Joe Biden is occupying his time by canceling what could be considered conservative events and counting his toes. It is a shame that he has spent zero0 time in service of the American people. But, maybe not. Because of him and the Democrat’s radical agenda, that benefits only illegal aliens and foreign countries that hate us the midterm election in 2022 should be a red tsunami. Democrats are already jumping from the sinking ship.
Biden’s latest cancellation is the annual POW-MIA motorcycle ride. Before that he canceled the fireworks at the Mt Rushmore Memorial. I knew we should have elected someone who loves America. This ends a streak of thirty-two years that the bike ride has raised money for charitable causes for veterans. To make matters worse, they canceled at the last minute, making it difficult to9 find a new venue in time.
The event is organized by AMVETS, a veterans group, which submitted permit requests to several federal agencies well in advance of the ride.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) said:
“AMVETS received approval from the Department of Transportation, the Department of Interior, and multiple other state and local authorities.”
Joe Chenelly, the national executive director of AMVETS said:
“There are no options with as much space and convenient routes to the memorials, meaning it will be more difficult, disruptive, and expensive than if the Pentagon parking lots were available.”
“The administration included AMVETS in this new group as ‘a trusted voice in communities across the United States,’ but the Pentagon wouldn’t have a conversation with us to share their concerns and give us the chance to address them before deciding to refuse our application.”
In past years, the Rolling to Remember motorcycle ride, formerly known as Rolling Thunder, had used the Pentagon parking lot as the pre-ride staging area to line up for the processional ride from the Department of Defense to the war memorials on the National Mall.
“The biggest disappointment in the Pentagon’s denial was that AMVETS was ignored for months as its professional staff in Washington requested numerous times an opportunity to hear the Defense Department’s concerns and present a [coronavirus] safety plan,” said Jan Brown, the national commander of AMVETS.
“The Biden Administration is making a terrible mistake by blocking a veteran’s charity from the use of the Pentagon parking lot for the Rolling to Remember POW/MIA remembrance motorcycle ride,” Issa said in a statement. “This last-minute rejection, a first of its kind in more than 30 years, leaves patriotic veterans without a safe alternative.”
If these cancelations aren’t political why aren’t they concerned with COVID in Minneapolis, LA, New York, Portland or Seattle where there are continuous riots?