
Must See Video Shows How They Manipulate You With The News

[[{“value”:”AwakenedOutlaw, my friend, posted this on Snapchat the day before, and I think he is so accurate.
In the past 6- 12 months, a TON of people have reddish- pilled and started the process of “waking up”.
That step can be challenging because it requires realizing that you have been defrauded by almost all of your former employers, particularly the” Nightly News,”
Think these are merely local newspapers working on stories and bringing you the news they’ve found that day?
Take a look:
Some are also waking up and may have missed this treasure.
Do them all a favor by letting them know about this video. What’s clear is that while most people will just see their neighborhood news, what those outlets claim is entirely dictated and directed from behind the scenes.
That… pic. twitter.com/bi5pWJ2uVo
— AwakenedOutlaw ( @AwakenedOutlaw ) June 21, 2024
This must go around and pique some interest from some people!
In 1983, 90 % of the “media” was owned by 50 various companies.
By 2015? The exact 90 % was owned by only 6 companies.
Take a look:
But why do I tell you that?
Because having so many control means you can send nearly any message you want and broadcast it in one voice.
Think your local news is defensive?
Think afterwards.
Your regional news is certainly very regional.
Your local news receives carefully orchestrated talking points they are required to read to you verbatim each day…does n’t matter if it’s ABC, CBS, NBC or FOX, it’s all the same.
Want proof?
Well, only watch this right here on Rumble and get ready to have your mind blowing ( and then turn off your TV ):
Show a friend!
Oh, by the way I should probably tell you that we do n’t get any” Talking Points” here at WeLoveTrump.
We present the news in the manner that I would like to.
Wherever we can find the truth, we follow it.
We report on whatever we think is fascinating and pertinent to both you and I. and we do n’t answer to ANYONE!
You know, sort of of journalism was meant to be!
But did you know it’s never really Media Companies?
It’s actually much worse when you buy everything in the store!
But here’s the great news…. there’s an easy way to fight again on that battlefront!
Maybe it’s time to” Make The Switch?
But what different options are there?
You know I’ve got you covered!
How about this….
What about shopping with a business that really cares about you?
Where everything really gets delivered right to your door…no driving to the store, fighting for a parking spot, standing in long lines, dealing with harsh employees…. and nothing is positioned behind glass doors that have locks and keys!
By a business with a 40-year history of doing things best…
A 40-year history of being happily American first, well before President Trump first appeared on the scene in 2015…
Not just America First but made, sourced, warehoused and shipped all from America! For 40 years and counting!
Oh, and 100 % no- dangerous!
No Flouride ( if you do n’t want it ), no Red Dye 3 or 40, no Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals ( EDCs ) in any cosmetics product….
Got a problem? One call to their US-based customer service and they reveal that everything is actually helpful ( cheery, even ) and that they are happy to assist you, almost as though they like you!
Gee, what a novel concept!
It’s time to Make The Switch folks …. stop supporting Target and WalMart.
Stop purchasing products with so many additives and chemicals in them that you ca n’t even pronounce half the label because they are dangerous to your health.
You might think you have a choice in the circle’s below-listed companies, but most people are unaware that just 11 of them are actually owned by them.
Interesting number.
When these merge yet further, will likely be even less than that in the future.

