
‘The Mask Has Come Off’: Pro-Trump Billionaire David Sacks Issues Warning About Democratic Party

A growing number of Big Tech billionaires are starting to abandon that sinking ship and join forces with the MAGA movement, even though some are still in sync with the fatal policies of the Biden administration. David Sacks has expressed his support for the Trump campaign, and in a new podcast appearance he outlined some of the troubling trends he sees in the current Democratic Party. Let’s put it simply, as RealClearPolitics pointed out. The Democrat Party is a collection of interests who want to remain in power. The Democrat Party is the head of state. Its goal is to allocate money and power from the government to the collection of interest who backed the Democratic Party. In other words, it’s generally a collection of interests that want to pillage the Republic. Also, clearly, no one’s going to vote for that. They therefore have to make it about something else. They choose a figurehead. They discuss how this is about preserving democracy. They generally invent hoax after hoax lie after lie to fundamentally maintain their power. And I believe the entire shell game has been revealed as a result of the mask being removed. It’s obvious that Biden was generally a puppet for these interests who are hiding behind him. And now it is all revealed. Sacks ‘ support of Trump has been celebrated far and wide on cultural media: A Call OUT TO BILLIONAIRES
Come one, come all, President.
Donald J. Trump is the real deal. Place your money where it will go in the best interests of both you and this nation. Join Mr. David Sacks and let’s fuel this# TrumpTrain pic. The fundraising dinner being held in Silicon Valley by billionaires David Sacks &amp, Chamath Palihapitiya in support of Donald Trump has been SOLD OUT Tickets for the dinner were$ 300, 000 per person and$ 500, 000 per couple. They expect to raise some more millions at… pic. Similar praise has been poured in for other billionaires who are supporting the Trump campaign on Twitter.com/iMaRRcClMW — George ( @BehizyTweets ) on June 4, 2024. BREAKING: Following the New York conviction, Doug Leone, another venture capitalist BILLIONAIRE has officially announced his support for Trump. He will even put a lot of money into the campaign.” I’ve become more and more worried about the general direction of our country,” he said. twitter.com/J8gU284Dj2— George ( @BehizyTweets ) June 3, 2024pic. twitter.com/T3bGVG4r2R
Another Billionaire is supporting TrumpBlackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman, who Renounced his Support for Trump for a new generation of leaders… Has made a sharp U- Turn and is then Kissing that Beautiful round Orange Ass of Donald Trump too. MJTruthUltra ( @MJTruthUltra ) June 4, 2024Sacks once said,” I give to many, but endorse few,” according to Fox News. But today I am giving my endorsement to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, to be our 47th President. The voters have had four years of President Trump and four years of President Biden, according to Sacks, who wrote on X. S. said that” the voters have experienced both President Trump and President Biden. I think these four issues are crucial to British prosperity, security, and stability.” In tech, we call this an A/B test. Trump performed much in terms of monetary policy, foreign policy, border policy, and constitutional fairness. He is the President who deserves a second term, “he argued. A impressive monologue from David Sacks was included in the most recent podcast:” The Democratic party is a collection of interests who want to stay in power. The Democrat Party is the head of state. Its goal is to give the government’s resources to the group of interests that support the… twitter.com/FjT0AK0NAj— Revolver News ( @RevolverNews USA ) June 29, 2024Speaking of Masks: NEW VIDEO: Fake Joe Biden Mask Exposed? Our ancient friend Chris Yoon recently made a brand-new video for me to share with you. You might remember we used to cover his videos a lot. He temporarily stopped posting, but I’m so grateful to a reader who sent me the most recent link to his most recent video. I think it’s going to blow your mind, particularly around the 8: 00 minute mark. However, please make sure you read the entire comment process. I’m not going to tell you for sure I know there is a man in a mask playing Joe Biden, but I am saying that every day that goes by that becomes MORE good, not LESS possible. particularly when you come across this kind of thing. Just…. Wow. Moreover, if