The AP is reporting that the Pennsylvania Senate is considering auditing election results from 2020, led by Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano, who is a rising star in Pennsylvania’s conservative movement. He led a meeting of GOP state Senators in a meeting where he laid out his plans. Mastriano wants an Arizona-type audit. We don’t know whether he wants the entire state audited or just Philadelphia and surrounding areas.
Following in the footsteps of Arizona’s Senate Republicans, Pennsylvania’s Republican-controlled Senate is considering an investigation into how last year’s presidential election was conducted, a quest fueled by former President Donald Trump’s baseless claims that fraud was behind his loss in the battleground state.
Any Senate-issued subpoenas for an Arizona-style “election audit” will face strident opposition from Democrats, legal questions and almost certainly challenges in Pennsylvania’s courts, as battles over election laws rage through swing states and Congress, spurred on by Trump’s falsehoods.
Senate Republicans have been mostly silent about their internal deliberations.
Sen. Doug Mastriano, a rising force in Pennsylvania’s ultra-conservative circles who has talked of his desire to bring an Arizona-style audit to Pennsylvania, led a private briefing Wednesday for Republican senators on his plan.
have you noticed that the lamestream press always used the phrase “baseless claims”? It’s an old trick developed by Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Repeat a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it. Will they still say that after the results of Arizona are made known? Of course, they will. Democrats never quit lying just because they get caught. They ride that pony until it collapses from sheer exhaustion. And then some.
According to Dr. Peter Narvarro’s “Navarro Report,” there are 992,467 possible illegal votes in Pennsylvania. That is 12x more than Biden’s victory margin.
Here are the broken down numbers from the Navarro report:
Absentee ballots cast that arrived after election day: 10,000 (btw this is grossly understated because it comes from the Democrats running the garbage election)
Absentee ballots cast from addresses other than where voters legally reside: 14,328
Absentee ballots cast that were returned on or before the postmark date: 9,005
Dead voters: 8,021
Double voters: In-state: 742
Out-of-state voters who voted in-state: 7,426
Over-votes: 202,377
Poll watcher and poll observer abuses: 680,774
Voters over 100 years old: 1,573
Let’s hope they go through with the audit. It’s the only way to make sure we do not have a repeat in 2024.