This is stunning to observe! If so, you can expect a 2016 moment all over again. German Elections may be the Coral in the Coalmine foretelling what will hit America in November. Or perhaps better! Remember this? Liberal Tears 2016 version pic.— Daily ( @Daily NoahNews ) June 11, 2024Or how about this? Hillary Clinton wore lavender, but why? A few theories: https :// pic.— Vogue Magazine ( @voguemagazine ) November 10, 2016I think those will pale in comparison to what you’re about to see in 2024, at least if Europe is any indicator. In the recent elections in Europe, Left/Liberal parties were defeated in favor of Liberal parties in a few countries. Here is a summary organized by country: Belgium: The progressive parties faced a significant defeat in the German elections. After the leftist-liberals won the EU elections persuasively, the French Prime Minister was seen crying. The socialists and far-left each won a seat, while the liberals lost a seat. France: Communist parties faced defeat in the German elections. Germany: Communist parties furthermore faced defeat in the German elections. United Kingdom: In the future British election on July 4, the Conservative Party is anticipated to experience a significant seat reduction. In the German elections, Conservative parties or what the Canadian media would refer to as far-right parties made significant gains. Watch this beauty as Democratic Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo steps down and yells about it: De Croo’s party lost to “far-right” parties in the national and western elections. He is crying over the loss around. Then that their citizens are supporting hardline… pic, progressive leaders in Europe are panicking.— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg ) June 10, 2024And then you have the youth, crushed…. Reminds me of that Harry Sissy guy on Twitter: Next night in France…Looks quite similar to when Trump beat Hillary. pic.— Mario Nawfal ( @MarioNawfal ) June 10, 2024More here: ( WATCH) HUGE VICTORY for Conservative France as Le Pen Wins Election, Sparks Liberal RiotsAh, Paris. The City of Love, non? Oui, it is. And what is more beautiful than to riot likemaniacs after losing a legitimate election? Ah, that is real democracy, according the liberals, obviously. You see, the conservatives gained a large victory. Marine Le Pen, a suitable right- wing politician, won the big election in the European parliament race. She should’ve won in 2017 against Macron to be President. I told a European woman I knew at the time to support Le Pen, but she responded with “non.” If she would’ve listened, I would have individual- handedly saved France. ( That is, if Le Pen lost by 1 vote. She might have, I have n’t checked. ) But alas, these we are. And France is on the verge of finding peace as Le Pen discovers a new way to assist the country. What does President Macron, a member of the Deep State, do? He hits the restore button! This dissolves the regional assembly, setting fresh elections for June 30th. Nothing says “my democracy” more than,” Uh, let’s change zee election, non? We are losing” !Being a tyrant is the new democracy. Emmanuel Macron will” immediately pay the price” for his treachery, according to Marie Le Pen’s warning to French President. I look forward to seeing her succeed Macron as French President and hold him responsible for his crimes! pic.— Cillian (@CilComLFC) June 10, 2024Here are the election stats followed by Macron declaring his despotic decision: Macron. The arrogant WEF puppet’s speech translated. ” I have decided to give you up the choice…this is a major &, heavy decision, but above all it is an act of trust. Confidence in you, my dear compatriots” .pic.— Info Battle Maiden ( @info_maiden ) June 9, 2024Liberal Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo to resign after his party’s brutal loss to “far- right” parties in the national and European elections. He is crying over the loss around. Now that their citizens are supporting hardline… pic, democratic leaders in Europe are panicking.— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg ) June 10, 2024This is what happens when you put immigrants before your own people. You adore to see it. — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg ) June 10, 2024Look at their shocked reactions. Hon, hon, hon. Because they lose, I laugh at them in French. Nothing tastes better than a refreshing cup of commie tears in the morning. America is following. pic.