you think this is significantly- fetched, please watch the NEXT video I’ll put below this one, showing how ESPN now did the same thing with Eli Manning. And that included running, tackling, and a ton of sweat on a football field. And it fooled everyone. How much simpler would it be with” Weary Joe” if they could do that in football? And hey, is this why he is so often seen in people and always has to” call a lid”? Is it difficult to wear the mast for a long time? Does it take a lot of time and effort to put on each day? There are so many inquiries. For then, I leave it in your hands to watch this and let me know what you think. True or fraudulent Joe Biden at the moment? Watch this and therefore decide: Backup here on Rumble if needed: Now as promised, I bring you one more video. If any of that seems improbable, you probably have n’t seen what ESPN did before. This is crazy. Do n’t Believe That Biden Wears A Mask, Keep Reading! Finally You Have To See This…Ok look, I’ll say right off the bat I don’ know for sure what’s going on with Biden. And I’m not one of those who believes he was executed at GITMO five years ago and is presently a clone. No going there. However, being played by an actor? Or by various actors? No too far-fetched, if you ask me. Mainly considering how unique he often looks. More on that later in this article. But right now I want to show you something that will probably blow your mind if you did n’t realize just how good they’ve gotten with fake face masks. No, I do n’t mean COVID face masks. I mean, an wholly false face put on somebody. I just watched a clip of Eli Manning, age 41, who went “undercover” to Penn State to try to get on track as a freshman. You know, about 18 years old. And guess what? After the false face was put on, nobody recognized him! And here’s the other part: they had a whole day of football tryouts. running about, sweating, moving, hitting, the whole deal. And the false expression continued to appear. So is it really that difficult to believe Joe Biden is being played by an actor made to “look” like Joe Biden? Consider how frequently they forbid him from leaving his basement. Then, why would they want to keep him out of the spotlight so many? Second, because he’s a walking gaffe machine. But would n’t you want to wear a fake Biden face all the time, secondly? I bet no. But keep him as far away from the public as possible before you have to leave the actor? I do n’t folks, I’m not 100 % convinced either way, but here’s what I do know after watching this ESPN bit: they have the technology and it’s not even that hard. Watch this, it’s really amazing, go back and watch it. Watch till the end when he rips the false face off in front of the entire team and they are stunned. Enjoy: How’s some more video. And since we’re on the topic, here is Julie Green reiterating,” Biden will shortly be unmasked.” Hmmmm….. Watch here on Rumble: Now let’s take a minute to explore all the different” Bidens” and how they all look so wildly different. FAKE TOR? Can You Spot The True Joe Biden? Is this the same person in each of the four photos? Let’s dig in to a pretty significant question, shall we? What is happening to Joe Biden? That’s a pretty available- ended question that could take hours to unpack, but let’s just talk about his looks and mannerisms. Is this the same person who disappeared a few years back? I wonder. I receive your emails and videos, and but do some of you. On that note, a big” thank you” very much to my friend Mark who sent me this video. It’s a comparison of Joe Biden’s performance in 2006 and today. The differences are beautiful! You obviously have a stunning cognitive decline, but you even have a man who sounds much more like a Republican in 2006 than he did now. Watch this and then keep reading for a deep dive into just how many different” Bidens” there seem to be! Is the man the equal? Yet Sean Hannity is talking about it! But foremost, watch this Rumble video. Then let’s dig in… I’m just reporting. I report, you decide. Anyone else who considers Joe Biden to be a little svelte? “different” …. than he once did? Of course we all look unique as we continue to age. reminds me of one of my favourite Mitch Hedberg jokes, but let’s get critical for a moment. Because really, Joe Biden does NOT look much like the guy from 10- 15 years ago. You can watch it around on Rumble if you’re having trouble seeing it. My friend Daniel just posted this video. Many people are saying the last photo in that video certainly does look like Jim Carey