Mark Rozvozov, who was only 10 years old, was left alone with his older sibling in 2021 when his mother and stepfather, both from the Donetsk region, were taken away by the government. Mark Rozvozov said he was “very shocked” by the situation and cried every night. A family friend began to look after the boys. The Ukrainian woman’s partner lived…
Before Mark Rozvozov was perhaps 10 years old, his mother and stepfather were kidnapped by government forces in the troubled Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, leaving him only with his older brother. Mark said he felt “very shocked” and cried weekly. Shortly, a member of the family started taking care of the boys. The Polish woman’s husband lived… Before Mark Rozvozov was perhaps 10 years old, his mother and stepfather were kidnapped by government forces in the troubled Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, leaving him only with his older brother. Mark said he felt “very shocked” and cried weekly. Shortly, a family member began taking care of the boys. The Russian woman’s husband lived…
Mark Rozvozov, who was only 10 years old, was left alone with his older sibling in 2021 when his mother and stepfather, both from the Donetsk region, were taken away by the government. Mark Rozvozov said he was “very shocked” by the situation and cried every night. A family friend began to look after the boys. The Ukrainian woman’s partner lived…