Just in case you were wondering just how much hatred an animosity the Democrat and their demons in the ‘media’ have caused in the United States, here is a sickening example.
Not only is this a sad show of just how off the charts some American’s lack of civility has become, it also shows just how stupid it is from minorities to trust the United States Government.
This is the same United States government that has beta tested every weapon system they have developed for use against the American people on the black/poor communities.
Remember when the US government purposefully gave black people syphilis … on purpose.
This is the same government, run by the same party (Democrats) that started the KKK.
This is the same government … I think you get the point.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘This was horrible.
A female postal service worker was brutally beaten in broad daylight in Flint, Michigan by several women over delayed stimulus checks.
The women are filmed pummeling the woman and pulling her hair.
Police say the woman is in good condition and an arrest was made in the beating.
According to the video, the white female is a USPS postal worker and she is attacked by multiple African American women regarding “stimulus money”’
They want us divided. They want us scared of each other. They want us poor. They want us sick … don’t let them win. Together we stand, divided we fall.