[[{“value”:”Rudy Giuliani, past mayor of New York City and assistant attorney for the Southern District of New York, has been barred there.
The former attorney for President Trump can never more practice law inside the state,’ successful soon.’
A judge upheld the claim that Giuliani repeatedly made false claims about the national election in 2020.
According to The Hill, a panel of judges in New York’s Appellate Division, First Department said Giuliani made “intentionally” misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public.
Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani disbarred following criminal indictments https ://t.co/Vp0gHssfxz pic. twitter.com/7fX51dgwKa
— New York Post ( @nypost ) July 2, 2024
” In thus doing, respondent not only deliberately violated some of the most basic tenets of the legal profession, but he also actively contributed to the national strife that has followed the 2020 Presidential election, for which he is fully unrepentant”, the panel wrote in a 31- page ruling, according to The Hill.
Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City and the Southern District of New York attorney, is prohibited from practicing any legitimate law, including advising clients or working for other attorneys.
More: https ://t.co/MBab9l12Vk pic. twitter.com/19ZTrt2W5i
— Gothamist ( @Gothamist ) July 2, 2024
From The Hill:
Giuliani was ordered by the New York appeals panel to “desist and refrain” from practicing law in any way, appearing as an attorney before any court or common authority, offering legal advice, or making a “in any way” as an attorney.
The decision cited Giuliani’s bogus claims of smuggled ballots, dying or non- U. S. citizen voters casting ballots in the election as part of their reasoning. It focused on misleading claims he made about the election in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania.
Giuliani was admitted to the bar in New York more than 50 years back, in 1969, but his legal practice license was suspended in 2021 as a result of his unsuccessful bid to keep Donald Trump in office after he lost the 2020 presidential election. His law license has even been suspended in Washington, D. C., over the same issues.
When dubbed” America’s mayor” for his response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack in New York, Giuliani has since been indicted in Georgia and Arizona for his efforts to overturn the election in Trump’s favor. Additionally, he is a co-conspirator in Trump’s national election subversion case who is unnamed and unindicted.
Rudy Giuliani has been barred from practicing law in New York.
Why? Because he shared 2020″ Poll dISInfOrMation”
What a joke… we all know they stole the 2020 election and this is criminal LAWFARE. And New York is the worst.
But again, I think Rudy will be juuuust excellent. … pic. twitter.com/Y6dn4WBj1l
— MJTruthUltra ( @MJTruthUltra ) July 2, 2024
” I’m never surprised that a Bar Association, which has been a politically and intellectually important component of the Democratic One Party court system for a long time, has disbarred me.” In NYC, regional Democratic bosses choose judges like Merchan and Engoron. These judges, just like in a one party Communist dictatorship, are not actually elected but selected by the Democrat local bosses and generally run unchallenged”, Giuliani said.
The case is based on a “activist complaint,” he continued,” the hearing officer was a former judge from the same corrupt Democrat selection process, and a tape with almost 1/4 of the most crucial parts erased and hid by either the Chief NY Bar’s staff or the Sec’y of State of Georgia.”
I’m not surprised that a Bar Association, which has been a socially and intellectually significant component of the Democrat one party court system for a long time, has disbarred me.
Judges, like Merchan and Engoron in NYC are selected by regional Democrat bosses. These judges, just …
— Rudy W. Giuliani ( @RudyGiuliani ) July 2, 2024
The Associated Press reports:
A Giuliani spokesperson, Ted Goodman, said the man again dubbed” America’s mayor” will appeal the “objectively flawed” decision by the midlevel state court. He also urged members of the legal profession to speak out against the “politically and intellectually perverted decision.”
Giuliani’s attorney Arthur Aidala was more measured, saying his legal team was “obviously frustrated” but not surprised by the decision. He claimed that they “put up a brave effort” to stop the debarment but that they” saw the writing on the wall.”
Giuliani argued in hearings held last October that he believed the claims he was making on behalf of the Trump campaign were true, but the court, in its decision, said it was n’t convinced.
There is nothing on the record that, contrary to respondent’s claims, would lead to the conclusion that respondent did not know the truth about the several statements he made and that he had a good faith belief in them,” the decision reads.
The court alleged, among other things, that Giuliani “falsely and deceitfully” claimed during the 2020 Presidential election that thousands of votes were cast in Philadelphia’s names, including a ballot named after the late boxing wonderful Joe Frazier. He also falsely claimed people were taken from local Camden, New Jersey, to vote improperly in the Pennsylvania city, the court said.
