Opinion| On Saturday, an op-ed piece was published by liberally-run CNN, which was penned by a former Obama White House official who is calling for planning, which includes the United States Military as well as state rebellions, if President Donald Trump will not “peacefully” leave his post as President if he does not win the 2020 election and will not accept the results of the election.
The Gateway Pundit explains that, “While the Obama official does not use the phrase ‘civil war,’ it is the name for the rebellion of states and the military that he calls for if Trump will not ‘peacefully’ hand over the reins of government on January 20,2021 following an election defeat. Curiously, the op-ed comes the day after a 2018 election for a Congressional seat in North Carolina was vacated due to fraud and a new election ordered to take place by the State Board of Elections.”
The op-ed piece was titled, “What If Trump Refuses to Accept Defeat in 2020?” It was written by Joshua A. Geltzer, who spent time serving at the National Security Council for the last two years that Barack Obama was in office, and as the Gateway Pundit alleges, the “Obama administration abused the national security apparatus of the federal government to spy on the Trump campaign in order to thwart Trump’s election and, failing that, to then try to stop Trump’s inauguration and, failing that, to try to bring about his removal from office through impeachment or the 25th Amendment.”
Geltzer brings up the idea that President Trump wouldn’t “peacefully” leave his post over and over again in the op-ed. He didn’t exactly call for people to remove Trump with force, but it seems evident that he is looking for action by the military’s leaders if Trump won’t leave “peacefully.” How else can this be interpreted? It sounds to me like he is calling on the military to depose Trump (if Congress certifies an election loss and he refuses to accept the result of the vote), how do militaries depose people? By force.
He shared the op-ed piece on Twitter writing, “What if Donald Trump loses in 2020 but won’t leave the Oval Office peacefully? There’s real reason to worry. I offer via @CNNOpinion four things we can do NOW to get ahead of this threat to our democracy:”
What if Donald Trump loses in 2020 but won’t leave the Oval Office peacefully?
There’s real reason to worry. I offer via @CNNOpinion four things we can do NOW to get ahead of this threat to our democracy: https://t.co/HmkbuiMaL3
— Joshua A. Geltzer (@jgeltzer) February 23, 2019
The following are excerpts from the op-ed:
President Donald Trump’s critics are increasingly focused on the question of which Democrat will challenge him for the presidency in 2020. It’s an important question, but another one might be even more important: Regardless of who runs in 2020, if Trump loses, will he leave the Oval Office peacefully?
Let’s start with why we need to ask this question: Trump is increasingly proving himself to be a President eager to overstep his authority. Just last week, Trump displayed his willingness to invoke unprecedented presidential power to declare a national emergency utterly without justification. This week has brought a startling report from the New York Times that, for the past two years, Trump has tried to undermine the investigations by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and other parts of the Justice Department in order to, in the words of the Times, “make the president’s many legal problems go away.” In light of these overreaching assertions of his own authority, it’s at least plausible that Trump might attempt to cling to power in ways previously unimaginable by an American president.
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After reading this piece it sure seems like the left has a plan to depose Trump in 2020, one way or another. The time to drain the swamp is now.
What do you think will happen if Trump is deposed?