A video has been found of 18-year-old Salvador Rolando Ramos carrying around a bag dripping with blood from dead cats. The video has not been released to the public and possibly never will because of its graphic nature. The video shows this sick individual smiling as he holds up the bag. This kid cannot be right in the head unless he is just a sadist through and through. Harming animals is a criminal offense in Texas.
The New York Post has the actual video from which they posted a picture that was so graphic, that they blurred out the bag. How did it happen that no one reported this kid before he was able to walk into a school with murder in his heart? His classmates say he was not bullied, but rather he would try to start trouble and then would get very angry if that person would refuse to engage him.
New York Post reported:
The attacker “is seen smiling in the undated footage while sitting in the passenger seat of a pal’s car — holding up a clear plastic bag with at least two bloodied cats visible inside. The sicko was previously rumored to have had a fascination with dead cats and had threatened to kidnap, kill and rape girls who shunned him online.”
David Trevino Jr., who is related to the shooter’s grandmother by marriage, told the NY Post that the boy was well known to like hurting animals:
“The shooter was known for hurting cats. He liked hurting animals. I’m told he killed the cats and carried around the bag of bodies for s–ts and giggles.”
“The video shows he was not right in the head. He’s not all there. The video raises all sorts of red flags.”
“He would go to the park and try to pick on people and he loved hurting animals,” one of the attacker’s high school classmates said in an interview. “I remember there was one time we saw him beating a little dog senseless.”
A second classmate made similar claims, saying that the attacker “would hurt animals” and that he was “not a good person.”
The attacker “was a boy who was not bullied,” he said. “He would try to pick on people and fail and it would aggravate him.”
“A lot of people who knew him, we knew he wasn’t mentally healthy,” he added. “And a lot of people could agree that we probably should’ve said something.”