It’s not often that I say Axios is a “must read” …. or that a popular piece about Trump is “must read” .. But it is undoubtedly! As Genesis 50: 20 repeatedly plays out, I occasionally only smile. You do know that verse, correct? You intended to harm me, but God intended it to be good, to save many lives, as it is now, according to a diverse translation:” You intended to harm me, but God intended it to be good, to save many lives,” and so on. In 2015, I dubbed it the” Trump Boomerang Effect” because not only do these attacks merely strengthen Teflon Don, but they frequently boomerang up and knock down the very one who launched the attack. We’ve seen it dozens, if not hundreds, of times. Then the latest. Yesterday, Axios posted this: Behind the Curtain: Trump’s royal presidency in waiting. # Trump# TrumpIs UnfitForOffice# USElections https ://— Paul Ehrlich ( @PaulEhrlich13 ) July 3, 2024And I got to reading it and it actually reads like a Campaign Ad for why we should elect President Trump! So I decided to share it with all of you and add my comments. From Axios ( my comments added in red ): What to watch: To hear Trump and his allies tell it, this is how early 2025 would unfold if he wins: 1. A re-elected Trump would quickly establish massive camps and confiscate numerous illegal immigrants to the United States. He could use troops to encircle the southwestern border by using the Insurrection Act. I’m on! 2. Trump would use a contentious interpretation of law and procedure to threaten to fire tens of thousands of civil servants in Washington. He’d replace some of them with pre- vetted loyalists. Great! 95 % of Washington needs to be fired and not replaced! Bring in Vivek and let him handle this task. 3. He would centralized control of the Justice Department, which had previously been a political power check. He has threatened to target and yet imprison critics, and he has suggested a trusted loyalist for attorney general. He could demand that the national investigations stop right away. I do n’t ever want centralized Federal Power, but all the rest seems just fine! Dismiss all fake cases soon! 4. Some of the Jan. 6 convicts could be pardoned — a promise Trump has made at campaign rallies, where he hails them as patriots, no criminals. The Bidens ‘ investigations would begin. YES, YES, YES!! A travesty of justice, release them instantly! 5. Trump says he’d slap 10 % tariffs on most imported goods, igniting a possible trade war and risking small- term inflation. He contends that this would give him the ability to develop better trade terms that would be advantageous to consumers. You mean like we did, safely, for most of our history as a Nation? Brilliant! Do it quickly. Profits and eliminate or reduce Federal Income Tax! 6. Conversation would intensify about when Justices Clarence Thomas, 76, and Sam Alito, 74, would retire. Potential successors ‘ lists are now being created.
President Biden stated last month that” the future president is good to have two new Supreme Court nominees.” If Trump were to win and the two oldest justices would have retired, five of the nine justices would have been chosen by him.
Major Democrats personally predict Republican majority in the House and Senate if Biden loses. This is great! The following Trump term’s likely most significant and lasting impact. Most of Trump’s most notable critics — Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, et al. — will be gone. Even the few who remain, including Sen. Mitch McConnell ( R- Ky. ), will be substantially less powerful. Beautiful! Trump would be supported by a Senate and House that are increasingly Trump-friendly, full of loyalists, top to bottom. Some were elected since his 2016 win, and some thanks to his endorsement. Fantastic! What they’re saying: Sen. J. D. Vance ( R- Ohio ), a best prospect as Trump’s VP, told us Trump would have more allies— and more obedient allies — in Congress this time. We could CHANGE IT FAST and MOST! You must consider the following:” How many genuine allies of the agenda were present in the US Capitol in January 2017 and how some will be there in January 2025?” Vance told us. ” You have a Republican Party that, in some ways, was divided against itself in January of 2017″, Vance added. It now acknowledges that Trump is a true party leader, I believe. And you’ll see that in governing style and definitely in agenda”, with “much less infighting between Republicans, which will make us much more effective as a governing coalition”. This will be extraordinary. America will be saved, and we will do it immediately! The freshman senator claimed that while Trump was “very many a newcomer to politics” when he first ran, he presently “understands how to pull the levers of power much better, because he’s coming at this as a subject matter expert.” I have repeated what I have said. Trump’s second term was reserved and muted for many reasons. There wo n’t be a second term. It will be BIBLICAL and stunning to watch him work. The media would investigate, report, and illuminate all of it— but definitely with less impact. A second Trump term would see the decline in TV ratings, the decline of the mainstream media, and the collapse of numerous information ecosystems, many of which were centered on well-known and frequently political celebrities. Legacy Media is useless. Beautiful! Now that we are the media, what! Therefore, it is difficult to change and real to do more with less authentic restraints. Can someone create a full-fledged Trump video ad and run it from now until Election Day? Thank you Axios! Oh and let me end with one clarification…. Of course I do not want a” King” or an” Imperial Presidency”. Trump has never been or will not be that way. This man has been the unmatched singular champion of our Constitution. He could have done everything they had accused him of four years ago, but he did n’t. He made the decision to let America experience first-hand the destruction that Biden would cause. He will have a freely elected and incredibly legal Minute Term if he wins. Never forget that Trump is really acting on their own, not what the Democrats accuse him of doing. It’s Saul Alinsky 101. The DemonRat playbook. Not forget it. It’s therefore simple…. You do n’t really need to know much; all you need to do is to watch what President Trump is accused of doing, and you’ve got a perfect playbook for what they’re doing almost exactly in the background. SHARE! [[{“value”:”
