Breitbart Uncovers Soros Connection To Smollett’s Special Deal With Kim Foxx.
Opinion | It is being reported that Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, who prosecuted and then dropped charges against actor Jussie Smollett, has a $408k connection with George Soros.
The globalist billionaire George Soros donated $408k to a super PAC that directly supported Kim Foxx in 2016.
In an announcement on Tuesday America was shocked to find out that all 16 felony charges Jussie Smollett was facing for his fake hate crime that he blamed on “racist” Trump supporters, were dropped by prosecutors.
In February Foxx recused herself from the case because of her contact with Smollett’s family. Foxx later asked the police to turn the case over to the FBI.
This happened after Tina Tchen, former Chief of Staff for former First Lady Michelle Obama, intervened for Smollett.
Soros is well known for his heavy backing of far left “progressive” candidates. Since the uprising of Black Lives Matter in 2014, Soros has thrown a lot of money towards candidates for local prosecutorial offices across America.
Foxx ran against Anita Alvarez in 2016. During this time, Alvarez was facing scrutiny over the 2014 death of African-American teenager LaQuan McDonald, who was killed by officer Jason Van Dyke.
Foxx stood on a platform of criminal justice reform. While she was running for office, she told ABC News affiliate WLS-7 that she hoped to restore “faith in our criminal justice system” and bridge “the divide between the community and law enforcement.”
One Foxx’s big donors was non other than George Soros. A super PAC called Illinois Safety & Justice donated hundreds of thousands to Foxx’s campaign. The sole donors of this super PAC were Soros and a “dark money” group called Civic Participation Action Fund.
If you aren’t familiar with this concept, a super PAC is a type of independent political action committee which may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but is not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates.
Records show that Soros gave Kim Foxx $333,000 through the super PAC before March 2016 and he donated another $75,000 after she won.
The Los Angeles Times reported earlier this month that Soros is involved in 21 district attorney races across the country — and that is just the spending that is known. He is also contributing money to non-profit organizations that are engaged in certain political activities but are not required to report donations.
Prosecutors tried giving an account for dropping all charges against Smollett claiming that his past community service record was enough reason to drop all 16 felony charges. Talk about privilege…