Last month a joint session of the Idaho Senate and the House heard testimony from residents of Oregon who wish to secede and join Idaho.
Move Oregon’s Border is a Political Action Committee formed in 2019 to explore joining Idaho to remove themselves from the deep blue state and put them in a state with a similar ideology.
Move Oregon’s Border founder Michael McCarter announced the establishment of a 501 c 4, Citizens for Greater Idaho.
The Idaho Press reported:
On Monday, the Move Oregon’s Border for a Greater Idaho organization spoke to a joint House and Senate committee about its desire to have part of Oregon join Idaho. It would make Idaho the third largest state in the country.
This invitation to present to Idaho legislators in an official capacity may have been the movement’s biggest win so far in terms of gaining legitimacy.
Rep. Barbara Ehardt, R-Idaho Falls, was the driving force in making the meeting possible. Ehardt is the chairwoman of the Environment, Energy and Technology Committee. She also gives credit to Sen. Steve Vick, R-Dalton Gardens, her Senate counterpart who serves as chairman of the Senate Resources and Environment Committee, for helping set up the event.
“Why not have the conversation? It’s an intriguing idea. There absolutely are benefits to the idea. It’s not necessarily something that would happen right away.
Oregon, and I dare say Washington and even California, is pushing forward to try to make this happen and get the support for this move. And as Idahoans, I think we should do our part to at least have the conversation,” Ehardt said.
Former Speaker of the Oregon House, Mark Simmons of Elgin, Oregon testified in favor of moving the border.
They described the move as creating a boom in the former Oregon Counties considering the low tax rate of Idaho compared to the high tax, high regulations favoring Portland in Oregon.
The counties making the move would be Baker, Coos, Crook, Curry, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wheeler, and portions of Wasco, Jefferson, and Deschutes.
The move would add almost 900,000 people to Idaho and would give Idaho possibly 2 more seats in congress while removing two House seats from Oregon.
Yes, this is only counties trying to secede and join another State. However, if successful the model can be applied to the federal government and we can begin working to take Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and any other Red States who wish to secede from the Marxist regime here in the Us with us …
This could be the start of something amazing!