June is once more. seems to come by so fast these days. And now that it’s June once more, I feel compelled to share the TRUTH about the Rainbox with you. GOD’S RANGE… Look, I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but it’s June and that means” Pride Month”. A fairly fresh practice that involves corporations brainwashing their logos for 30 days before switching them out for rainbow flags. Why? To celebrate” Pride”. Although I’m not sure if you are aware of this,” Pride comes before the fall.” So it’s kind of a strange thing to boast on. But nevertheless, it’s Pride Month. And I figured I had to weigh in because I was sick of the Rainbow being replaced. You are aware that God first created the rainbow, do n’t you? Genesis 9: 13- 16: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. I will remember my covenant with you and all living things of all kinds whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds. Never again will the waters flood once, bringing down all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. How did we change from having the rainbow as our lesbian sex symbol to one used by God? I want to tell you about the exciting tale! I’ve always been fascinated by the rainbow and how it’s been counterfeited in subsequent decades and taken over by the LGBTZVXYZ+ community. It’s hardly surprising that the Devil constantly plagiarizes and counterfeits the classic. He can simply copy and counterfeit because he lacks any independent creative capacity. So he did what he usually does with the rainbow, trying to take it over within the LGBT community. But here’s what I found to be truly fascinating. it only employs six colors, certainly the entire 7th of the rainbow of God. Which is a humorous phrase” God’s Rainbow”. Simply put,” The Rainbow” is God’s name. The only real thing he created. Anyway, here is the LGBT Rainbow, and note only six colors: Is n’t that interesting? The LGBT” community” chose 6 colors” according to God’s decision. That’s not, in my opinion, an accident. And you know what else? The color they skipped was Indigo, which may explain why: But kindly remind someone that it’s GOD’s Rainbow and that we’re using the correct 7 colors, certainly the fake! In response to a nearby activist’s plea for the need of a community symbol, Gilbert Baker created his version of the rainbow flag in 1978. Here are more of the articles I found on the subject. Baker dyed and sewed the material for the second flag himself and it had 8 colors. This multi-colored flag later evolved into a gay, gay, bisexual, and transgender movement banner, which is still frequently referred to as LGBT today. Popular Pink for sex, each of the colors, each with a certain meaning.
Red for life
Orange for regenerating energy
Sun is represented by bright.
Green for serenity with nature
Turquoise for art
Indigo for harmony
Violet for spirit. Harvey Milk, a publicly queer San Francisco City Supervisor, was killed on November 27, 1978. As a result, the demand for the flag significantly increased. Therefore, in order to meet the demand, the Paramount Flag Company began selling a version of the flag using stock rainbow fabric consisting of seven stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, orange, and violet. Baker eventually decided against using the hot pink color because he could n’t locate the material. The flag was hung diagonally from the Market Street lamp posts in San Francisco in 1979. Because of the width of the seven line flag the center stripe was covered up by the post itself. They changed the design to have an even number of stripes, eliminating the turquoise stripe in order to fix this issue. That left them with the six-stripe version of the flag that consisted of purple, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. But, even though the LGBT flag might be called by the name of God’s token of promise to all mankind, it’s NOT a true rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet have always been the colors of God’s rainbow. Because of the lack of “fabric” or a lamp post, God’s rainbow does n’t need to change colors. No, God’s rainbow also is a promise that He will not destroy man by flood waters ever afterwards. Second it will be a fire, of course! A flag with fewer than seven colors is not actually a rainbow flag; rather, it is just a multi-colored flag. Seven has always