator of Willow Garage, a company that designed robotics and AI systems that were sold to Google, Huynh helped to raise millions of dollars for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. She and her husband at the time, early Google programmer Scott Hassan, helped organize elaborate fundraisers and dinners for tech bigwigs.
“My role was to bring in Silicon Valley people for the $50,000- and $100,000-per-plate dinners,” Huynh said. “[We] brought in [Google co-founders] Sergey [Brin], Larry [Page] and Eric [Schmidt]. Obama was a hopeful candidate who was outside of the system.”
She was so passionate about the left that, in 2005, she and Hassan bought a rocking chair that once belonged to Democratic icon John F. Kennedy for nearly $100,00 at auction.
In 2008, she acquired the Shepard Fairey mixed-media artwork that the iconic Obama “Hope” posters were based on, paying more than $1 million for the work on canvas.
Now, as President Biden’s term draws to a close, Huynh feels that she had been sold a bill of goods. “I think Biden has been out of touch,” she told The Post. “He’s asleep at the wheel.”
Allison Huynh, former Obama fundraiser & self described “life-long liberal Democrat” is vocally backing Trump for president pic.twitter.com/ArQrr2UAKP
— The Conservative Read (@theconread) June 17, 2024
Former Obama fundraiser is so fed up with the left that she’s selling her million-dollar Dem collectibles https://t.co/xfnMlhPVRD pic.twitter.com/6A7NkNq4br
— New York Post (@nypost) June 16, 2024
According to Fox News, Huynh has recently traveled to Mar-a-Lago to support President Trump at a fundraiser.
Allison Huynh, 48, is the co-created of AI and robotics designers Willow Garage
Huynh claims she helped get Big Tech excited for Barack Obama in 2008
She now claims that Joe Biden is ‘out of touch’ and is supporting Donald Trump pic.twitter.com/ieAMrcHuml
— News News News (@NewsNew97351204) June 17, 2024
Per Fox News:
“When he [Obama] came into power, he was very scared. In his biography, he talked about being afraid of doing things because he didn’t want to ruin it for future Black leaders and Black presidents, and therefore, he let the government bureaucracy and red tape take over him whereas Trump was very specific with coming out with great ideas to allow people to grow great wealth,” she said.
“Biden is changing that. Right now, it’s very hard in this country to make money unless you work for a Big Tech company. If you’re an emerging tech company, they’re driving you offshore,” she added.
Huynh elaborated on that point a bit further, noting that the current administration exacerbates entrepreneurial challenges in a few ways, including, in her words, by “legislating and suing emerging technology companies, startup companies and just regular entrepreneurs who are funding their business.””}]] [[{“value”:”
Allison Huynh is a former Obama fundraiser, who helped raise millions of dollars for his 2008 campaign. She has said that she is tired of Joe Biden, and will be supporting Donald Trump in the next election. Huynh, a former Obama fundraiser who helped raise millions for his 2008 presidential campaign, said she is tired of Joe Biden and will support Donald Trump in the upcoming election. San Francisco is the science experiment gone wrong. She told Fox News that when she woke up in the morning there were no grocery stores or malls where her teenage daughters could go shopping. She added, “The streets are unsafe. There are more fentanyl dealers and users than high schoolers in our once great City.” Huynh also sells her collection of Democratic collectibles. WATCH: Former Obama fundraiser ditches Democratic Party, backs Trump for 2024. pic.twitter.com/gsHUcvTp9z — Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) June 19, 2024 From the New York Post: The co-creator of Willow Garage, a company that designed robotics and AI systems that were sold to Google, Huynh helped to raise millions of dollars for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. She and her husband, Scott Hassan (an early Google programmer), helped organize elaborate dinners and fundraisers for tech giants. Huynh stated that her role was to invite Silicon Valley people to the dinners, which cost $50,000 and $100,000 per plate. “[We] brought [Google cofounders] Sergey Brin, Larry [Page]and Eric [Schmidt] in.” Obama was a hopeful, outside-the-system candidate. She and Hassan were so passionate about the Left that in 2005 they bought at auction a rockingchair that had once belonged to Democratic icon John F. Kennedy. She paid more than $1 million in 2008 for the mixed-media artwork by Shepard Fairey that was the inspiration for the Obama “Hope’ posters. Huynh now feels that President Biden’s tenure is coming to an end, and she was sold a false promise. She told The Post that she believes Biden is out of touch. “He’s asleep at the wheel.” Allison Huynh, former Obama fundraiser & self described “life-long liberal Democrat” is vocally backing Trump for president pic.twitter.com/ArQrr2UAKP — The Conservative Read (@theconread) June 17, 2024 Former Obama fundraiser is so fed up with the left that she’s selling her million-dollar Dem collectibles https://t.co/xfnMlhPVRD pic.twitter.com/6A7NkNq4br — New York Post (@nypost) June 16, 2024 According to Fox News, Huynh has recently traveled to Mar-a-Lago to support President Trump at a fundraiser. Allison Huynh is 48 and the co-creator of Willow Garage, a team of AI and robotics designers.Huynh claims that she helped to get Big Tech excited about Barack Obama in 2008.
She now claims that Joe Biden is ‘out of touch’ and is supporting Donald Trump pic.twitter.com/ieAMrcHuml — News News News (@NewsNew97351204) June 17, 2024 Per Fox News: “When he [Obama] came into power, he was very scared. She said that in his biography, he spoke about being afraid to do things because he did not want to ruin the future of Black leaders and Black Presidents. He let government bureaucracy take over him, while Trump was very specific and came up with great ideas for people to grow wealth. “Biden will change that.” It’s hard to make money in this country unless you are employed by a Big Tech firm. She added that “if you’re a startup tech company, you’re being driven offshore.” Huynh went on to elaborate a little more, pointing out that the current administration is exacerbated entrepreneurial challenges by a number of ways, including “legislating or suing emerging tech companies, startup businesses and just regular entrepreneurs that are funding their business.”