The Republicans have given a new spin to the slogan “Are you happier now than four years ago?” They now argue: Were you happier under former President Trump or President Biden? Republicans claim that the economy, and in particular inflation, was better under Trump. And they…
Republicans have a new twist on the phrase” Are you better off today than you were four years before”? Then, their argument is: Were you in better shape under President Biden than you were under President Trump? Republicans claim that under Trump, especially in terms of inflation, things were better. And they … Republicans have a new twist on the phrase” Are you better off today than you were four years before”? Today, their argument is: Were you better off under President Biden than you were under President Trump? Republicans contend that the economy, especially inflation, was much under Trump than it is now under Biden. And they …
The Republicans have given a new spin to the slogan “Are you happier now than four years ago?” They now argue: Were you happier under former President Trump or President Biden? Republicans claim that the economy, and in particular inflation, was better under Trump. And they…