When Joe Biden authorized the full pullout from Afghanistan, he overruled all of his top generals. This should not surprise anyone because the last time Joe Biden was right about anything about foreign affairs is when he ordered French fries to go with his Bavarian waffles.
Considering the tutu-wearing generals Biden has surrounded himself with, this is nothing short of amazing that they actually showed more backbone than Biden.
On Sunday, Wall Street Journal reminded its readers that Biden had gone against all of the advice of his own hand-picked generals. His generals had urged him to keep a nominal force in place during the evacuation. (Just curious. Did Hunter get named to the Board of Directors of the Taliban? Inquiring minds want to know.)
In contrast to the numerous Trump policies he reversed, he opted to carry out Mr. Trump’s deal with the Taliban instead of trying to renegotiate it. In so doing, he overruled his top military commanders: Gen. Frank McKenzie, the commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East; Gen. Austin Scott Miller, who led NATO forces in Afghanistan; and Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Citing the risks of removing American forces to Afghan security and the U.S. Embassy, they recommended that the U.S. keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan while stepping up diplomacy to try to cement a peace agreement.
Biden wanted to end our involvement before the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Was that really a good reason to put hundreds of American lives in danger? The 9/11 attacks and the Taliban’s refusal to turn over bin Laden is what prompted the United States to go into Afghanistan in the first place. Even though it has been an unmitigated disaster, Nancy Pelosi praised Biden for his decisions. I wonder if she would have praised Neville Chamberlin as well.
What about VP Harris?
Vice President Kamala Harris claimed in April that she was the last person in the meeting room when Biden made the decision to order a full U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Politico reported at the time, “Harris says she had key role in Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal decision.”
“I have seen him over and over again make decisions based exactly on what he believes is right,” Harris said in the CNN interview on which Politico was reporting.