pretending to be Joe Biden. What do you think, though, not only” conspiracy theorists” who post questions online. Sean Hannity is also starting to question it. Watch the latest interview where he inquires,” What happened to Joe?” Watch Sean around on Rumble: What do you think? Comment down under. Want to dive in also deeper? How are you going to prevent us from being allowed to be in a position where you can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records, if you ask me about an yet older clip of Joe Biden? … I think we should pass a national law mandating that the same machines with paper trails be mandatory for every governmental election”- Joe Biden, 2007 pic. Twitter.com/0fWOVRHXFX — Fleccas ( @fleccas ) December 15, 2020 From Rumble: Beyond the extraordinary admission, people are clearly pointing out that the Biden of today does not look or sound much like the Biden of 13 years ago. Around: Not the same guy as you!: https: //twitter.com/Hobocrow1/status/1338960601066872832 pic. What do you think of Koen ( @Koen_84 ) on December 15, 2020, on Twitter.com/cy1fQC7nyR? They certainly do look unique to me! And while we’re on Biden’s admissions ( perhaps from a guilty soul ), let’s revisit this: BIDEN ADMITS TO VOTER FRAUD! @JoeBiden boasts that his organization has the “most broad VOTER FRAUD organization” in the historyWATCH photo. twitter.com/ft7u07kUX0— Kayleigh McEnany ( @kayleighmcenany ) October 24, 2020Even a liar tells the truth sometimes! Mainly when his mental capacity has decreased so much that he can no more keep all the lies straight. What do YOU think? Zoom in: We move from Fake Biden to Fake Whitehouse. Biden Caught AGAIN Posting From Fake Oval Office Set! Does He Never Exist In The White House? It happened afterwards folks. Joe Biden posts messages and videos from a blatantly fraudulent White House set. We’ve covered this before these: https: //wltreport.com/2021/12/24/biden- caught- once- using- a- fake- white- house- set/And here: https: //wltreport.com/2021/10/07/biden- mocked- for- using- fake- white- house- set- with- fake- windows- rose- garden/But it only happened once and it’s getting REALLY weird. Why do you need to build a false set somewhere different if you have access to the REAL White House? But let’s back up a minute and address the consequently- called” Fact Checkers”. Or, as I like to call them, the Ministry of Propaganda. Because they do n’t truly “fact check” jack shit. Their only function is to deceive the public into believing what is true. Exhibit A? Let’s jump right to a” Fact Check” on the entire Fake White House tale from the day this first ran in October. Again in October, WeLoveTrump was one of the first in the Media to jump on the story of the Fake White House set. We posted around at WeLoveTrump before it became widely known that the window behind Joe Biden appeared very strange and almost comical in color. Pretty soon after that post it was being widely reported that it was indeed a Fake Set of the White House. Here is one of the photos, which was a full BOMBSHELL when it first appeared. It quite plainly shows the Fake Set: Nothing is real with these people, it’s all smoke and mirrors. But are we supposed to trust them with making all of our health decisions? pic. This is what you see when you load that photo on Facebook right now: http ://twitter.com/9N5FPYm7p I — Charlie Kirk ( @charliekirk11 ) September 29, 2021 ” MISSING CONTEXT”. Laughable people… It’s a picture and we can all determine the context with our unique two eyes! However, the Ministry of Propaganda must tell you what you can think. They must also tell you what your eyes are seeing. How’s another one: Oh what do you know…more” Missing Context”. Friends, let me introduce a little truth to you so that I can translate it from Facebook’s speak to ordinary English truth. Available? We’re going to find some minor details or ideas we make up and claim that due to something that only has 0.1 % impact on the story, it is” Missing Context” because it is 100 % true and even we ca n’t BS enough to label it false. Hope that helps. However, it’s not really FakeBook and their propaganda; instead, turn to Reuters, which published this “fact check” in October. Any moral person reading that report would know that it must be fake news. See ( says Normie Poindexter ) …. See! I told you it was false news that Biden was on a false White House set! Except…. keep reading. Let’s just move to the end of the article and acknowledge that ( 1 ) it was n’t the White House at all; it was the