EDITOR’S NOTE: we cannot confirm or deny whether Joe Biden does really have Parkinson’s Disease or any form of dementia. We are merely making a report on the increasing number of reports that he is alleged to be. Online reports are circulating that Joe Biden has been identified as having Parkinson’s Disease and/or dementia. A pretty poor combination. Laura Loomer has been in charge of a lot of the reporting, which has received criticism from the White House but appears to be confirmed by different sources as time goes on. We start with this report from Loomer from yesterday: EXCLUSIVE: When Dr. Kevin Cannard, the Parkinson’s Disease specialist met with @JoeBiden ‘ s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor on January 17th, 2024 at the @ WhiteHouse
, the appointment was made on January 12th ( 5 days before the meeting ) and White House logs show the meeting was NEARLY 7 HOURS and did n’t end till MIDNIGHT! Why was a Parkinson’s specialist at the White House with Biden and his doctor till MIDNIGHT for 7 hours????? This was hardly made known in the report this morning.
@nypost about the White House visit. Any doctor visit must be able to stay there for 7 hours. And unless it’s an emergency, doctors are never meeting with patients and their primary care doctor till Midnight. See White House log above. EXCLUSIVE: When Dr. Kevin Cannard, the Parkinson’s Disease specialist met with @JoeBiden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor on January 17th, 2024 at the @ WhiteHouse, the appointment was made on January 12th ( 5 days before the meeting ) and White House logs show the… pic. twitter.com/4ifa5Fi0Ox— Laura Loomer ( @LauraLoomer ) July 6, 2024It should be noted that Loomer’s post is not pure speculation but is relying on White House visitor logs. Follow up around: Truly. And they are just jealous they did n’t get it first. Then after my report came up, it’s being reported this morning that Biden’s doctor met with a Parkinson’s disease specialist at the White House. Every story they did n’t break is called “fake news,” according to the media. They … https ://t.co/X0PmbBUCgz pic. twitter.com/kUa1rzvlvn— Laura Loomer ( @LauraLoomer ) July 6, 2024But then the NY Post got involved, posting this: President Biden’s physician met with Parkinson’s disease specialist in White House https ://t.co/fOzvzpgsRr pic. twitter.com/g9lNMyA1Un— New York Post ( @nypost ) July 6, 2024Here are more details from the NY Post report: A top Washington D. C. neurologist had a meeting with President Biden’s personal doctor at the White House earlier this year, visitor logs reviewed by The Post show. Dr. Kevin Cannard, a Parkinson’s disease expert at Walter Reed Medical Center, met with Dr. Kevin O’Connor, and two others at the White House residence clinic on Jan. 17, according to the records, which emerge as questions continue to swirl about the 81- year- ancient president’s mental health in the wake of his debate debacle last week with former President Trump. Dr. John E. Atwood, a cardiologist are Walter Reed, was also in the 5 P. M. meeting, the White House visitor logs show. According to his official schedule, the third person has not been identified in the logs from that day, when Biden hosted House and Senate leaders and demanded more funding for Ukraine. Cannard is an authority on Parkinson’s who has worked at Walter Reed for almost 20 years. According to his LinkedIn profile, he has been the “neurology specialist supporting the White House Medical Unit” since 2012. His most subsequent paper was published in August 2023 in the journal Parkinsonism &, Related Disorders, and focuses on the “early- stage” of the terrible disease. Since Biden’s health is O’Connor’s primary responsibility, it is highly probable the meeting was about the commander in chief, according to Rep. Ronny Jackson ( R- Tx ), the doctor for both Presidents Obama and Trump. ” It’s very likely they were talking about Biden”, Jackson told The Post. ” He should only be]regularly ] treating the president and the first family “.Bill Ackman reports that according to his sources and experts, Joe Biden has “lewy body dementia, Parkinson’s and/or Alzheimer’s”: I just spoke to one of the most respected doctors in the world. He says that it is highly visible that @POTUS Biden has uv body dementia, Parkinson’s and/or Alzheimer’s and that his decline will not be straight. It will accelerate. — Bill Ackman ( @BillAckman ) June 30, 2024Ackman also notes that the decline from here will not be “linear” but will accelerate quickly. More around: Neurosurgeon opinion of Biden. He definitely has Parkinson’s disease, and is extremely suffering from Parkinson’s dementia. The signs are undeniable:
-his shuffling gait
-the absence of associated movements ( facial expression, arm swinging )
-gait instability
-soft voice pic. twitter.com/U6rrE3DtTn— Caribbean Hawk (@CaribHawk ) July 2, 2024Chris Greene at AMTV actually had the report about the same time as Loomer, and posted this video explaining what he is hearing from his sources: NOTE: his videos get removed ( or he takes them down ) often, so this may be gone by the time you read the article. Watch below for more from OANN:” There’s so much evidence of dementia and Parkinson’s, what we saw last night was simply that “.Dr. The bare stares and the veiled face that we all witnessed during the debate are the aural representations of Biden’s cognitive decline, as Herry O’Donnell @SherryForSenate does. pic. twitter.com/DQcGeG3sT7— MONICA PAIGE✰OANN ( @MonicaPaigeTV ) June 28, 2024 [[{“value”:”