been the number of colors used in rainbow flags throughout the centuries. Throughout human history, we find those things which are in opposition to God’s will and ways are usually merely false copies. Even though these copies might come near, they usually fall small. All false religions have much truth to sound nice, but they all teach lies frequently using subtly deceptive inconsequential interpretations. That was Satan’s ploy in the Garden. He tempted Eve by using God’s Word to refute the teachings of the Bible. He deceived Eve and confused Eve by making her forget what God had said. Satan always presents himself in truth, as the accuser that he is. His minions also have the ability to transform themselves into “ministers of righteousness” ( 2 Cor 11: 14-15 ), all with the intention of deceiving. They may “look” good, but they are nothing more than” copy-cat” versions of what is good, and their goal is to turn people away from the One True God, who is omni-benevolent ( all good ). God’s RainbowGod created the rainbow and it belongs to Him. There are seven colors in God’s rainbow. Even the word “rainbow” has seven letters ( qesheth ), which is interesting because, according to Strong’s Dictionary, even that word has seven. God’s rainbow represents His goodness, His mercy and grace, His love and longsuffering, and, most of all, it is a reminder that His promises are real and faithful. The real rainbow will never approve of any wicked deeds, and it will never be able to do so. I hope you’ll never again look at the LGBT flag in the same manner. It is NOT a rainbow flag, falling small with just six colors. It also does not undoubtedly represent the rainbow of God. The LGBT community uses a multi-colored flag that is insufficient in every way. particularly in what it represents. I told you that was a fantastic summary! You now have” the rest of the story” ( Paul Harvey’s pleading ). And how’s what Franklin Graham just said on the issue, from Newsweek: Prominent Evangelist Franklin Graham thanked President Donald Trump and the U. S. State Department for helping deny embassies ‘ requests to fly the rainbow flag during Pride Month. The son of the late Billy Graham, the late president of Samaritan’s Purse, and the late Billy Graham’s son, Mike Pompeo, the late president of the Samaritan’s Purse, praised Trump and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for “making the decision to fly the queer flag over our embassies” in June on Facebook. Graham’s claim that rainbow-adorned gay pride flags are “offensive” to Christians and much of the country was backed by thousands of his more than 7 million social media followers. State Department sources last week officially confirmed the agency had denied various political requests to fly the color pride flag on official military flagpoles this month in honor of LGBT Pride Month. In honor of queer pride month, President Donald J. Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the decision to fly the queer flag over our embassies in June. That is the wise choice, Graham, 66, said over the weekend on Facebook. ” The gay pride flag is unpleasant to Christians and millions of people of other faiths, not only in this country but around the world. Regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation, the North Carolina native continued,” The U.S. flag represents our nation—everyone.” The apparently recent decision to prohibit the rainbow pride flag from flying on official flag poles in Brazil, Germany, Latvia, and Israel is simply the latest retaliation for gay rights since Pompeo took over the State Department in April 2018. Prominent Evangelist Franklin Graham thanked President Donald Trump and the U. S. State Department for helping deny embassies ‘ requests to fly the rainbow flag during Pride Month. RON SACHS POOL