— End Wokeness ( @End Wokeness ) June 10, 2024Did you laugh too? Hon hon hon, we laugh up. And so what are the quit doing in response? Rioting? Sacre bleu! I thought they were accepting? Regardless of the outcome, I believed they would carry out the elections. BREAKING: Considerably- left radicals are rioting in Paris over the “far- right” landslidepic. — End Wokeness ( @End Wokeness ) June 10, 2024This person summed it up beautifully: To them, it’s only’ democracy’ when they win. But real! Far-left activists and migratory thugs have taken to the streets of Paris in protest of Marine Le Pen’s historic victory in the German elections. They promise to combat’ fascism’ by any means needed. Remember, to them, it’s just’ democracy’ when they win. pic.— Lambrusco ( @lambruscov ) June 9, 2024The Guardian reports: Protests broke out in Paris on Sunday as Marine Le Pen’s far- right National Rally party won a sweeping victory in the European parliament elections, gaining 32 % of the vote. Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, announced he would dissolve the national assembly and called for the start of parliamentary elections on June 30. Demonstrators chanted anti- nazi slogans in Paris’s Place de la République. Fouad Khayat, 27, a protester, said: ‘ People like me – on top of which I’m a Muslim– we’ll be the first victims of Emmanuel Macron’s risky bet if, tomorrow, we find ourselves with a much- right prime minister in our country’Oh no, the poor Muslim might not get special treatment if a proper French prime minister is voted in. Anything but that! And these, we witness the parade of the brainwashed. Apparently, years of being butchered by foreign invaders has n’t helped change their minds. Unplanned night out in Paris interrupted by protests outside the Gare de l’EstNo idea what it’s on! # Paris pic.— Marc Taylor ( @marc_taylor ) June 10, 2024The stronghold the Left has over the minds of the youth is really incredible, even in France. Imagine fighting against your personal prosperity, health and family. Hundreds of thousands of people have protested today in# France against the rise of the Far Right and the role centrists play in facilitating it. Picture: Place de la République, Paris.— Michael H. ( @MichaelH14 ) June 10, 2024LIVE: The protest against the far- right in Bordeaux, France is now intensifying. # France# Paris# Europénnes2024 #BREAKING pic.— Target Reporter (@ Target_Reporter ) June 10, 2024Here’s one lunatic risking his neck to pull down a France flag. How bizarre is how liberals in particular despise their own country. Far- left radicals are rioting in Paris over the “far- right” landslide# ParissousTutelle# France# Farleft#farright#right# Left# Antifa# Antifacista# LePen#antifascist# Riot# Riot France
F/3 pic.— Politics World Wide Web ( @PoliticsWWWeb) June 10, 2024 [[{“value”:”
It’s a beautiful sight! The European Elections could be the Canary in a Coalmine, predicting what is about hit America in November… and if that’s the case then you can expect the same moment as 2016. Or even better! Remember this? Liberal Tears 2016 version — (@DailyNoahNews) June 11, 2024 Or how about this? Why did Hillary Clinton wear purple? A few theories: — Vogue Magazine (@voguemagazine) November 10, 2016 I think those will pale in comparison to what you’re about to see in 2024, at least if Europe is any indicator. Here is a quick summary. In the European elections that were held in the past two weeks, many countries saw Left/Liberal Parties lose to Conservative Parties. Here is a breakdown by country: Belgium saw the liberal parties suffer a significant loss in the European elections. The Belgian Prime Minister wept after the leftist liberals lost convincingly at the EU elections. The liberals lost one seat, while socialists and the far-left each won one. France: Leftists parties suffered defeats in the European Elections. Germany: Leftists parties also lost in the European elections. United Kingdom: The Conservative Party will likely lose a large number of seats in the British election scheduled for July 4. Europe as a whole: Conservative parties, or what Canadian media might call far-right parties, made massive gains in the European election. Watch as Liberal Belgium PM Alexander De Croo tears up and resigns. Liberal Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo will resign following his party’s brutal defeat to “far right” parties in national and European elections. Here he is, crying over the loss. Liberal leaders in Europe are panicking now that their citizens are supporting hardline… — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 10, 2024 And then you have the youth, crushed…. Reminds me of that Harry Sissy guy on Twitter: Last night in France… Looks very similar to when Trump beat — Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) June 10, 2024 More here: (WATCH) HUGE VICTORY for Conservative France as Le Pen Wins Election, Sparks Liberal Riots Ah, Paris. The City of Love? Yes, it is. What could be more delightful than rioting like maniacs when you lose a real election? According to liberals, this is