More states will be receiving Medicaid funding for all in one mental health and substance abuse clinics that offer 24-hour crisis service. The Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday that a newer model of clinic, certified community behavioral health centers, in 10 states are now eligible to receive Medicaid reimbursements.
More states will be covered by Medicaid for all-in-one emotional health and substance abuse clinics that provide 24-hour crisis services. A newer version of the clinic, known as certified community behavioral health clinics, will now be eligible for Medicaid reimbursements, according to the Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS) announcement on Tuesday. More states will be able to pay for all-in-one emotional health and substance abuse clinics that provide 24-hour crisis care. A newer version of the clinic, known as certified community behavioral health clinics, will now be eligible for Medicaid reimbursements, according to the Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS) announcement on Tuesday.
More states will be receiving Medicaid funding for all in one mental health and substance abuse clinics that offer 24-hour crisis service. The Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday that a newer model of clinic, certified community behavioral health centers, in 10 states are now eligible to receive Medicaid reimbursements.