Eisenhower Building! ( 2 ) It was n’t in the White House! Look: Compare that first section with the next section…Even within their own article they are caught lying! However these scheming falsifiers continue to be known as fact-checkers. Allow ME A BREAK! I’ve had a lot of garbage in a toilet that holds more truth than your garbage fact checks. But I digress…Let’s get back to the story and advance the ball because the Fake Set was merely used again! I spoke with Ukrainian President Zelensky to discuss our planned diplomatic efforts and reaffirm our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, according to the White House, which they claim is a photo of. We will respond firmly — along with our Allies and partners — if Russia more invades Ukraine. pic. twitter.com/hRaUIxyxCd— President Biden ( @POTUS) January 28, 2022Yes, note that is the official Twitter account. Do you notice anything odd? It’s those strange clownish colorized windows again! And what do we observe in their surroundings? TREES WITH LEAVES! Of course, I do n’t need to tell you that it’s winter in D.C. and that no trees are currently covered in green leaves. But just in case, these are two photos from life feeds of the White House taken today and yesterday: Right, no leaves. Wintertime. Why in the world would you need to build a FAKE OVAL OFFICE set? Because you do n’t have access to the authentic article, the obvious answer is. Make of that what you will. Why do they KEEP doing it, I wonder? My theory is when they did it the second time, they always thought they would get caught. We were one of the first to notice and begin to inquire, but we take pride in being at the beginning of this narrative. After they were caught, I think they had two choices: ( 1 ) lie about it and claim it did n’t happen, or ( 2 ) embrace it and keep doing it and pretend like it was intentional. Choice# 2 was undoubtedly chosen by them. Yet Newsweek was brought in to carry water for the next option. Check out this slew of propaganda that was published to explain why they simply HAD to build a false Oval Office. The event space is being used for White House events that are being broadcast. The area offers a place for journalists because it is larger than the Oval Office itself. Martha Kumar, director of the White House Transition Project explained that this room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building is being used more frequently due to it being more visible. These media events were formerly held in Room 450. ” You have to slug your way up flights of stairs because the little elevators would hold just a limited number of people”, Kimar explained to the Washington Examiner. You were frequently required to walk, you said. White House staff, as well as presidents, would have to make their way it, also, though they had the luxury of an elevator. The South Court site was well-liked by everyone because of its easy access, according to former White House events director Josh King, who explained that” PoliOptics” are responsible for the area’s use. ” Every week in Washington has an element of theater and stagecraft, one side or another working to take full advantage of visual storytelling”, King told the newspaper. The South Court Auditorium is typically a “generic, stadium-style meeting room with four or five rows of seats, space in the back for cameras sitting on tripods, a small buffer area in front of the stage for however photographers, and useful backstage doors for easy ingress and egress by the principals,” King said. Got it…they simply had to create a Fake Set because the other one had to some stairs! How long did it take to come up with that piece of BS, and how some people sat around a table spitballing ideas until you made the decision to stick with it? Sometimes I’m being too hard. It’s possible that it’s correct! I’ll turn it over to you…. What do YOU believe? WATCH: A Glimpse Into Biden’s Fake White House SetWhy does he actually have this thing? There are several theories, but there are only a few logical reasons for someone to need a fake staged set that mimics the actual thing. Stephen Miller claims that the set was created with the aid of a teleprompter. I also think that it has something to do with Biden’s reported cognitive decline, but I am not sure if the teleprompter is the exact reason. Let’s take a look, and let us know what you think is the deal with this ominous staged set: I’m not silent, but this is stupid! Can you imagine if Trump had a small stage set built for him to mimic the White House?