It’s not very often that I call Axios a “must-read “…. Or that an article on President Trump’s alleged misdeeds is a “must-read “…. This one is! Genesis 50:20 plays out over and over again, and I smile. You must know that verse. You know that verse, right? In 2015, I called it the “Trump Boomerang Effect”, because these attacks not only serve to reinforce Teflon Donald but often boomerang and bring down the person who launched the attack. We’ve seen this dozens, if no hundreds of times. Here’s the latest. Yesterday, Axios published this: Behind The Curtain: Trump’s impending imperial presidency. #Trump #TrumpIsUnfitForOffice #USElections — Paul Ehrlich (@PaulEhrlich13) July 3, 2024 And I got to reading it and it actually reads like a Campaign Ad for why we should elect President Trump! I thought I would share it with you all and add my comments. Axios: (my comments are in red) What to watch: According to Trump and his supporters, this is what early 2025 will look like if he wins. A re-elected Trump will quickly set up large camps and deport millions who are in the U.S. without permission. He could use troops and the Insurrection Act to secure the southern border. I’m in! 2. Trump would fire tens of thousand of civil servants in Washington using a controversial interpretation and application of law and procedure. He would replace many of them by pre-vetted partisans. Great! It is time to fire 95% of Washington and never replace them! Bring Vivek in and let him take care of this part. 3. He would centralize the power over the Justice Department – historically, an independent check on presidential powers. He has threatened to imprison and target critics and plans to nominate an ally as attorney general. He could demand that the federal cases brought against him stop immediately. I don’t want to see centralized Federal power, but the rest of it seems fine. All hoax cases should be dismissed immediately! 4. Many of the Jan. 6, convicts may be pardoned – a promise Trump made at his campaign rallies where he hailed them as patriots and not criminals. The Bidens’ case would be investigated. YES, YES, YES!! Release them immediately, it’s a travesty of the justice system! 5. Trump says he would impose 10% tariffs on the majority of imported goods. This could spark a trade war, and lead to short-term inflation. He claims that this would give him the leverage to negotiate better trade terms for consumers. You mean, like we did successfully for most of the history of our Nation? Brilliant! Do it now! Profits can be used to reduce or eliminate federal income tax! 6. Conversations would intensify regarding the retirement of Justices Sam Alito (74), and Clarence Thomas (76). There are already lists of potential successors.Biden stated last month that the next president would likely have two new Supreme Court nominees. If Trump won and the two oldest Justices retired, Trump would have chosen five of the nine Justices.
If Biden loses, top Democrats predict Republican majorities for the House and Senate. This is fantastic! This is the most important impact and one that will last the longest. The majority of Trump’s prominent critics — Mitt Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney et al. They will be gone. Even those who remain, such as Sen. Mitch McConnell(R-Ky. ), will be significantly less powerful. Wonderful! Trump would have the support of a Senate and House that is overwhelmingly Trump-friendly — full of loyalists from top to bottom. Since his 2016 victory, many people have been elected and many of them thanks to his endorsement. Fantastic! What they are saying: Sen. J.D. Vance (R, Ohio), a top candidate to be Trump’s Vice President, told us that Trump would have more – and more loyal – allies in Congress this time. We could make HISTORIC and FAST changes! Vance said, “You must ask yourself: how many true allies for the agenda were there in the United States Capitol during January 2017 and how many of them will be there in January 2025?” Vance continued, “You have a Republican Party which was in some ways divided against itself in the month of January 2017.” “I think that now it recognizes Trump as the leader of the Republican Party. You’ll see it in the governing style, and in the agenda. There will be “much less fighting between Republicans,” which will make our coalition much more effective. We will save America, and we will do so quickly! The freshman senator said while Trump was a “newcomer to politics” during his first run, he “understands the levers of the power much better because he is coming at this from a subject-matter expert.” I told you ….Trump’s first term was reserved for many reasons. The second term won’t be. It will be BIBLICAL, and it will be a joy to watch him at work. The media would investigate and report on all of this — but with less impact. A second Trump term will begin with TV ratings in decline, mainstream media shrinking and public attention splintering into dozens information ecosystems built around popular, often partisan celebrities. Legacy Media is dead. Beautiful! We are the media! The ability to do more, with less real restraints, is real — and difficult to change. Can someone turn this into an ad for Trump and run it nonstop up until Election Day? Thank you Axios! Oh, and before I go, let me clarify …. I don’t want to be a “King”, or have an “Imperial President”. But that is not what Trump was or will be. This man is the only one who has ever defended our Constitution. He could have done all the things they accuse him of four years ago, but didn’t. He chose to let America see the destruction Biden could bring to this nation. If he wins, he’ll have a second term that is constitutionally elected and lawful. Never forget: Everything the Democrats accuse Trump to do, THEY themselves are doing! Saul Alinsky 101. DemonRat Playbook Never forget it. It’s simple …. You don’t need to know a lot, just watch what they accuse Trump of doing. Then you will have a playbook that is almost 100% accurate for what’s going on behind the scenes. SHARE!