
Time Runs Out On Dems: Nunes Tells Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo People Are Going Down

The Opinion Of A Social Media Thought Criminal | Jack Crane – You can tell by the tenor of the discussion between Fox’s Maria Bartiromo and Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) that the worm has turned.

Bartiromo is one of the few honest journalists to have acknowledged the obvious anomalies in the comments and testimonies of the Spygate conspirators.  

Nunes was the only member of the Congressional Gang of Eight, those members of Congress privy to the most sensitive intelligence briefings, who cared enough about the rule of law to begin investigating what turned into the Russian collusion hoax.


During that investigation Nunes uncovered a whole lot more wrongdoing than originally anticipated.  Nunes has only hinted at those additional corrupt actions, preferring to leave it to the Department of Justice to expose.

The tenor of the Bartiromo-Nunes discussion leaves one with the impression that the prosecution of the Spygate conspirators is now a fait accompli.

Long-suffering Trump supporters should give themselves a treat.  Pour yourself a cup of coffee and give a listen.

Bartiromo: “Is there going to be accountability?”

Rep. Nunes: “Yes.” …”All you can really do is make fun of these fools.” … “I didn’t pay up to $40 million for the Mueller team to write a report that was based on news reports.  I mean how laughable is that?”

Bartiromo: “Meanwhile as the public had their hair on fire for two years, speculating that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, you’ve got John Brennan, the former CIA director saying that Donald Trump committed treason.”

Rep. Nunes turns the conversation to obstruction.  The obstruction of his committee’s investigation – the House Intelligence Committee – that turned out to be the only legitimate investigation:

“There are emails at the – they were at the FBI that were pertinent to our investigation.  

“Interviews with Christopher Steele who wrote the dossier that started this whole mess… or one of the reasons for starting this whole mess.

“They were never given to congress, not to mention they weren’t even given to the I.G.  The I.G. didn’t get them until a few weeks ago.”

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