what democracy looks like. See, the conservatives have won a huge victory. Marine Le Pen, an actual right-wing politician won the European Parliament race. She should have won the 2017 presidential election against Macron. I told a French woman I knew to vote for Le Pen at the time, but she said no. If she had listened to me, I could have saved France by myself. If Le Pen had lost by just one vote. She may have, I didn’t check. We are here. Le Pen has found a new way to help France. What does President Macron, a Deep State asset, do? He pressed the reset button. This dissolving the national assembly and setting new elections for 30th June. “Uh, lets change zee elections, non?” is the perfect way to express “my democracy”. We are losing! Being a tyrant has become the new form of democracy. Marine Le Pen warned French President Emmanuel Macron he would’soon be punished’ for his treachery. I can’t believe she will be the next president of France, and that she will hold Macron accountable for all his crimes. — Cillian (@CilComLFC) June 10, 2024 Here are the election stats followed by Macron declaring his tyrannical decision: Macron. The pompous WEF puppet’s speech translated. “I’ve decided to give you the choice…this serious & weighty, but most importantly it is an act trust. Confidence in you, my dear compatriots.” — Info Battle Maiden (@info_maiden) June 9, 2024 Liberal Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo to resign after his party’s brutal loss to “far-right” parties in the national and European elections. Here he is weeping over the loss. Liberal leaders in Europe are panicking now that their citizens are supporting hardline… — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 10, 2024 This is what happens when you put immigrants before your own people. You love it. Look at the shocked reactions. — Collin Rugg, (@CollinRugg), June 10, 2024 Hon, hon, hon. I laugh at them because they lose. There is nothing more delicious in the morning than a cup of commie tear. America is next. — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 10, 2024 Did you laugh too? Hon hon hon! We laugh together. What is the left doing to respond? Rioting? Sacre bleu! I thought they were tolerant? I thought they would respect the election results no matter what? BREAKING: Far-left radicals are rioting in Paris over the “far-right” — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 10, 2024 This person summed it up beautifully: To them, it’s only ‘democracy’ when they win. So true! Far-left activists and migrant terrorists have taken to the Paris streets to protest against Marine Le Pen’s historic victory at the European Elections. They vow to fight ‘fascism by any means necessary. Remember, for them, ‘democracy is only when they win. — Lambrusco (@lambruscov) June 9, 2024 The Guardian reports: Protests broke out in Paris on Sunday as Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party won a sweeping victory in the European parliament elections, gaining 32% of the vote. As the results were announced, Emmanuel Macron, the French President, announced that he would dissolve the National Assembly and call for legislative elections on 30 June. Demonstrators chanted anti-fascist slogans in Paris’s Place de la Republique. Fouad Khyat, 27, a demonstrator, said: People like me – on top of that, I’m a Muslim – we’ll be first victims of Emmanuel Macron’s risky wager if tomorrow we find ourselves with a Far-Right Prime Minister in our country.’ Oh no, poor Muslim might get no special treatment if a French Prime Minister is elected. Nothing but that! Here we see the brainwashed in action. It seems that years of being butchered and abused by foreign invaders haven’t changed their minds. Random night out in Paris interrupted by protests outside Gare de l’Est No idea what it’s about!#Paris — Marc Taylor (@marc_taylor) June 10, 2024 The stronghold the Left has over the minds of the youth is really incredible, even in France. Imagine fighting for your own health, prosperity and family. Throughout #France hundreds of thousands have come out in protest today against the rise of the Far Right – and the role of centrists in facilitating it Here, Place de la Republique, Paris — Michael H. (@MichaelH14) June 10, 2024 LIVE: The protest against the far-right in Bordeaux, France is now intensifying. #France #Paris #Europennes2024 #BREAKING — Target Reporter (@Target_Reporter) June 10, 2024 Here’s one lunatic risking his neck to pull down a France flag. Curious to see how all these liberals hate their home country. Far-left radicals are rioting in Paris over the “far-right” landslide#ParissousTutelle#France #Farleft#farright#right#Left#Antifa#Antifacista#LePen#antifascist#Riot#RiotFrance F/3 — Politics World Wide Web (@PoliticsWWWeb) June 10, 2024