Now that the inauguration is over, left-wing publications are now free to0 talk about Joe Biden’s lack of cognitive powers.
Politico is the first to take advantage now that the blackout has lifted.
They relate a story in which Joe Biden complained to a staffer that a speech he was practicing had a phrase in it that he would never in a million years say.
That phrase was lifted directly from a speech Biden gave just two weeks before.
On the eve of his inauguration, Politico published an article that contains an anecdote that is actually quite disturbing.
For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.
“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”
The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.
I’m Kamala Harris and I approve of this message.
Most troubling is the fact that this occurred a year ago and for some reason was covered up until after Biden was inaugurated.
How many stories exactly like this one has been hidden by the press from the American people?
Considering how many times he screwed up in public before his handlers decided Joe needed to remain in his basement leads me to believe there are many more stories just like this.
Obviously, Politico got the memo. The election is over. Trump is out of office. Biden’s cognitive decline is no longer taboo. It can be discussed ad nauseam by the media now because getting Biden into office wasn’t the primary objective of getting him elected.
Biden’s sole purpose was to play the role of an “electable” candidate who could appeal to independents and anti-Trump Republicans under the ruse of being a centrist just to get Trump out of office. For all intents and purposes, Biden’s job is complete, and a San Francisco liberal is now waiting in the wings to take his place at the appropriate time.