Note from the Editor: We cannot confirm or deny if Joe Biden has Parkinson’s Disease, or any other form of dementia. We are reporting on the increasing number of reports claiming he has. Online, there are reports that Joe Biden is confirmed to have Parkinson’s Disease or forms of Dementia. A very bad combination. Laura Loomer is the one who has done a lot of reporting. The White House has criticized her but other sources are confirming it. Loomer’s report from yesterday is the first one we’ll look at: EXCLUSIVE : Dr. Kevin Cannard the Parkinson’s Disease Specialist met with Dr. Kevin O’Connor, @JoeBiden’s physician on January 17th 2024 at the White HouseThe meeting lasted almost 7 hours and ended at MIDNIGHT, according to the White House logs. Why was a Parkinson’s specialist with Biden and Biden’s doctor at the White House until MIDNIGHT for seven hours ????? This was not mentioned in the report this morning by
@nypost on the visit to the White House. 7 hours is ABNORMAL time for a doctor’s visit. Unless it’s an urgent situation, doctors do not meet with patients and primary care doctors until midnight. White House log is below. EXCLUSIVE: When Dr. Kevin Cannard, the Parkinson’s Disease specialist met with @JoeBiden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor on January 17th, 2024 at the @WhiteHouse, the appointment was made on January 12th (5 days before the meeting) and White House logs show the… pic.twitter.com/4ifa5Fi0Ox — Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) July 6, 2024 It should be noted that Loomer’s post is not pure speculation but is relying on White House visitor logs. Follow up here: Indeed. They are just jealous that they didn’t get the first. After my report was published, this morning it was reported that Biden’s physician met with a Parkinson’s disease specialist at White House. They call every story that they didn’t break “fake” news. They… https://t.co/X0PmbBUCgz pic.twitter.com/kUa1rzvlvn — Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) July 6, 2024 But then the NY Post got involved, posting this: President Biden’s physician met with Parkinson’s disease specialist in White House https://t.co/fOzvzpgsRr pic.twitter.com/g9lNMyA1Un — New York Post (@nypost) July 6, 2024 Here are more details from the NY Post report: A top Washington D.C. neurologist had a meeting with President Biden’s personal doctor at the White House earlier this year, visitor logs reviewed by The Post show. The records show that Dr. Kevin Cannard from Walter Reed Medical Center met with Dr. Kevin O’Connor and two other doctors at the White House residence clinic in January 2017. This comes as questions continue to be raised about the mental health of the 81-year old president following his debate with former President Trump. The White House visitor logs reveal that Dr. John E. Atwood was also present at the 5 p.m. meeting. He is a cardiologist from Walter Reed. The logs for that day do not identify the fourth person, who was Biden, when he hosted House and Senate Leaders to press them to provide more Ukraine funding. Cannard has been working at Walter Reed for almost 20 years and is an expert on Parkinson’s. According to LinkedIn, Cannard has been the “neurology expert supporting the White House Medical Unit” since 2012. His most recent publication was published in August 2023, in the journal Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. It focuses on “early-stages” of this crippling disease. Ronny Jackson, R-Tx, the doctor of both Presidents Obama & Trump, said that since O’Connor’s primary concern is Biden’s well-being, it’s highly likely the meeting was about Biden. Jackson told The Post that it was highly likely they were discussing Biden. Bill Ackman reports, according to his sources, that Joe Biden suffers from “lewy-body dementia, Parkinson’s, and/or Alzheimer’s”. I spoke to one the most respected doctors around the world. He says it’s obvious that @POTUS Biden suffers from lewy-body dementia, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. His decline will not be linear. It will accelerate. Bill Ackman, @BillAckman, June 30, 2024 Ackman notes that the decline will not be “linear”, but will accelerate rapidly. Here’s more: Neurosurgeon’s opinion of Biden. He has Parkinson’s and is suffering from Parkinson’s Dementia. The signs are clear:
His shuffling gait
-the absence associated movements (facial expressions, arm swinging).
-gait instability
-soft voice pic.twitter.com/U6rrE3DtTn — Caribbean Hawk (@CaribHawk) July 2, 2024 Chris Greene at AMTV actually had the report about the same time as Loomer, and posted this video explaining what he is hearing from his sources: NOTE: his videos get removed (or he takes them down) often, so this may be gone by the time you read the article. Watch this video from OANN. “There’s a lot of evidence of Parkinson’s and dementia, and what we saw last evening was exactly that.” Dr. Sherry O’Donnell @SherryForSenate translates some of the telltale signs that Biden is losing his cognitive ability. pic.twitter.com/DQcGeG3sT7 — MONICA PAIGEOANN (@MonicaPaigeTV) June 28, 2024