It’s an ILLUSION of choice.
The same goes for all your media…
It’s simply an ILLUSION of various choices, but owned by these 6 companies:
Oh, and how do you think they came to be for a fantastic America-First company with for a proven track record of success?
A solid founder, total of vision and drive.
Barack Hussein Obama may not have known about this company because they do zero advertising, but he did.
In fact, when he was in office, he put their Founder on a list of the Top 10 most dangerous conservatives” in America as# 8!
( a list I one day hope to make myself! )
They do n’t do any advertising, as I said, and instead rely on people like me to spread the word. Great ancient word of mouth!
But on top of supporting American jobs and families and being the last family-owned major consumer goods manufacturer never part of the Big- 11, how’s more:
Non- harmful products!
That means no Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead in their food products!
Which truly, if we’re being honest, should be the bare minimum for everyone, best?
I have to admit that it’s magnificent, but I suppose I do!
No Red Dye 40, Flouride, or Deet in the mosquito repellent, are those ingredients in cleaning products or the toothpaste.
What tale concepts, right?
Oh, and Black Angus beef, pasture raised on hundreds of thousands of acres.
Clean roaming with plenty of empty space between all the cattle.
Grass fed.
No hormones and no antibiotics. Not!
Oh, and it’s CHEAPER than Omaha Steaks!
And…. they control the whole process, from the cows grazing in the pasture to ultimately ending up in your freezer.
But that’s a whole different topic!
Not only do they do zero advertising but it’s it’s basically” Invite Only”.
They just want members with the similar goals to join, and they’re happy to say, “no, to the Far-Left Libs!”
They’ve been doing it for almost 40 years and it’s been working wonderful.
To get you access to everything they have, everyone receives a specific, light glove, concierge customer service support.
Imagine that!
No call centers from India.
Only genuine, friendly, helpful and Great Americans helping Americans!
Wow, like going up in a time- machine.
But, you know someone who has the invites, which means it is only invite-only. ( me! ).
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here and tell them Noah sent you: https ://SwitchWithNoah.com
Because they do n’t raise the Black Angus like the big companies do, they could receive SHUT OFF invites if their growth is too quickly.
But if you want in, let me know immediately.
There’s just one pro- British, American made and manufactured, biochemical free, toxin complimentary, hormone free, company left…. and I’m working with them to reclaim their freedom!
Who’s with me?
Watch this:

Time to make the switch…..
It’s INVITE ONLY, jump on the list here https ://t.co/0HBTcCFOy Q pic. twitter.com/HTbHs1ZW7f
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) December 5, 2023
As I said, it’s Invite Just and the invite is absolutely free!
In fact, I’ve assembled a group of patriots who will physically arrange for you to be greeted and enrolled. if you want to.
Americans Helping Americans.
Patriots Helping Patriots.
It’s called” Patriot Switch” and I think the name says it all.
Folks, we do n’t have many strongholds left.
This is one.
And I’m all in.
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here: https ://SwitchWithNoah.com
Tell them that Noah sent you, and I promise you’ll receive a personalized message via text or email.
Do n’t freak out when you do.
And make sure you let them know you’re interested in Black Angus beef as well!
I’m aware that I get worried when I receive messages from unknown numbers, but if you request a Free Invite ( Link here ), someone from my Inner Circle will contact you. so be prepared!
You’ll enjoy getting a chance to talk with these amazing people, I assure you.
And they’ll help get you all set up.
Who’s with me and who’s willing to stop eating Selenium, Cadmium, and Lead?
Your friend,
– Noah
p. s. Since everyone gets personal attention, we will take these in the order in which they come in. But if you’re excited, ask for an invitation right away, or you’ll be far off the list. I have a great team, but they can only do so much and they’ll work on a initial- come, earliest- served basis.
Request a free invitation right around
Cheers!”}]] [[{“value”:”

My friend AwakenedOutlaw tweeted this the other day, and I think it’s absolutely right.
In the last 6-12 months, many people have “woken up” and red-pilled.
This process can be difficult because you have to realize that you have been lied by all the institutions you trusted in the past, especially “Nightly News”.
Do you think these are local reporters who are working on stories, and then bringing to you the news that they have uncovered?
Have a look at:

Many people are still in the wake-up process and may have missed out on this gem.
Share this video to them. It’s obvious that, while most people only watch their local news, the content of those outlets is 100% dictated and directed by behind the curtain.
That… pic.twitter.com/bi5pWJ2uVo
AwakenedOutlaw June 21, 2024

This video needs to be seen by everyone and it must wake people up!
In 1983, 50 different companies owned 90% of the media.
By 2015? Only six companies owned 90% of the same 90% in 2015.
Have a look at:

Why do I tell you this?
When you consolidate control, you can send out almost any message and broadcast it in unison.
You may think your local news is immune.
Think again
Your local news isn’t all that local.
Every day, your local news is given carefully crafted talking points that they must read to you verbatim. It doesn’t matter if the station is ABC, CBS or NBC, it’s the same.
Want proof?
Watch this video on Rumble, and be prepared to have your mind blown. (Then turn off your television)

Show a friend
We don’t have any “Talking Points”, I should tell you.
We cover the news as I want it to be covered.
We will follow the truth to its source.
We report on anything that is interesting to you and I …. and we don’t answer anyone!
You know, like journalism was supposed to be?
Did you know that it’s not only Media Companies?
The things you buy at the store are actually worse!
Here’s some good news ….: there’s a simple way to fight back!