President Trump used sticky notes, and he actually used tough questions in the White House! Shame on the media for keeping it motionless. @Thatdoll86 photo twitter.com/NyHL3vOSIk— Sara ( @skb_sara ) April 1, 2022The reason Biden uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings —and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc. —is because it enables him to read a script directly from a face on the monitor ( &amp, without teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera ). https ://t.co/Uc4Ly9kL7T— Stephen Miller ( @StephenM ) October 6, 2021The New York Post comments: Twitter erupted after Biden was spotted sitting in front of the digital projection window on Wednesday as he held a meeting with business leaders and CEOs on the need to raise the debt ceiling. Some called Biden a “literal game show set,” while others accused him of purposefully deceiving Americans into believing he was in the White House. Biden, 79, uses ‘ cheat sheets’ to answer press questions on his ‘ unscripted’ call for Putin to be ousted in RussiaNo one has yet provided a good explanation as to why the Biden administration has a stage set of the White House in a studio across the street from the real WH— Gordon ( @StopTheCoup2020 ) March 29, 2022https: //twitter.com/DBark46107258/status/1509627433296674832Fox News states: The video set, which was constructed across from the White House in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, is used by Biden for video conferences and events broadcast online. using expert lighting and monitors. [[{“value”:”

While many Big Tech billionaires still support the disastrous policies of Biden’s administration, an increasing number are joining forces with the MAGA Movement. David Sacks expressed his support for Trump’s campaign and in a podcast appearance, he highlighted some of the troubling tendencies he sees within the modern Democratic Party. RealClearPolitics reported that: Let’s put it simply. The Democratic Party is an association of interests that want to stay in power. The Democratic Party is a party of government. Its goal was to distribute money and power from government to a collection of interests who supported the Democratic Party. It’s a collection, if you will, of interests that want to plunder the Republic. Evidently, no one is going to vote for this. They have to change the subject. They choose a symbol. They claim that this is all about saving democracy. They invent lie after lie after lie, basically to maintain their power. The mask has been removed, and the shell game is now exposed. It’s clear that Biden has always been a puppet of the interests who hide behind him. It’s all coming out. Sacks’ support for Trump has been widely celebrated on social media. Come one, come many, President

Donald J. Trump has the real deal. Put your money in the right place to benefit you and your country. Join Mr. David Sacks and let’s fuel this #TrumpTrain pic.twitter.com/PCB3VmvG5p — Red Trumper (@Redhead4645) June 12, 2024 BREAKING: The fundraising dinner being organized in Silicon Valley by Billionaires David Sacks & Chamath Palihapitiya in support of Donald Trump has been SOLD OUT Tickets for the dinner were $300,000 per person and $500,000 per couple. They expect to raise many more millions at… pic.twitter.com/iMaRRcClMW — George (@BehizyTweets) June 4, 2024 There’s been similar praise for other billionaires who are backing the Trump campaign. BREAKING: Doug Leone, a venture capitalist BILLIONAIRE, has publicly announced his support of Trump following the New York conviction. He is also going to pour heavy money into the campaign “I have become increasingly concerned about the general direction of our country,… pic.twitter.com/J8gU284Dj2 — George (@BehizyTweets) June 3, 2024 pic.twitter.com/T3bGVG4r2R

Another Billionaire is Supporting Trump Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman who Renounced His Support for Trump to a New Generation of Leaders… Has made a sharp u-turn and is now kissing that Beautiful round orange Ass of Donald Trump as well. … — MJTruthUltra June 4, 2024 This is how Sacks described this month’s political realignment, according to Fox News: “I give many, but endorse a few. Today, I give my endorsement to Donald J. Trump to be our 47th president. My reasons are based on four issues that I consider vital to American security, stability, and prosperity – issues in which the Biden administration has veered off course, and where I believe that President Trump can lead us home,” Sacks wrote. In tech, this is called an A/B Test. “With respect to the economy, foreign policy and border policy, as well as legal fairness, Trump performed much better.” He argued that Trump was the President who deserved a second term. Here’s an excerpt from a recent podcast: David Sacks’ remarkable monologue: “The Democratic Party is a collection interests who want to stay in power. The Democratic Party is a party of government. Its goal is to allocate money and power from the government to the collection of interests who back