Do you think Elon Musk scares Twitter? Let me put it this way, Musk is worth $224 billion dollars and the market cap for Twitter is just $30.9 billion dollars. Companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google thrive because they can use their money to drive competitors out of the market. Musk cannot be driven out by Twitter. Musk has been hit by the cancel culture and snubbed by the Biden administration in the promotion of electric cars.
He is fighting mad and to satisfy himself that there is a place for him in the market, he ran a survey and got responses from more than two million people. The question was:
“Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy. Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?”
70.4% responded no to the question. That response should come as no surprise as Twitter is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democratic party and they censor conservatives who dare defy their misinformation. And it keeps getting worse by the day. No one doubts that Musk could deliver a competitor wh2o could be more than a match for Twitter. His record for success is unmatched. He was the original owner of a company he sold to eBay which is now known as PayPal.
“Is a new platform needed?” he asked.
Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy.
What should be done?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 26, 2022
“Buy twitter,” political commentator Mike Cernovich responded. “If you’re a leftist making death threats against conservatives. or organizing riots, Twitter respects your freedom of speech. Twitter also respects the freedom of speech for media hoaxes like when every major outlet framed an innocent Covington high school kid.”
Musk responded, “Doesn’t sound very balanced.”
If you’re a leftist making death threats against conservatives. or organizing riots, Twitter respects your freedom of speech. Twitter also respects the freedom of speech for media hoaxes like when every major outlet framed an innocent Covington high school kid.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) March 26, 2022
Musk conducted another informal poll on Twitter on Thursday in which he asked if “Twitter[’s] algorithm should be open source.”
More than 1.1 million people responded to that poll with 82.7% saying, “Yes.”
“I’m worried about de facto bias in ‘the Twitter algorithm’ having a major effect on public discourse,” Musk continued. “How do we know what’s really happening?”
Musk recently came out and objected to the censoring of Russian media outlets in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“Starlink has been told by some governments (not Ukraine) to block Russian news sources,” Musk tweeted. “We will not do so unless at gunpoint. Sorry to be a free speech absolutist.”