It’s time to “Make The Switch”
What other options do you have?
You know I have you covered!
What about this ….?
What about shopping with a company you actually like?
The best part is that everything will be delivered to your doorstep. No more driving to the store to fight for a parking space, standing in long queues, or dealing with rude employees ….. And nothing is hidden behind glass doors and locked!
By a company with a 40-year history of doing things right…
A 40-year history of being America-First long before President Trump was elected in 2015.
Not only America First, but all made, sourced and shipped from America! Since 40 years!

Oh, and it’s 100% non-toxic.

Have a problem? Call their US-based Customer Service, where they are actually helpful and even cheerful, and they will be happy to help. It’s almost like they like you.
What a novel idea!
Stop supporting Target and WalMart!
Stop buying products that contain so many additives and chemical that you cannot pronounce half of the label.
You may THINK that you have a choice among the companies listed in the circle below, but most people are unaware that they are all owned by just 11 companies.
Interesting Number
When these merge further, the amount will probably be even lower.

All your media is the same.
These 6 companies own the illusion of choice.

How did they become such a successful America-First company?
A strong founder with vision and drive.
Barack Hussein Obama was aware of this company, even though you may not have heard of it (because they do ZERO advertisement).
When he was in the White House, he compiled a list of America’s Top 10 “Dangerous Conservatives”, and placed their Founder at #8 on that list!
One day I hope to compile my own list!
As I said, the company does no advertising. They rely on people such as me to spread their message. Good old word-of-mouth!
Here’s what else you can expect:
Non-toxic products!

This means that they will not use any food products containing Arsenic or Cadmium!
If we’re being honest, this should be the minimum standard for everyone.
It’s amazing that I have to tell you this, but I guess I must!
It also means that there will be no Red Dye 40, Flouride or chemicals in cleaning products or Deet used in mosquito repellant.
What a novel concept, right?
Oh, and Black Angus Beef, pasture-raised on hundreds of thousands acres.
All cattle should be allowed to roam freely and enjoy plenty of space.
Grass fed.
No hormones or antibiotics. Never!
Oh, and it is cheaper than Omaha Steaks.
….they are in control of the entire process, from the cows on the pasture to the end product in your freezer.
But that’s another topic!
They do not advertise at all, and it is “invite only”.
They’re happy to reject the Far-Left Libs because they only want people who share the same mission!
It’s worked great for them for almost 40 years.
Each customer receives a concierge service that is personal and white gloved to help them access everything they offer.
Imagine that!
No call centers in India
The real, friendly and helpful Americans are helping Americans!
Wow, it’s like going back in time.
It is an invite-only event…and you are lucky if you know someone who has the invitations ….(me. ).
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here and tell them Noah sent you: https://SwitchWithNoah.com
They are the real thing, but because they don’t have the Black Angus as the big companies, they could get the shut off invites if their growth is too rapid.
If you’re interested, please let me know as soon as possible.
There’s only ONE pro-American, American manufactured, chemical free and hormone free company left ….and we’re teaming up to FIGHT BACK with them!
Who’s with you?
Watch this:

It’s time to switch …..
It’s INVITE ONLY, jump on the list here https://t.co/0HBTcCFOyQ pic.twitter.com/HTbHs1ZW7f
DailyNoah.com December 5, 2023

It’s free to invite!
If you want to join, I have assembled a team that will personally invite you and sign you up …..
Americans Helping Americans.
Patriots Helping Patriots
The name of the game is “Patriot Switch”, and I believe that it says everything.
We don’t have too many strongholds to defend.
This is one.
I’m in.
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here: https://SwitchWithNoah.com
Tell them Noah sent ya and I will make sure you get a personal phone call, text message or email.
Do not panic if you do.
Tell them that you’re interested in Black Angus too!
You may be worried when you receive a message from a number you don’t know, but if I send you a Free Invitation (Link here), someone from my Inner Circle will contact you ….so prepare yourself!
These are amazing people and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the chance to speak with them.
They’ll also help you get set up.
Who’s with you and who’s ready for us to stop eating Arsenic Cadmium and Lead?
Your friend
p.s. We will go in order of arrival, since everyone gets individual attention. If you’re excited, you should ask for an invite as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may be at the bottom of the list. I have a fantastic team, but they are limited in their abilities and will work on a “first-come-first-served” basis.
Click here to request a free invite



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