Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered at the White House Saturday to protest President Biden’s handling the war between Israel, and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. “RIGHT NOW, at the White House, #ThePeoplesRedLine will be formed!” a post on Saturday from the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Coalition (ANSWER), posted on the social media platform X…
Pro-Palestinian protestors gathered at the White House on Saturday to protest President Biden’s handling of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. ” RIGHT NOW at the White House:# ThePeoples Red Line is being formed”! a Facebook post from the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism ( ANSWER ) Coalition on the social media platform X… Pro-Palestinian protestors gathered at the White House on Saturday to protest President Biden’s handling of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. ” RIGHT NOW at the White House:# ThePeoples Red Line is being formed”! a Saturday post from the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism ( ANSWER ) Coalition on the social media platform X…
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered at the White House Saturday to protest President Biden’s handling the war between Israel, and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. “RIGHT NOW, at the White House, #ThePeoplesRedLine will be formed!” a post on Saturday from the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Coalition (ANSWER), posted on the social media platform X…