the… pic.twitter.com/FjT0AK0NAj — Revolver News (@RevolverNewsUSA) June 29, 2024 Speaking of Masks: NEW VIDEO: Fake Joe Biden Mask Exposed? I have a brand-new video from our old friend Chris Yoon to share with you. You may remember that we covered his videos a great deal. He stopped posting for some time, but a reader sent me the link to his latest video. I think you’ll be blown away, especially at the 8:00 mark. Please watch the entire thing before making any comments. I won’t tell you that I know for sure that there is a man wearing a mask who plays Joe Biden. But I will say that it becomes more likely every day, not less likely. You can’t help but be amazed when you see this. Just….wow. If you think that this is a bit far-fetched, watch the NEXT clip I’ll post below this one. It shows how ESPN did the same thing already with Eli Manning. This was done on a football pitch with running, tackling, and massive sweating. It fooled everyone. How much easier could it be to fool “Sleepy Joe”, if they can do it in football? Is this why he’s so rarely seen out in public, and has to “call a hat” all the time? Is it difficult to wear the mast for long periods? Does it take time and effort each day to put the mast on? So many questions. Let me know your thoughts after you watch the video. Current Joe Biden – real or fake? Watch this video and decide: If you need backup, Rumble is available. As promised, here’s one more video. If you think that’s far-fetched then you haven’t seen the work ESPN has done. This is crazy. Continue reading… Don’t believe Biden is an actor wearing a mask? Then you have to see this… Ok, look, I will say right away that I don’t know what is going on with Biden. I’m not among those who believe that he was executed in GITMO five years ago and has been replaced by a copy. Not going there. But…being played by a actor? Or by multiple actors. Not far-fetched if you ask me. It’s not hard to believe, especially when you consider how different he looks. This article will go into more detail about that. Now I’m going to show you something which will probably blow your minds if you haven’t realized how good they are at making fake face masks. No, I’m not talking about COVID masks. I’m talking about a completely fake face that is put on someone. I saw a clip on ESPN of Eli Manning, who is 41 years old, going “undercover” at Penn State in order to walk on as a freshman. You know, around 18 years old. Guess what? After the fake was on, nobody recognized it! Here’s the second part…they went through a full-day of football tryouts ….moving, sweating, hitting, and the whole deal. The fake face stayed in place. Is it really so hard to believe that an actor has been made to “look like” Joe Biden to play the role? Why would they want him to be kept out of the public eye so much if they never let him go outside his basement? First, he’s a walking gaffe. You wouldn’t want the fake Biden mask to be worn too often. I bet you won’t. Keep him as far away from the public as possible, before you run out the actor. I’m not sure, folks. I’m not 100 percent convinced either way. But here’s what I know after watching the ESPN clip: they have technology and it’s really not that difficult. Watch this video, it is pretty amazing. Watch until the end, when he tears off the fake face in front of his team. They are stunned. Enjoy: Here is some more footage. And since we’re talking about it, here’s Julie Green saying that “Biden will be unmasked soon”. Hmmmm ….. Check out this video on Rumble to see how different all the “Bidens”, and their looks, are. FAKE ACTOR? Can you spot the real Joe Biden? Is it the same man in each of the four photos? Let’s get to the bottom of this very serious question. What’s the deal with Joe Biden, anyway? This is a very open question that could take a long time to answer. Let’s just focus on his looks and mannerisms. Is this the guy from a couple of years ago? I wonder. Many of you do too, because I receive your emails and videos. In that vein, I would like to thank my friend Mark for sending me this video. This is a comparison between Joe Biden from 2006 and now. The differences are astounding! You have the shocking mental degeneration, but you also have someone who sounds more like a Republican in 2006. Continue reading to learn about the many different “Bidens”. Is this the man? Sean Hannity has spoken about it! Watch this first: Rumble: Let’s dig deeper… I am not making any conclusions, I am simply reporting. I report, you decide. Anyone else think Joe Biden looks a little….”different”….than he used to? We all age and change. It reminds me of a Mitch Hedberg joke that I love: But let’s be serious for a minute. Joe Biden looks nothing like the guy he was 10 to 15 years ago. My friend Daniel just posted this video and I had to share it with you: https://twitter.com/dnajlion7/status/1377340773763411968 If you’re having trouble seeing that, you can watch it here on Rumble: Wanna take it one more level deeper? Many people say that the last photo of the video looks like Jim Carey posing as Joe Biden. What do you think? It’s not only “conspiracy-theorists” who are asking questions on the internet. Sean Hannity has even begun to question the theory. Watch this recent segment in which he asks, “What happened to Joe?” Is there two Joes. Sean is on Rumble. What do you think about it? Comment below. Want to go deeper? Let’s look at an even older clip of Joe Biden and you tell me if this is the same guy currently pretending to be President….. Watch: “How are you gonna keep it from us being able to be in a position where you can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records?