A U.S. A U.S. Documents indicate that an 18-year old suspect pulled up in a car parked next to deputy marshals on Sotomayor’s block in Washington D.C. shortly after 1 am on July 5. After the suspect allegedly…
According to court and police records, a U.S. Marshal shot an attempted carjacker next week while on duty outside Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s residence. The documents indicate an 18-year-old suspect pulled up next to deputy marshals parked in an unmarked car on Sotomayor’s block in Washington, D. C., soon after 1 a. m. on July 5. After the suspect supposedly… According to court and police records, a U.S. Marshal shot an attempted carjacker next week while on duty outside Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s residence. The documents indicate an 18-year-old suspect pulled up next to deputy marshals parked in an unmarked car on Sotomayor’s block in Washington, D. C., soon after 1 a. m. on July 5. After the suspect supposedly…
A U.S. A U.S. Documents indicate that an 18-year old suspect pulled up in a car parked next to deputy marshals on Sotomayor’s block in Washington D.C. shortly after 1 am on July 5. After the suspect allegedly…