The State Department and Trump were likewise applauded for encouraging gay people to “remember the sin that they are all doing and turn from the cruel ways,” according to one poster, out of the more than 30 000 responses to Graham’s Saturday Facebook post, out of over 30 000 responses. ” God meant the rainbow for a promise to his creation. Satan excels at using what God intended for great and then using it to bad. The Gay Pride- rainbow rainbow. Pride even being a sin against God —- we are no better or greater than HE”! wrote a second Graham supporter. Graham generally weighs in on social issues that he claims are offensive to conservative Christians on Facebook and Twitter. Last month, Graham told openly gay South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg that God has laws and standards against what he described as the sin of being queer. speaking in” Pride”… No one has much analyzed it than Norm Macdonald… It’s an “odd thing to be proud of”: Norm Macdonald On PrideI also find it a little strange to realize Norm Macdonald is no longer with us. Even after all these years, it never fails. I only find almost anything from Norm on YouTube and they also make me laugh so hard because of it. However, one that has often stood out to me was his perspective on Gay Pride. As always, Norm is both the funniest man to always exist but also one of the most intelligent. You must purchase his album” Me Doing Standup” if you want the best version of his song. It’s accessible on Amazon or through any other search engine. That’s the best and longest and most entertaining version, but it’s banned anywhere online for copyright. The video below’s 3:00 minute mark features the same material but with a different night and a version that did n’t make it onto the album. The next best version begins at that time. However amusing, but not as much and without some content. But the point Norm makes is it’s truly rather a strange thing to be “proud” of. Enjoyable, natural genius: That’s how Norm came across. He might be completely outrageous, impossible, rude, and hilarious all at once, and then deliver one of his most insightful observations. A real comic philosopher. Like this, Norm Macdonald is absolutely amazing. You may recall Norm Macdonald from the 1990s ‘ Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live, when SNL was interesting. Nobody did the news desk more well than Norm. Basically, it’s a little recognized fact that Norm invented the term “fake news” when he was at SNL, he said it at the end of every Weekend Update. One of the best, if not THE best, comedians to have always appeared on television is Norm, in my opinion. But did you know that he was even very intelligent and perceptive? Norm is the only guy who could go on Dennis Miller Live and do perhaps the funniest ( but filthiest ) 6 minutes you’ve ever seen, to the point where everyone is dying laughing ( WARNING: graphic language, do n’t send me hate mail, watch at your own risk ): …and then also be the guy who could put together one of the simplest but most brilliant observations I’ve ever heard about religion and atheism. BRILLIANT: Norm Macdonald on Atheism, if you can.
” You will never see an atheist argue that Scientology is absurd, so why would they never believe that God does n’t exist.” They will Often pick Christianity. So they pick the God they believe does n’t exist, which means they are actually choosing the God they believe is there. pic. twitter.com/KdXJA1rYM7— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) January 24, 2023It’s so true, right? Share with your friends. And while I’m here, I ca n’t post Norm without sharing one of his most well-known moments. the Moth Joke, which runs for four minutes. Enjoy: Backup: Ok, here’s one more of Norm Macdonald driving the ladies from The View mad back when Babs was also running it: Comedy Legend Norm Macdonald Passes Away But His” Bill Clinton Is A Murderer” Jokes Life OnThe comedy world lost a legend yesterday. 61-year-old comedian Norm Macdonald passed away who had the ability to turn a simple observation into a complex, funny joke. McDonalds first appeared on SNL, but he was fired five years later for making OJ Simpson jokes that NBC did n’t like. However, McDonalds ‘ success helped him continue to achieve comedic fame and he ended up producing several specials, appearing in several movies, and having his own show. Norm was known to tell jokes that were filled with truth and not let anybody off the hook when it came to hypocrisy. Some Twitter users decided to remember Norm’s life after he passed away from cancer at the age of 61 by posting a video of him making funny but oddly accurate jokes about Bill Clinton. Watch Norm label Bill Clinton a murderer while he was being interviewed on the View, with Norm Macdonald triggering the View hosts. RIP Legend. pic. The Columbia Bugle (@ColumbiaBugle ) September 14, 2021Twitter.com/UOIH96hJY1- Bill Clinton even made some jokes that claimed Bill Clinton had killed Vince Foster, the deputy White House counsel. His management company confirmed that the 61- year- ancient had battled cancer for nine years. His producing partner and friend Lori Jo Hoekstra told Deadline,” He was most glad of his comedy.” ” Norm was a true comic,” He previously wrote that’ a joke should catch someone by surprise, it should not pander.’ He undoubtedly not panted. ” Norm will be greatly missed,” said SNL fans, who may recall Macdonald as the anchor on the program’s” Weekend Update” segments. He was known for his impressions, especially that of Burt Reynolds. Throughout the course of the latter’s murder trial, he lampooned past football star and actor O. J. Simpson and former football player Michael Jackson in his signature droll manner. Eventually, Macdonald claimed that network executives pressured him to stop calling Simpson, who was eventually found guilty, a murderer, and that he was fired from the show for refusing to stop. Norm was the greatest to ever do it https ://t.co/bGUsVYcMDY— Jack Poso ( @JackPosobiec) September 15, 2021 [[{“value”:”
…. June is here again. Since it’s now June, I feel the need to remind you of the TRUTH regarding the Rainbox. GOD’S Rainbow…. Look, I don’t know if you heard, but June is “Pride Month”. A relatively new phenomenon, where companies go numb for 30 days and replace their logos with rainbow-colored flags. Why? To celebrate “Pride”. You may not know this, but “Pride comes before the fall”. It’s a strange thing for someone to brag about. It’s still Pride Month. I felt I had to speak out because I’m tired that the Rainbow is being counterfitted. You know that God created the Rainbow first. Genesis 9:13-16 13 I have placed my rainbow in clouds and it will serve as a sign of the covenant that I made with the earth. When I bring clouds above the earth, and the rainbow appears on the clouds, I will always remember the covenant I made with you and all living things. Never again will the water become a flood that destroys all life. 16 I will remember the everlasting covenant that God has made with all living creatures on earth whenever the rainbow appears in clouds. This story is fascinating and I’d like to share it with all of you! I’ve always loved the rainbow, and how it has been distorted in recent decades by the LGBTZVXYZ+ movement. It’s not surprising that the Devil always steals or counterfeits the original. He is not creative, he only copies and counterfeits. He did what he does with the rainbow every time, trying to dominate the LGBT community. Here’s something I found really fascinating ….it uses only 6 colors, not the full seven of God’s Rainbow. It’s a funny phrase, “God’s Rainbow”. God’s Rainbow can be referred to as “The Rainbow”. God’s only true creation. It’s interesting that the LGBT Rainbow only has six colors. God chose seven colors, and the LGBT “community” chose six. I don’t believe that’s an accident. You know what else? Indigo was omitted, and here’s why: The next time someone tells us not to use the Rainbow, remind them that it’s GOD’s Rainbow, and we’re using the 7 accurate colors, not the counterfeit! RforH.com has an EXCELLENT summary of what I found. In 1978, San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker designed his version of the Rainbow Flag in response to the call of a local activist for a community symbol. Baker dyed and sewn the material for the rainbow flag himself. It had eight colors. This multi-colored banner evolved into the LGBT movement, also known as lesbian, gay bisexual, and transgender. Each color had a meaning: Hot pink for sexRed for Life
Orange for healing
Yellow for sun
Green for serenity in nature
Turquoise for Art
Indigo for Harmony