… I think we should pass a federal law mandating that the same machines with paper trails be mandatory for every federal election” -Joe Biden, 2007 pic.twitter.com/0fWOVRHXFX — Fleccas (@fleccas) December 15, 2020 And since Twitter will no doubt be taking that post down very soon, don’t worry I saved a backup! Rumble: People are pointing out, rightly, that the Biden today is not the same as the Biden from 13 years ago. Take a look for yourself: https://twitter.com/Hobocrow1/status/1338960601066872832 And here: Not the same guy!! pic.twitter.com/cy1fQC7nyR — Koen (@Koen_84) December 15, 2020 What do you think? They look very different to me. While we’re talking about Biden’s admissions, (perhaps from an innocent soul?) Let’s review this: BIDEN ADMITS TO VOTER FRAUD. @JoeBiden brags about having the “most extensive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history WATCH pic.twitter.com/ft7u07kUX0 — Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) October 24, 2020 Even a liar tells the truth sometimes! Most often when his cognitive abilities have declined so much that he cannot keep all of the lies straight. What do YOU think about this? Zoom in: Fake Biden to Fake Whitehouse next? Biden Caught POSTING AGAIN from Fake Oval Office set! Is he not in the White House? It happened again. Joe Biden posted videos and messages using an obviously FAKE White House. We’ve covered this before here: https://wltreport.com/2021/12/24/biden-caught-again-using-a-fake-white-house-set/ And here: https://wltreport.com/2021/10/07/biden-mocked-for-using-fake-white-house-set-with-fake-windows-rose-garden/ But it just happened again and it’s getting REALLY weird. This begs the question: If you have access the REAL White House, then why would you create a Fake Set somewhere else? Let’s take a moment to address the “Fact Checkers”. Or, as I call them, The Ministry of Propaganda. They don’t “fact-check” anything. Their only job is to try to sway a narrative and confuse the public away from what is obvious fact. Exhibit A? Let’s do a “Fact Check”, or a review of the entire Fake White House Story from October, when it first broke. WeLoveTrump, back in October, was one of first media outlets to report on the Fake White House set. WeLoveTrump posted on the subject before it became common knowledge that the window behind Joe Biden was oddly colored, almost cartoonish. It was widely reported very soon after that post that it was a fake set of the White House. Here is a photo that was a complete BANGSHELL when first released. It shows very clearly the Fake Set. Nothing is real about these people. It’s all smoke. But we’re supposed trust them with our personal health decisions? pic.twitter.com/9N5FPYm7pI — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 29, 2021 And this: If you go to Facebook to this very day, this is what you see when you load that photo. “MISSING CONTEXT”. Hilarious folks…. We can all tell the context of a picture with our own eyes! But the Ministry of Propaganda must TELL you what you can THINK… They must TELL YOU WHAT your eyes are seeing… How sad. Here’s another: Oh, what do you know…more ‘Missing context. Friends, I want to share with you a little truth…I’ll translate it for you from Facebook-speak into Plain-English Truth. Ready? Missing Context = This is 100% true, but we can’t BS it enough to call it false. So we’ll find some minor detail we invent and claim that something that has a 0.01% impact on a story is “Missing Context”. I hope that helps. It’s not only FakeBook’s propaganda… Let’s go to Reuters, who published this “fact-check” in October. Any rational human reading that report would conclude that it must be false news! See (says Normie Poindexter)….See! I told you that it was fake news, that Biden was posing on a fake White House Set! Except….keep reading. Let’s skip to the END of this article, where they admit that (1) he was on a filming set and (2) it wasn’t the White House, but the Eisenhower Building. Comparing the first section to the last section, they’re caught lying even within their own article! These scumbags call themselves fact-checkers, yet they are lying! GIVE ME A BREAK!! I’ve seen massive dumps of garbage in a toilet which are more accurate than your garbage fact checking. But I digress… Let’s get back to story and advance the game because the Fake Set has just been used again! Here is the latest photo released by White House, which they claim to be a photo