By Paul Joseph Watson | INFOWARS.COM
A woman who calls herself ‘The Fat Sex Therapist’ gave a speech to St. Olaf College in Minnesota during which she claimed that diet culture was a form of “assault” and that weight loss science was “white supremacy”.
“I truly believe that a child cannot consent to being on a diet the same way a child cannot consent to having sex,” Sonalee Rashatwar told the audience during a two hour speech on the topic of “radical fat liberation”.
“I experience diet culture as a form of assault because it impacts the way that I experience my body,” she added.
Rashatwar went on to assert that science was a tool of “white supremacy”.
“We should be critical of the use of science and the production of knowledge to continue promoting this idea that certain bodies are fit, able, and desirable…is it my fatness that causes my high blood pressure, or is it my experience of weight stigma?” Rashatwar asked, going on to claim that “fatphobia” was a form of Nazism.
Rashatwar went on to argue that people shouldn’t be burdened with personal responsibility for weight loss and that “social supports” should be in place to help fat people “subsidize” their food costs.
She also said that the Christchurch shooter being a fitness instructor was proof that “Nazis really love this idea of an idealized body”.
Maybe everything Rashatwar said is true – science doesn’t exist and is actually just veiled racism, obesity doesn’t cause high blood pressure, and that dieting and fitness are just tools of white supremacy and structural oppression.
Or maybe she’s just inventing pseudo-intellectual excuses for being fat and lazy.
You be the judge.
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