Violet for spirit. Harvey Milk, a gay San Francisco City supervisor who was openly gay, was assassinated on November 27, 1978. The demand for the flag increased dramatically as a result. In order to meet demand, Paramount Flag Company started selling a version using rainbow fabric that consisted of seven stripes in red, orange, green, blue, violet, and turquoise. Baker dropped the hot pink because he could not find the fabric. In 1979, the flag was hung from lamp posts on Market Street in San Francisco. The post covered the center stripe of the seven-stripe flag because of its width. To fix this problem, they changed the design so that there were an equal number of stripes. They dropped the turquoise stripe. This left them with a six-stripe version of the flag we see today, consisting of — green, blue and violet, as well as red, orange, yellow and green. The LGBT flag may be called God’s promise to mankind, but it is NOT a rainbow. God’s rainbow always had seven colours: red, orange and yellow, green, indigo, violet, blue and green. [easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B081V5KMMY” locale=”US” tag=”s0d58f-20”] God’s rainbow doesn’t have to change colors because of a lack of “fabric” or not fitting on a lamp post. God’s rainbow is still a promise to never again destroy mankind by flood waters. The next time, it will be with fire! Rainbow flags have always had seven colors. A flag with less than seven colors, however, is not a true rainbow flag. It’s just multi-colored. In human history, those things that are against God’s will are often just counterfeit copies. These copies may come close but they never measure up. All false religions contain enough truth to make them sound good, but all of them teach lies by using subtle twists on the truth. This was Satan’s plan in the Garden. He did not tempt Eve by presenting a completely false teaching, but by twisting God’s Word. He created confusion with subtle deception and made Eve forget God’s words. Satan never comes across as the accuser he is. He can transform himself into a “minister of righteousness”, and his minions into “angels of light” (2 Cor 11;14-15), with the intent to deceive. They may “look” nice, but are nothing more than “copycat” appearances that are good. Their desire is to lead the people away from God, who is omnibenevolent and all good. God’s Rainbow God made the rainbow, and it is His. God’s Rainbow God created the rainbow and it belongs to Him. Strong’s Dictionary says that even the word “rainbow”, which is qesheth, has seven letters. God’s rainbow is a symbol of His goodness, mercy, grace, love, and longsuffering. It also reminds us that His promises have been true. The true rainbow can never be used to represent or celebrate sinful behavior. I hope that you will never again look at the LGBT Flag in the same light. It is NOT a Rainbow flag, as it only has six colors. It is not God’s rainbow. The LGBT community uses an unremarkable multi-colored flag, which is lacking in every way ….especially what it represents. I told you it was a great summary! Now you know the “rest of the story”! (Apologies to Paul Harvey). Franklin Graham said this in Newsweek. The prominent evangelist thanked President Donald Trump for denying embassies requests to fly the Rainbow Flag during Pride Month. The son of the late U.S. evangelist Billy Graham, and current president of Samaritan’s Purse, took to Facebook on Saturday to thank Trump and U.S. secretary of state Mike Pompeo for their “decision not to fly the homosexual flag over our embassies in June.” Graham’s more than 7,000,000 social media followers seemed to agree with Graham that rainbow-adorned gay Pride flags were “offensive” for Christians and most of the country. Last week, State Department sources confirmed that the agency had refused multiple diplomatic requests for the rainbow pride flag to be flown on official embassy poles in honor of LGBT Pride Month. “I would like to thank President Donald J. Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the agency for their decision to not fly the gay flag above our embassies in June to recognize gay pride month. Graham, 66 years old, wrote over the weekend on Facebook that it was the right decision. “The gay pride banner is offensive to Christians, and millions of other people of faith, not only in the United States but around the globe. The U.S. flag represents our nation–everyone–regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation,” the North Carolina native added. LGBTQ activists claim that the recent decision by the State Department to deny embassies of Brazil, Germany and Latvia the right to fly the rainbow pride flag is the latest affront against gay rights since Pompeo assumed the State Department’s leadership in April 2018. Franklin Graham, a prominent Evangelist, thanked President Donald Trump for the U.S. State Department’s refusal to allow embassies to fly the rainbow pride flag during Pride Month.