taken during his phone call with Ukrainian president Zelensky. I spoke with Ukrainian president Zelenskyy about our coordinated diplomatic efforts and to reaffirm support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. We will act decisively, along with our Allies, if Russia invades Ukraine again. pic.twitter.com/hRaUIxyxCd — President Biden (@POTUS) January 28, 2022 Yes, note that is the official Twitter account. Have you noticed anything strange? Again, those cartoonish colored windows! What do we see from outside? TREES WITH LEAVES! It’s obvious that I don’t have to tell you it’s winter and there are no green leaves on the trees in D.C. right now. Here are two photos taken from the White House live feeds today and yesterday. Winter time. Why would you ever need to build a FAKE OFFICE set? You don’t have the original. You can make of that whatever you want. Why do they keep doing it? My theory is that they didn’t think they would be caught when they first did it. We are proud to have been the first ones to notice and ask questions. I think that after they were caught they had two options: 1) lie about it, and pretend it didn’t occur, or 2) embrace it, and continue to do it, and pretend it was intentional. They chose Choice 2. Even Newsweek was enlisted to support the second option. Here is a bunch of propaganda that they published to try to explain why they HAD to build a Fake Oval Office. Why was a Fake Oval Office built? The space is used for White House broadcasts. The area is larger than the Oval Office and has a space for journalists. Martha Kumar, Director of the White House Transition Project, explained that the room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building was being used more frequently because it is more accessible. Previously, media events were held in the room 450. Kimar told the Washington Examiner that “you had to slog your way up a flight of stairs because there were only a few elevators.” “That meant you had to walk a lot. The presidents and staff of the White House would also have to walk there, even though they had an elevator. The South Court site, with its easy access, was welcomed by everyone. Former White House events director Josh King explained to the newspaper that the use of this new area is due to “PoliOptics.” King said, “Every week, Washington has an element or theater and stagecraft. One side or another is working to take advantage of visual storytelling.” Presidents can fly across the country, or even around the globe, on Air Force One to get a photo that will be printed on the front page of U.S. Newspapers. They just had to make a fake set because the original one had too many steps! How long did it last to come up with this line of BS? And how many people sat at a table spitballing different ideas before you decided on the best one? Maybe I’m being a bit too harsh. Maybe it’s true. What do YOU think about it? Watch: A Glimpse into Biden’s Faux White House Set Why is he even using this thing? There are many theories, but only a few logical reasons for someone to need a fake set to mimic the real White House. Stephen Miller claims it was built around a teleprompter. I also think it has to do with Biden’s reported cognitive decline. However, I am not certain if the teleprompter was the exact cause. Let’s look at this creepy set and tell us what you think: I’m not usually speechless, but this is insane. Imagine if Trump was given a stage set that mimicked the White House.

President Trump was in the real White House, he took tough questions and didn’t use sticky note! Shame on the press for keeping it quiet. @Thatdoll86 pic.twitter.com/NyHL3vOSIk — Sara (@skb_sara) April 1, 2022 The reason Biden uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings–and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc.–is because it allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera). https://t.co/Uc4Ly9kL7T — Stephen Miller (@StephenM) October 6, 2021 The New York Post comments: Twitter erupted after Biden was spotted sitting in front of the digital projection window on Wednesday as he held a meeting with business leaders and CEOs on the need to raise the debt ceiling. Some mocked Biden for pretending to be president on a “literal” game show set, while others accused Biden of trying to deceive Americans by making them think he was at the White House. Biden, 79, uses ‘cheat sheets’ to answer press questions on his ‘unscripted’ call for Putin to be ousted in Russia No one has yet provided a good explanation as to why the Biden administration has a stage set of the White House in a studio across the street from the real WH — Gordon (@StopTheCoup2020) March 29, 2022 https://twitter.com/DBark46107258/status/1509627433296674832 Fox News states: The video set, which was constructed across from the White House in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, is used by Biden for video conferences and events broadcast online. The set includes professional monitors and lighting.


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