Read the whole ruling HERE.”}]] [[{“value”:”
Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, has been disbarred from New York.
The former attorney of President Trump is no longer allowed to practice law in the state, “effective immediately”.
A court ruled that Giuliani made false statements repeatedly about the 2020 presidential elections.
According to The Hill a panel in New York’s Appellate Department, First Department, said Giuliani had made “intentionally false” statements to courts and lawmakers.
Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani disbarred following criminal indictments https://t.co/Vp0gHssfxz pic.twitter.com/7fX51dgwKa
New York Post (@nypost), July 2, 2024
The Hill reported that the panel in a 31 page ruling wrote: “In doing so, respondent not just deliberately violated some the most fundamental tenets the legal profession but he actively contributed to the nation strife following the 2020 Presidential election for which he remains unrepentant.”
Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, and U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, is prohibited from practicing law immediately. This includes advising anyone on legal matters, or working for another lawyer.
More: https://t.co/MBab9l12Vk pic.twitter.com/19ZTrt2W5i
Gothamist (@Gothamist), July 2, 2024
From the Hill:
The New York appeals committee ordered Giuliani “to cease and refrain” from “practicing law in any form”, appearing as an lawyer before any court or authority, giving legal advice, or presenting himself as an “attorney” “in any manner”.
As part of the reasoning, the decision cited Giuliani’s false claims about smuggled votes, dead or non U.S. citizens voting in the election. It focused on false statements he made regarding the elections in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.
Giuliani joined the New York bar in 1969. However, his license to practice was suspended in 2021 due to his efforts to keep Trump at the White House, after he lost his 2020 presidential election. His law license was also suspended in Washington, D.C., for the same reasons.
Giuliani, once dubbed the “America’s Mayor” for his response in New York to the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, has been indicted since in Georgia and Arizona, for his efforts to turn the election in Trump’s favor. He is also a co-conspirator, unnamed and not indicted, in Trump’s federal case of election subversion.
Rudy Giuliani is no longer allowed to practice law in New York
Why? He shared the 2020 “ELecTioN dISInfOrMation”.
What a joke… We all know that they stole the 2020 elections and this is judicial LAWFARE. And New York is worst.
But again, I think Rudy will be juuuust fine…. pic.twitter.com/Y6dn4WBj1l
— MJTruthUltra July 2, 2024
“I’m no surprised that I’ve disbarred from a Bar Ass’n, which has been a politically and ideologically integral part of the Democrat corrupted courts for a long period. Local Democrat bosses select judges like Merchan and Engoron from NYC. These judges are selected by local Democrat bosses, just as in a communist dictatorship with one party, and they often run unopposed, Giuliani said.
“The case is based upon an activist complaint, replete wit false arguments, a judge who was a former Democrat from the same corrupt selection process and a tape where almost 1/4th of most critical parts were erased and covered by either the Chief NY Bar ‘persecutor’, his staff, or Sec’y of State of Georgia,” he continued.
I’m not shocked that I’ve disbarred from a Bar Ass’n, which has been a politically and ideologically integral part of the Democrat corrupted one-party court system for a very long time.
Local Democrat bosses select judges like Merchan and Engoron, in NYC. These judges are just…
Rudy W. Giuliani, July 2, 2024
The Associated Press reports
Ted Goodman, a Giuliani spokeswoman, said that the man formerly known as “America’s Mayor” will appeal the decision of the midlevel court. The decision was “objectively flawed.” He also called for others in the legal profession to speak out against “politically corrupted and ideologically corrupted” decision.
Arthur Aidala, Giuliani’s attorney, was more measured. He said that his legal team had been “obviously frustrated” but was not surprised by the ruling. He said that they “put in a valiant attempt” to prevent disbarment, but “saw the written word.”
Giuliani claimed in hearings last October that the claims he made on behalf of Trump’s campaign were true. But the court said in its decision that it wasn’t convinced.
The decision states: “Contrary the respondent’s claims, there is nothing in the record that would allow us to conclude that respondent did not know that the statements he made were false, and that he believed them to be true with good faith.”
The court found that Giuliani had “falsely” and “dishonestly”, claimed that thousands of votes in Philadelphia were cast in the name of deceased people, including a ballot for the late boxing legend Joe Frazier. The court also found that he falsely claimed that people were taken to Philadelphia from nearby Camden, New Jersey in order to vote illegally.
You can read the entire ruling HERE.