The top dozens of responses to Graham’s Facebook post on Saturday also praised the State Department and Trump, as one poster stated, for pushing gays to “realize the sin they are all committing and turn away from their wicked ways!”. “God intended the rainbow as a promise to His creation. Satan is very adept at turning what God intended for good into evil. The Gay Pride rainbow. Another Graham supporter wrote: “Pride is also a sin against God—we are not better or more than HE!” Graham is often heard on Twitter and Facebook voicing his opinion about social issues that he believes are an insult to Christian conservatives. Last month, Graham told Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana that God has laws against what he called homosexuality. Norm Macdonald …. analyzed “Pride “…. better than anyone else. It’s “an odd thing to be proud of: Norm Mcdonald on Pride” I still find it a bit surreal to think that Norm Macdonald no longer lives. It never fails that if I want to laugh, I can always find something from Norm Macdonald on YouTube. I still cry from laughing so much. One of his views on Gay Pride has always been a favorite. As always, Norm has been both the funniest and most insightful man to ever exist. You can get the best version by purchasing his album “Me Doing Standup”. You can find it on Amazon or wherever you search. This is the best, longest and funniest version. However, it’s blocked online due to copyright. The second best version begins at 3:00 minutes in the video below. It’s the same material, but it’s a different night. This version didn’t make the album. The video is still funny, but it’s not as long or has some missing content. But Norm’s point is that it’s a strange thing for someone to be “proud”. Enjoy Norm’s pure brilliance. He could be wild, uncontrollable, vulgar and hilarious at the same time and then make one of the most profound observations you’ve heard. A comic philosopher. Like this… Absolutely Brilliant from Norm Mcdonald You may remember Norm Mcdonald as Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live back in the 1990s when SNL was hilarious. No one was better at the news desk than Norm. It’s a little-known fact that Norm coined the term “fake” news when he worked at SNL. He said it at the conclusion of every Weekend Update. I remember Norm, if not THE BEST, comedian to ever walk this Earth. Did you know that he was also brilliant and insightful? Norm is the only person who could go on Dennis Miller Live, and give the funniest, but filthiest, 6 minutes of comedy you’ve seen (WARNING – graphic language – don’t send hate mail, watch it at your own risk). Norm was also the guy who made one of the simplest, yet most brilliant observations about religion and atheism I’ve heard. Listen to this: BRILLIANT Norm Macdonald’s Atheism
“You will never hear an atheist claim that God does not exist because Scientology’s absurdity is the reason.” They will ALWAYS choose Christianity. So they choose the God they decide doesn’t exist…which means they’re really choosing the God they think exists!” pic.twitter.com/KdXJA1rYM7 — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) January 24, 2023 It’s so true, right? Share this with your friends… I couldn’t do a Norm blog without showing you his most famous bit ….the four minute Moth Joke. Enjoy: Backup: Here’s another of Norm driving the ladies on The View crazy when Babs was still in charge: Comedy Legend Norm Mcdonald passes away but his “Bill Clinton is a Murderer” jokes live on The comedy world has lost a legend yesterday. Norm Macdonald, a comedian who could turn a simple observation into hilarity and a hilarious joke, has died aged 61. Macdonald began his career on SNL, but was fired after five years for making jokes that NBC didn’t like. This did not stop him from becoming a comedic star, and he went on to produce several specials, appear in several movies, as well as have his own show. Norm was known for telling jokes that were full of truth and never let anyone off the hook if they were hypocritical. After it was revealed that Norm died from cancer at age 61, several Twitter users decided to honor his life by posting a funny yet eerily accurate video of him making jokes against Bill Clinton. Watch Norm call Bill Clinton a killer while he was being interviewed on The View: Norm Macdonald triggering View hosts. RIP Legend. pic.twitter.com/UOIH96hJY1 — The Columbia Bugle (@ColumbiaBugle) September 14, 2021 That wasn’t the only time Macdonald took jabs at Bill Clinton, he also made several jokes that stated Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster who was Clinton’s deputy White House counsel: Omg https://t.co/J14zAVgUCG — Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) September 15, 2021 NPR had more details regarding Macdonald’s recent passing: Comedian Norm Macdonald, a beloved Saturday Night Live cast member in the 1990s, has died. His management company confirmed the 61-year old had been battling cancer for nine years. Lori Jo Hoekstra, his friend and producing partner, told Deadline that he was most proud of the comedy he produced. “Norm was a pure comedian. He once wrote, “A joke should always surprise someone. It should never pander.” He never did. Macdonald will be terribly missed. SNL fans might remember him as the anchor of the show’s Weekend Update segments. He was well-known for his impressions. His favorite was Burt Reynolds. In his trademark droll style, he satirized former football star O.J. and former superstar Michael Jackson. Simpson during the murder trial of the latter. Macdonald said that network executives pressured him to stop slamming Simpson as a murderer. He was fired from the show because he refused to stop. Norm was the greatest to ever do it https://t.co/bGUsVYcMDY — Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) September 15, 2021