The discovery of a juvenile T. rex skeleton, about 30% complete, by two brothers Jessin Fisher and Liam Fisher in North Dakota was a life-changing find that would make any career paleontologist scream. Together with their father, Sam Fisher, their cousin Kaiden and their dad, they identified the remains a juvenile T. Rex skeleton that was about 30% complete, including almost […]
The post Three Boys Discover 30% Of A Complete ‘Teen Rex’ Skeleton During Hiking appeared initially on Good News Network.
“}]] What began as a family trip in North Dakota led by two younger brothers Jessin and Liam Fisher quickly turned into a once-in-a-lifetime discovery that aspiring paleontologists would fight for. Along with their dad, Sam Fisher, and their cousin Kaiden, they identified the remains of a juvenile T. rex skeleton of about 30 % completeness, including about
Three Boys Discover 30 % of a Complete” Teen-rex” Skeleton While Hiking arose first on Good News Network.