[[{“value”:”I’m not a big believer in “karma” …. but it seems that there is a universal tenet that says,” Whatever you put out will usually come back to you.”
You reap what you sow, according to the Bible.
Check out what this irate anti-Trumper did when he attempted to assault a man while holding a Trump flag:
Don’s worry, I’m confident that will buff straight away!
LOL!!! !
It’s so fine, I’ve watched at least 5 times on repeat.
The final ticket is only the finishing touches of the cake!
Want more?
Woman crashes car after taking Trump’s sign!
That’s an expensive lesson!
There is a growing trend of people stealing Trump signs from the public.
But one woman, or teenager more, was caught on video.
The penalty?
Also, see for yourself:
And you gotta adore what these individuals did.
Taking defense to a whole new level:
Ok, want one more?
The best one might be here.
You gotta love this homeowner.
Some people believe they can piss on a Trump sign under the cover of darkness because it’s pitch dark outside.
Except…. He did n’t intend for this homeowner to have a night vision camera connected.
After he saw what was happening on camera, he grabbed his paintball gun and the rest is history (kind of like his remaining nut after being hit by a paintball ):
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I don’t believe in “karma “…., but there seems to be a rule in our Universe whereby whatever you do tends to return to you.
The Bible says that you reap what you sow.
Check out what happened to this angry anti Trumper after he attempted to assault a person holding a Trump Flag:
I’m confident that it will come out beautifully!
LOL!!! !
I’ve watched it at least five times on repeat.
The ticket at the very end is just the icing on top!
Want more?
Woman Loses Car After Stealing Trump Sign!
It’s a costly lesson!
There’s a growing epidemic of people stealing Trump posters.
One woman, or rather, a teenager, was caught on camera.
What is the penalty?
See for yourself.
You’ve got to love what these people achieved.
Take defense to another level:
You want another?
This could be the best yet.
You have to love this homeowner.
It’s pitch-black outside, and some dude thinks that he can piss on a Trump Sign under the cover darkness.
Except ….he did not plan for this homeowner to have a night vision camera installed.
After seeing what was happening, he grabbed a paintball gun, and the rest is history, as they say (kind of like when his left nut got blasted by paintballs):