Joe Biden claimed that Governor Ralph Northam, who wished for full term, full-birth abortions, lied tomorrow in the debate. Trump was 100 % right. Trump lied. And we have the receipts! Below is a direct quote from the governor. Northam explaining how he would allow a baby to be born, how he would “keep it pleasant,” and how a decision would be made regarding what to do with the child:” If a mother is in labor I can tell you.
precisely what would occur to the infant
would be delivered; the child would be conceived.
kept at ease, the infant would be
resuscitated if that’s what the mother
and the family desired, followed by a second.
discussion would break out between the two.
doctors and the mother, I believe.
this was actually blown out of proportionAhhh yeah, yet Democrats objected to that because, ummmm, that’s not even “abortion” that’s right up murder of a living human being. Watch here: Translation: 5 minutes or even 1 minute before a happy, healthy, people being baby would be born, he supports killing it in the womb. Sick. Evil. Demonic. Although the Bible makes it obvious that life begins at conception, there is at least some enlightening debate that people can have extremely early on in the process. But whole term? One minute before birth? That’s only right up murder. And remember this? HE’S FINISHED: RFK, Jr. goes on record saying he supports “full term” abortion. Let me decode that for you. He recently completed Governor Ralph Northam. A baby could be born happy and healthy, and RFK is okay with killing it in the womb only five minutes before… picture.— Daily ( @Daily NoahNews ) May 9, 2024Backup here: Here is RFK Jr. affirming his commitment to China- style full- term abortion, without limits, nationwide: RFK:” I believe we should leave it to the woman, we should n’t have the government involved” .STEELE:” Even if it’s full term” ?RFK:” Even if it’s full term”. pic.— Charlie Kirk ( @charliekirk11 ) May 9, 2024 [[{“value”:”
Joe Biden said that President Trump lied in the debate tonight when he referred to Governor Ralph Northam wanting abortions up to full term and birth. Trump was 100% correct. Biden lied. We have the receipts. Here is a quote from Gov. Northam explains how he would let a baby be born. He would “keep it comfy” and then make a decision on what to do with a baby.What would happen to the infant?
The infant would be delivered
Keep the baby comfortable
If the mother says so, then resuscitate her.
The family wanted and then a
Discussion would ensue between the
I think that physicians and mothers are so similar.
This was really blown way out of proportion. Ahhh yeah, Democrats even objected because, ummmmm, that’s not “abortion”, that’s murder of a human being. Watch this: Translation: He supports killing a baby in the womb 5 minutes before it is born. Sick. Evil. Demonic. I believe the Bible is clear in that life begins with conception, but people can have a debate about it very early on. But at full term? One minute before conception? This is murder. Remember this? RFK, Jr. has gone on record as saying he supports abortion up to the “full-term” stage. Let me decode this for you …. He went full Ralph Northam. You could literally have a baby born happy and healthy and RFK is ok with you killing it in the womb just 5 minutes before… — (@DailyNoahNews) May 9, 2024 Backup here: Here is RFK Jr. affirming his commitment to China-style full-term abortion, without limits, nationwide: RFK: “I believe we should leave it to the woman, we shouldn’t have the government involved.” STEELE: “Even if it’s full term?” RFK: “Even if it’s full term.” — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 9, 2024