A Northern Irish woman was able to see her beautiful, healthy daughter celebrate her first birthday before she received the expected news: She had only 4 months, give and take, left on Earth. Rachel Burns, who had been experiencing dizziness, eye irritation and persistent nausea, was diagnosed with an advanced brain tumor. The tumor had a rare, aggressive mutation […]
Strangers crowdfund $54,000 for 22 year-old mom with terminal cancer who needs more time with baby appeared first on Good News Network.
“}]] A Northern Irishwoman was able to watch her beautiful healthy girl celebrate her first birthday just before receiving expected news: she had just 4 months, give or take, left on this Earth. After experiencing persistent dizziness and eye irritation, Rachel Burns was told she had an advanced-stage brain tumor with a rare and aggressive mutation,
The post Strangers Crowdfund $54,000 for 22-Year-old Mom with Terminal Cancer Who Needs More Time with Baby appeared first on Good News Network.